No, the first thing tomorrow is to buy underwear!

Also, a chest cloth must be bought!

Ye Kai's eyes lit up, Shokuhou walked tremblingly, it should be a vacuum.

She was wearing Kaguya's clothes, although it was a bit long, but her bust made up for it, and it still fit her well.

Although the sleeves were a bit long, she cut some of them off with scissors, and now they look just right.

By the way, why does she have scissors in her carry-on bag?What about trust between people?

Shokuhou's Xing Xing stared at Ye Kai, pouting, "Don't look, pervert!"

Her upper body is also chilly, and now she feels like Ye Kai has seen her all.

"By the way, you can wear a small vest inside, although it doesn't fit well, but it can be used." Ye Kai took out a vest and said with a smile: "It's better than nothing."

It's enough for Fu Fu to take a few glances, and if he looks too much, he will scare the child.


Shokuhou grabbed the vest and went into the bathroom.

"Big brother, are we going to bed?" Rumia rubbed her eyes and asked.

"Wait a minute." Ye Kai rubbed her little head.

When Shokuhou came out again, he felt much more comfortable. Although the vest was not as useful as a bra, it was still better than nothing.

Afterwards, it was much easier for Ye Kai to take a bath, he just washed it with cold water, he was not pretentious.

After washing, Ye Kai had a hard time, Shokuhou and Rumia occupied the same bed.

It can be seen that Shokuhou has an instinctive fear of Rumia.After all, Rumia is a monster, and she is a brat with no concept of good and evil, and a brat with a criminal record.

It would be aggrieved if it was eaten inexplicably at night.

Ye Kai got on Lumia's bed, sucked Lori, and said with a smile: "Go to sleep, I wish you a happy time in another world."

Shokuhou blinked her starry eyes, smiled and said, "You too."

Chapter 532 The First Mission

The next morning, Ye Kai got up early and found that Shokuhou and Rumia woke up earlier than him. ?With?Dream?.lā

But Shokuhou's dark circles told Ye Kai that she wasn't asleep at all.

Sure enough, Shokuhou is not very used to living alone and widows in the same room!

In other words, for a junior high school girl, it is difficult for her to get used to it?

Since Ye Kai didn't have pajamas in stock, Shokuhou's clothes looked a little wrinkled.

Ye Kai said that he was also very desperate!deal with it...

"Let's go, let's make money first, and then buy you some clothes." Ye Kai said with a smile.

He tried the exchange rate here yesterday, 1000 Alice can be exchanged for one gold coin, which can be said to be full of malice for him.

However, anyway, the money here is very fast, and the main supplements are some luxury goods such as gold. Otherwise, if you rely on gold coins, you can't repay Youyuzi's debt.

"Earn more, master, I want to change into clothes I can wear." Shokuhou pouted.

Poke, poke.

Shokuhou's face feels so good to the touch.

"Big brother, hug!" Rumia opened her hands to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai picked up Rumia, rubbed his face, and said with a smile, "Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, the few people retreated from the room, bought some breakfast casually, and came to the Adventurer's Guild.

"Ye Kai, what kind of mission are we looking for?" Shokuhou asked Ye Kai while eating hot bread.

"Of course there is a lot of money! If you want to take root here, you must have a house, and then you can make better money!" Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

If you stay in a hotel all the time, the money will definitely not be enough!

Moreover, this world is so weak that it can be used as a base for making money, and you can come back in the future.

"How about this?" Shokuhou pointed to a list called Black Fear and said, "This bonus is the highest, [-] million."

Ye Kai sobbed at the corner of his mouth, ten million, equivalent to ten thousand gold coins, a monster of this level is not qualified to give him experience, right?

No way, this is already the most difficult.

Ye Kai tore up the task casually, and said to Shokuhou: "Let's go!"

"Don't you need to prepare anything?" Shokuhou asked suspiciously.

"To deal with weak chickens, what do we need to prepare?" A look of pride appeared on Ye Kai's face.

Shokuhou rolled his pretty eyes, this guy is too arrogant!

But that's right, Fang Accelerator is not as strong as him, but he is more arrogant than him.

"Well, can you go to the Black Forest?" Ye Kai found a carriage.

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