Claiming to be Lao Tzu, he often smoked, drank and fought. When he was a child, he helped him teach those children who bullied him, but he never let the younger self see the red boss.

The stalwart fairy king who used to be is now Qi Lunuo who shouts "My mother is the strongest" all day long.

The once murderous Rumia is now the stupid loli who spends her days at her own house.

Kaguya, who only knows how to play games and watch anime with Beizhai every day, Yuyuko who keeps herself in the abject poverty class forever, and Tifa who always stands silently behind her.

Shokuhou Misaki saw Ye Kai's face slowly filled with a happy smile.

"It's such a good place." Shokuhou said in a somewhat complicated way: "This city, this world, has too much darkness. If possible, I really want to leave here."

"You want to go to Gensokyo?" Ye Kai asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Well, can you...accept my request?" Shokuhou looked at Ye Kai cautiously and asked.

Now she is very afraid that Ye Kai will refuse, even if she owns the entire talented mansion now, she will not be able to fight against the Kihara clan.

"To be honest." Ye Kai said with a funny face: "What do you think I came to this world for?"

Shokuhou froze for a moment, then shook her head, she couldn't see what Ye Kai was thinking.

"First, I'm here for vacation. Second, Yakumo Zi wants to open up the world channel, and test whether Fantasy Township, the center of the world, can be implemented." Ye Kai said softly.

"That is to say, I have a chance to go to Gensokyo?" Shokuhou stood up excitedly.

"Uh... Gensokyo is a paradise for the strong and a hell for the weak, you should think about it carefully." Ye Kai looked at her with a funny face and said: "If you dare to use your ability in Gensokyo, I dare say It will definitely become flower fertilizer."

"Won't you protect me?" Shokuhou folded her hands on her chest, looking at Ye Kai pitifully.

"I'm also very busy, well, there are so many things to do every day." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Then, what if Misaka Mikoto goes?" Shokuhou asked a very strange question.

Do you think I haven't watched The Story of Ye Kai?Where are you busy?

"Of course I will protect her!" Ye Kai said affirmatively.

This matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with Miqin, does it?

"Why can't I if she can!" Shokuhou frowned slightly.

"Because of her cute personality, she is a popular type in Gensokyo. Although her abilities are good, she is not annoying." Ye Kai spread his hands.

"Is it my ability?" Shokuhou thought for a while and said, "What if I give up my ability?"

Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said: "That's not the case, as long as you don't use it."

"I understand." A beautiful smile appeared on Shokuhou's face, and he said softly, "Then let's just say that, Ye Kaidian, take me to that Fantasy Township."

"Don't worry, I will take you there after the world channel is opened. Even if it is not opened, you will not be left alone." Ye Kai said with a smile: "Now Gensokyo welcomes outsiders to settle down."

"At that time, can anyone go?" Shokuhou asked curiously.

Ye Kai shook his head, and said calmly: "Those with evil intentions and other plans, Gensokyo will not let them in."

Speaking of this, Ye Kai's face was full of strong self-confidence: "If you want to break through, Gensokyo will teach him to be a ghost!"

Chapter 499 It's You Again...


Kamijou Touma accidentally provoked Index just now, and made Index run away in anger, and there were more tooth marks on his body.

"Ah... what a pity, I don't know how I provoked Index just now." Kamijou Touma said helplessly as he walked.

He suddenly had a strange feeling, Kamijou Touma glanced at the clock on the neon sign of the department store, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

It's not time to go to bed at all, why is the surroundings as quiet as the forest at night? not scientific?Wait, when it comes to magicians, science is already killed.

When he walked to the side of the one-way three-lane main road, the original subtle feeling of wonder turned into an obvious "abnormality".

None of them.

In a large department store lined up like drinks on a shelf in a convenience store, no one enters or exits.

The pedestrian walkway that used to feel very narrow has now become very wide.

"Stiyl just used the rune engraving to drive away idlers." A girl's voice sounded.

There was no warning at all beforehand, the girl was not hiding in the shadows, nor was she following Kamijou Touma secretly from behind.She was standing in the middle of the three lanes, about ten meters away from Kamijou Touma, blocking Kamijou Touma's way.

A moment ago, there was indeed no one.But just in the blink of an eye, a girl appeared there.

Her long black hair tied into a ponytail hangs down to her waist, she is tall and slim, with fair skin.

He was wearing a white T-shirt that was tied up at the waist, revealing his belly button, and his lower body was worn out jeans.

The whole trouser leg of the jeans was cut off from the left thigh, exposing the entire white thigh, with a high degree of color.

He wears the boots worn by cowboys in western movies, and besides the belt that tightens his trousers, there is also a very thick belt hanging diagonally around his waist, just like the kind of belt specially used for pistols in western movies.

But what was stuck in the belt was not a pistol, but a Japanese sword "Seven Heavens and Seven Swords" with a length of more than two meters.

"In order to disperse the crowd, he made the people around here feel like 'I don't know why I don't want to get close to this place'. Most of the people should stay inside the building, so don't worry." The girl said softly.

Is this the boy who protected Index?Unfortunately, he doesn't know the truth.

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