"What... what..." Misaka 9000 seemed a little puzzled.

"These are not important at all. What fake body, what borrowed heart; what can be produced automatically with the push of a button as long as there are equipment and materials; what unit price is 9000 yuan; I don't care about these! None of these have any meaning! In this world, you are the only one! Why don't you even understand such a simple thing!" Saten squeezed Misaka [-]'s shoulder, her fingers turning white from too much force.

"Oh, funny." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "A person who wants to upgrade from level [-] to level [-] has to kill [-] goblins? Anyone who has played online games knows that even the experience It won't go up."

"So what? As long as I can become invincible!" Yifang Accelerator sneered.

"Stepping into the realm of gods with a body that is not a god, do you want to explode and die?" Ye Kai said with a smile that was not a smile: "Why do I feel that you don't want to carry out this stupid experiment? Estimate your IQ."

"Ha, you want to use your mouth to make me give up? Give up and become invincible? Don't be too arrogant!" Fang Accelerator pointed at Ye Kai and said, "You can stop this experiment if you want to. My uncle gave you this opportunity. Just attack and defeat Me, then this game is over!"

"But..." Fang Accelerator's expression became cold again, and he said coldly, "Here, Fang Accelerator!"

Chapter 514 Ye Kai's Battle Thinking

"Accelerator?" Ye Kai murmured, "I want to see who is Accelerator!"


Ye Kai spread his fluctuating wings, flew in front of Accelerator, and slashed at him!


The sword light bounced back at a faster speed and slashed at Ye Kai's body.


Ye Kai touched the long knife mark on his body, frowned slightly, his own attack was bounced back intact...

It was the first time he felt his attack power, and it was really strong!

Sigh... In Academy City, in order not to feel too much disobedience, he didn't wear the inheritance suit, which is a bit exaggerated!

"Is that all you have?" Fang Accelerator sneered.

There are [-] million superpowers in Academy City, although none of them are ordinary people, but only a very small number of people can beat a pistol with superpowers.

Winning a pistol is not necessarily winning a machine gun, and winning a machine gun is not necessarily winning a tank, let alone a fighter jet, an aircraft carrier, a submarine, or even a nuclear missile.

No one with superpowers has ever won these weapons.In fact, if it takes a lot of effort to control the brain, or even change the genetic arrangement, if it is just to create "combat power that can fight against pistols", wouldn't it be easier to just buy a pistol?

Wouldn't it be too stupid to risk violating international law by creating espers in large-scale esper development facilities just to match the cheap weapons that can be bought in US supermarkets for around [-] yen ?

Therefore, the purpose of Academy City is not to "create superpowers". The function of "superpowers" is nothing more than litmus paper.The important thing is to find out the principle and mechanism of "why there are superpowers".

However, only the boy in front of him is special.

Kinetic energy, thermal energy, electrical energy——a boy who can change all "directions" freely, even if he is directly hit by a nuclear missile, he can remain unharmed.

Because the shock wave that can destroy everything, the heat that can burn everything, or the neutrons and radiation that can kill all living things, will be "reflected".

The creature with the appearance of a human in front of him has the power to survive even if he is alone against the whole world.

Ignoring all the attacks of the enemy, attacking the enemy on the one hand, has achieved the title of "one-way traffic".Before his ability has a time limit, his ability is always on regardless of sleep time, so stealthy attacks are usually ineffective.

In addition to the above applications, you can also use the ability to kick the thrown small stones at supersonic speed, or manipulate the vector of the soles of the feet to move at high speed, or generate a tornado to make yourself fly.

Just by touching the opponent with your finger, you can manipulate the blood and bioelectricity in the whole body to flow backwards and cause sudden death.

Ye Kai watched Accelerator quietly.

To deal with this kind of guy, it seems that his ability is at a disadvantage.

If it was Youxiang, the attack power would directly crush his rebound limit, preventing him from rebounding.

If it is Yakumo Zi, he will directly eliminate his ability with the realm of existence and non-existence.

If it was Yuyuko, he would be killed instantly.

If it was Rumia, it would directly turn him into black smoke.

If it's Reimu, dreams are not something he can bounce back by nature.

So, what about your chances of winning?

Ye Kai couldn't use an attack that exceeded the rebound limit of Touma's right hand, that is to say, he couldn't use an attack that made Accelerator unable to rebound.

Unless... ghosts and gods!As long as he turns into a ghost, his output will exceed the opponent's rebound limit, but he will have to toss at least an hour if he turns into a ghost. By the time Yuyuko finds out, he will have already demolished the entire hundred miles.

Wait, the people in Academy City seem to be ordinary people, even the strongest superpowers are ordinary people!

"Ye Kai, come on, we must win!" Renzi's face became paler and her lips were almost torn by her.

She is very resentful now, hating herself for not being able to do anything, not even being able to help.

"He will win. Whether it's on the moon or against the Westward Demon, there's nothing that can kill him." Chuchun trembled while trying to track down the experimental data: "He has never disappointed people, right?"

"But, that's in the manga..." Renzi suddenly felt a little scared.

If Ye Kai loses, then sister Misaka will die here?

"In reality, he is also very strong!" Chuchun grabbed Renzi's ankle, and looked at her with pleading eyes.

Leizi suddenly understood, all they can do now is to believe, right?

"Even if this experiment is blocked, there will be another experiment. Misaka is trying to reason with onee-sama's friends."

"We will definitely stop it, definitely!" Renzi said firmly.

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