And Paqiuli also breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "Remi, I'll leave the rest to you, sorry."

What happened to the Remy she was talking about now?

Chapter 56 Sun Flower Field

At the same time as the magician war started, the sun flower field.

The growth of the sunflowers here can no longer be described as robust, it is simply abnormal!

Have you ever seen a three-meter-high sunflower?It is everywhere here, and the two-meter-high ones are existences that can never lift their heads.

And the owner here is the tyrant of flowers, the guy who owns a huge flower field and also occupies a sea.

The tyrant of flowers, Yuka Kazami, there is no one in Gensokyo who is willing to provoke, and she is very happy now.

"Haha! Fight back quickly, weren't you very stubborn when you came here? I only used five points of strength, but I can't hold it anymore? Fight back quickly, let me fight more happily!" Youxiang's originally calm face With an insolent smile, he laughed wildly.

She is now in mid-air with an umbrella in her hand.

The parasol has now turned into a closed look, with huge magic cannons spraying outwards.

And the ground that the magic cannon was pointing at had now been blasted out of a huge pit with a radius of [-] meters.

On the ground was a little girl, squatting on the ground with her head in her arms, with a tearful expression on her face...

The time went back to five minutes ago.

Remilia flew here and was very surprised by the sea. Although she was afraid of the flowing water, it didn't affect her yearning for the sea.

As long as she becomes the ruler of Gensokyo, she can freely play in the water. Even if she is restricted, there are still people who will protect her. They are all her subordinates.

Remilia held Gungnir high above the boundless sunflower field and shouted: "From now on, this sunflower field and the sea will belong to the great Remilia Scarlet!"


In a small room in the Sun Flower Field, You Xiang had just finished taking a shower and was about to go to bed when she heard this voice.

It just so happens that the Sunflower Field has not had fertilizer for a long time.

She walked out with the umbrella in hand, facing Remilia in the air.

The tip of the umbrella was emitting an ominous light, slowly accumulating power, and then injecting Youxiang's infinite demon power.


The magic cannon that pierces the sky!

The huge magic cannon blasted down Remy, although she threw Gungnir at the last moment, producing a powerful red light.

To be reasonable, if it wasn't for Youxiang's sneak attack, they should be able to hold a stalemate for a while.

But when did Youxiang speak the truth during the fight?She didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of sneak attack. The other party should know her habits when they came to her territory.

Anyway, that guy has been blasted to the ground.

Then, the situation became what it is now.


At this moment, a voice rang out, and it was Hong Meiling who had arrived.

She didn't plan to wait for Remy to finish the fight at all. At that time, Remy probably didn't know what it was like to be bombarded.

Since she was not flying as fast as Remy, she had just arrived.

Seeing that Remi was crouching with her head in her arms, she also breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed towards Youxiang.

You know, when Remy crouched with her head in her arms, her defensive power was more than one level stronger than that of ordinary big monsters, and I don't know why.


Hong Meiling punched Youxiang in mid-air, but was shocked to find that Youxiang's fist was heavier than her magic cannon.

Even in terms of physical skills and strength, Youxiang is not inferior to ghosts. To her, it's just more enjoyable to bombard people with magic cannons.

"Yo, you're here to attend the banquet." You Xiang's eyes flashed coldly, and she punched Hong Meiling again.


Hong Meiling was thrown to the ground by her, and she drew a line tens of meters long before stopping.

The three of them are also big monsters, but Hong Meiling is the weakest one, even if Remi is added, they are no match.

Youxiang's monster power is different from normal monsters, almost unlimited.

If it were another one, Hong Meiling would choose to fight a war of attrition. With her and Remy, she should be able to win.

But who is the other party?The wind sees the fragrance.

Her ability is in Gensokyo, and the mysterious level can be said to be very ordinary, but she is strong and has a lot of demon power. Some big monsters and existences with high mysterious levels will be crushed by her instead.

When Gensokyo was first established, she fought Yakumo Zi and a monster named Ubuntaku.

Although Yakumo Zi seemed to have lost to her, neither of them tried their best, and Youxiang didn't like Yakumo Zi's fighting style very much, so she didn't look for her again.

On the other hand, Yu Wentuo's combat effectiveness was good, as if the landslide and the ground were cracked by a sword strike, the red magma kept erupting. Although she couldn't seriously hurt her, that kind of battle was the real battle.

Even though she only used [-]% of her strength in the few times she faced Yu Wentuo, she had a great time fighting. Unfortunately, she only saw that guy twice. She didn't go to the moon war, but that guy did. Maybe die on the moon?

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