Ha, finished talking, so cool...

In other words, who can guess the next world?

A world where you can swipe money and be invincible, but it is very interesting, and there are prizes for guessing.

Chapter 515

"Hello, Misaka-senpai?"

Renzi had already made the phone call at this time, and she said anxiously: "There is a terrible experiment here, which concerns you."

"What experiment?" Mikoto rubbed her eyes and sat up.

She was about to fall asleep soon, but Leizi's phone call happened at this time.

"I, Chuchun, Ye Kai, discovered your clone!" Leizi observed while saying, "Your clone was involved in an experiment. If it wasn't for Ye Kai, she might be dead by now."

Although it is cruel to tell Miqin the truth, she does not say no.

"What? Where are you? I'll go right away!" Miqin threw off the quilt.

She was wearing green pajamas, and her little feet were bare.

Heizi hasn't returned from this incident yet. It seems that the Disciplinary Committee has a task and is still working.

Miqin, who didn't have a mount, couldn't be much faster.

Saten hung up the phone and sent Mikoto the coordinates.

Miqin changed into ordinary clothes, and suddenly froze for a moment.

Tighten your hand before opening.

With such a simple action, Mikoto narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled softly.

Everyone can do it, such an ordinary movement.

However, there are people in the world who can't even do such a move.

"Muscular Dystrophy..."

Small lips, spit out every word gently.

muscular dystrophy.One of the incurable diseases of unknown cause, the muscles gradually become immobile.If the body cannot move at all, the muscles will naturally atrophy gradually, so the strength of the whole body will be lost bit by bit, and eventually even the heart and lungs will lose their function.

Of course, Mikoto is not a muscular dystrophy patient.

Among Miqin's relatives and friends, there is no muscular dystrophy patient.

But Mikoto can understand that such a life must be very painful.

He obviously didn't do anything bad, but he couldn't move his body according to his will since he was born.

Watching my body gradually weaken but I can't do anything, and finally I can't even get out of bed.Even if you reach out for help, no one can help you.Such a life is really pitiful.

A researcher once asked Miqin if she would like to help such patients.

No one else can do it, only your ability may be able to help patients with muscular dystrophy.The man in the white lab coat said so, and reached out to shake hands with Mikoto.

The so-called muscular dystrophy is a disease in which the muscles cannot move according to their own will.

The human brain sends instructions to the muscles through electrical signals.

If you can gain the power to manipulate electrical currents in your body, you might be able to command your muscles in a different way than normal neural circuits.

For those who know that their bodies are getting weaker but they can't do anything, and their spirits are gradually being swallowed by anxiety and fear, it may bring them a ray of hope.

The young little girl believed in these words.

She firmly believes that as long as she unravels the principle of her own power to manipulate electricity and successfully "transplants" it into others, countless muscular dystrophy patients can be saved.

In this way, Misaka Mikoto's DNA information was officially registered in the Academy City Library.

But recently, rumors began to spread in Academy City that Misaka Mikoto's DNA was used to make replicas "sisters" for military use.

Of course, this is not a rare rumor.

Mikoto is a top student at Tokiwadai Middle School, a star school for superpower development, and one of the seven level 5 superpowers in Academy City.The ridiculous rumors swirling around her are too numerous to count.

So of course Mikoto didn't take this rumor seriously.

No, to be precise, I don't want to take it seriously.

However, the reality shattered the girl's wish in a completely unexpected way.



Accelerator kept his feet on the ground, as if he didn't understand how Ye Kai attacked him.

He raised his foot and stomped on the ground.

I don't know how he changed the "direction" of the impact, but a steel rail that was lying horizontally beside his feet stood upright like a spring.Accelerator then threw a backhand punch, hitting the upright railway track as if trying to pierce the spider web in front of him.

It's like hitting a disobedient child, the force is very light.

However, a loud bang like church bells spread throughout the entire area, and flew towards Ye Kai at the speed of a cannonball.

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