"I brought twenty skill points, and learned things like mental attack." Shokuhou said decisively.

She felt that she could no longer use super powers, or that super powers had been completely transformed into the power of this world.

Her choice of skills tends to be spiritual and space, which is also related to her previous experience.

However, she didn't learn such unfriendly control skills as brainwashing and mind control. She only learned attack and movement skills.

For example, space travel, she can move freely within a range of ten meters, and the cooling time is ten seconds.

There are also mental attacks, mental scans, spiritual dialogues, and space cutting.

Mental scanning does not scan people's minds, it is only used to observe the enemy.

As for space cutting, it is pure space attribute attack magic, the higher the level, the stronger the lethality.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Hey, hey, hey.

A huge body approached the two of them!

Chapter 533

This is a giant bear with a height of eight meters. It bared its teeth, drooled, and looked at the breakfast in front of it with surprise.

The nearby low-level monsters have been almost eaten by it, but unexpectedly there are still some of them coming to your door?

Ye Kai also looked at it with a look of surprise, such a big bear, in addition to crusade money, he can also get a lot of money by selling meat and skins!


The giant bear rushed towards Ye Kai, and Ye Kai also rushed towards the giant bear.

What about Shokuhou?She was paralyzed with fright.

Her legs were shaking, and she didn't know where to put her hands.

The evil spirit emanating from the giant bear made her even lack the courage to run away.

"Big brother, come on!" Rumia said, waving her little hand.

Shokuhou turned his head in cold sweat, and found that Rumia was not affected at all. Should it be called a monster?


Ye Kai's fist collided with the giant bear's paw.

The result was naturally beyond the giant bear's expectation, the little Ye Kai was fine, but the huge one was blown away by Ye Kai!

bang, bang, bang...

The giant bear flew more than [-] meters away, crashing into two big trees that were as thick as three people hugging each other before stopping.

Its arm was instantly broken by Ye Kai, and it grinned in pain.

Ye Kai didn't use Liu Guang just now, of course not because of other reasons, but because he was afraid of damaging the bear's skin, and the intact skin is the most valuable!

Well, eat bear paws at night!

No, you can't use Mingyan, otherwise if its internal organs are burned, you won't be able to sell the internal organs for money.

Ye Kai flew up and sat down on the giant bear's neck.

bang, bang, bang...

He punched to the flesh, only attacking its neck and head, and the giant bear howled continuously.

Shokuhou's trembling stopped, she just triggered the human's instinctive fear of this creature.

If the opponent was a guy of similar size, she wouldn't be so afraid.

Compared to the giant bear, Ye Kai is more terrifying...

She had a strange feeling that the black bear seemed very pitiful...

"Shokuhou, come here and kill it!" Ye Kai waved to Shokuhou in the distance.

"Me?" Shokuhou pointed to himself in surprise.

"Of course, killing it is of little use to me, but it will allow you to level up!" Ye Kai said to Shokuhou.

Rumia's level can't be shown in this world, so her hands are not very useful.

Shokuhou trotted all the way, followed Rumia to the side of the giant bear.

Looking at the ferocious giant bear, she suddenly felt that the giant bear was not so pitiful.

Spiritual attack!


The giant bear howled.

Spiritual attack!

Shokuhou seemed to understand why Ye Kai didn't destroy the bear's fur, so he kept using mental attacks.

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