Miqin came late about five minutes after Ye Kai left, and what awaited her would be endless guilt, a baptism with Saten and sister Misaka...

When he got to the door of his house, Ye Kai was in trouble, and his barrier was destroyed, so he couldn't keep holding on to this guy, could he?

I have to watch him all night, how uncomfortable?

Thinking of this, Ye Kai decisively knocked on Kamijou Touma's door.

Which guy always has the air of a good old man, and Ye Kai won't feel guilty for causing trouble to him. After all, he has helped him twice, right?


Kamijou Touma opened the door, and said to Ye Kai vigilantly, "Isn't the money already paid?"

Well, it seems that he thought Ye Kai was here to ask for debts.

In other words, only ten million, as for?That money is not enough for Mr. Youyouzi to eat for a few days.

"That's not the case." Ye Kai shook Accelerator in his hand: "Here is a lost lamb that needs to be rescued. Don't you have a nun there? Enlighten him."

call out!

A small head suddenly popped up behind Kamijou Touma, put it on his shoulder, and said vigilantly: "The nun will not save the person who asks the nun for money."

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, this girl has been lying on his back, the relationship between the two is really good.

This guy's right hand affected his fluctuation perception to some extent, and he didn't notice her.

In other words, can Accelerator's vector manipulation bounce back Kamijou Touma's golden right hand?This needs to be studied.

"This lost lamb is very rich. If someone is willing to save him, he should be willing to thank him with a lot of food." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Touma, it is the nun's duty to save the lost lamb!" Index said to Touma.

Kamijou Touma already knew the virtues of this little nun, so he didn't struggle.

"Okay..." Kamijou Touma saw that this 'lost lamb' should be a student, so let's take it in.

Even if he looks a little bad, but judging by his physique, he shouldn't be able to do him.


Ye Kai threw him into the room casually, waved to the two of them and said, "Then I'll go back first."

I wasted so much physical energy today, and I will continue to waste it when I go back, it is inhumane!

And Kamijou Touma rolled his eyes, and resisted Accelerator into the room.

Facts have proved that Ye Kai's hit was really not heavy, or in other words, the fall was not light, and he woke up after about five minutes.

Accelerator opened his eyes in confusion, only to see four eyes staring at him.

One of them is a boy with a hedgehog head, and the other is a little nun.

He immediately became vigilant, was he caught in the laboratory, or some organization?

Accelerator sneered, "Tell me, who are you?"

"An unlucky student." Kamijou Touma rolled his eyes and said, "It was a well-intentioned security member who likes to cheat people and sent you here."

Accelerator moved his hands and feet and looked around. This is really an ordinary house that cannot be found in an ordinary house.

Wait, many research institutes also look like this!


Yifang Accelerator experimented with his abilities, and found that he could still use them, which surprised him.

Isn't the other party too entrusted to him, and he doesn't limit his ability?

"By the way, this lost lamb, are you really willing to treat me to dinner?" Index put her finger in her mouth, looking at Accelerator expectantly.

"Index, it's impolite." Kamijou Touma smiled awkwardly, stretched out his right hand to Accelerator, and said softly, "Hi, my name is Kamijou Touma, and I'm a student in an ordinary high school. Maybe What I said just now was not detailed, it was a security member named Ye Kai who brought you to me, you should also be the one who was saved by him, right?"

Ye Kai is nosy, Kamijou Touma is quite understanding.

Basically, when encountering any injustice, he will step up and step on it.

Either because of passion, not because of justice, or because of idleness...

Accelerator slapped Touma's hand off, but felt a strange feeling.

He seemed to lose his ability to respond when he touched Touma's hand?

"How can you be like this, we kindly took you in." Index pouted.

"No need." Accelerator stood up.

"It's very late now, if we go out..." Kamijou Touma pointed outside and said, "It's not very good, is it?"

Even if Accelerator was very rude to him, he still insisted on his character and style.

"Hmph, even if there is danger, it is someone else who is in danger." A sneer appeared on the corner of Accelerator's mouth, and he said calmly, "Just because I lost to that guy, it doesn't mean that I have become weaker, or that others have become stronger!"

"You... fought Ye Kai?" Kamijou Touma and Index looked at each other, and both became serious.

Ye Kai used three moves to defeat the gods, and one move to freeze the Hunted Witch King. Being held by his right hand, he could still use magic power.

The big monster of Gensokyo, who once resolutely fought against the West Goblin, the twin princesses of the moon, and participated in the establishment of Gensokyo...

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