After all, the ants killed the elephants, and the other party even used a group of unformed monsters as cannon fodder to consume Sakuya's power.

Then he used some blood servants to suicidally resist Patchouli's magic.

If the two continue like this, they will soon run out of ammunition and food.

And the little devil is loyal to loyal, but his strength is definitely not much stronger than those blood servants.

Fortunately, both Lei Mi and Hong Meiling are back.

Seeing how embarrassed the two are, they should also be defeated.

Sure enough, to conquer Gensokyo or something, one shouldn't listen to Dracula's sudden attack. If he had more time to check the opponent's combat power, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.


No wonder, Remy and Dracula were too confident at the time, thinking that the yokai trapped in the enchantment was no big deal.

This lesson is really painful!

With two big monsters joining the battlefield, in less than five minutes, the Battle of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Castlevania troops and little monsters were wiped out!

Chapter 60 No money to play...

Time to go back to the battle of the people.

Ye Kai leaned on the sword in one hand, the other hand was hanging down weakly, his eyes were fixed on the housekeeper in front of him.

The war between the two has reached a fever pitch, and neither can do anything to the other.

Although Ye Kai has a low level and few skills, he is as slippery as a loach, making it impossible for the opponent to attack.

Although the butler was not injured, he looked very embarrassed.

His butler's clothes are now torn by Ye Kai.

If he fights with this intensity for a while, he will be defeated by Ye Kai's sword.

Fortunately, Ye Kai is almost out of blue.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Ye Kai could still drink blood and blue.

Although I don't know if those potions are useful to Meihong and others, but if they choose a protracted battle, they must lose, there is no doubt about this.

Ye Kai frowned a little, he didn't have much money, if he bought Lan again...

As for the expenses of holding the banquet before, he selectively forgot. Before the critical moment, he didn't know the importance of saving money at all. Even if he knew, he would never repent.

This point is similar to some ordinary people.

Being drunk today is the truest portrayal of him. It would be better if he was alone, but if someone is a guest, he can't lose face if he loses anything.

In the battle among the people, if Ye Kai, Mei Hong and others win, he will be the only one in the Scarlet Devil House to win...

As for Meihong, because of the battlefield, she couldn't exert her full strength at all. If she broke out with all her strength, the battlefield and a quarter of the people would probably be burned to ashes by her flames.

The sacrifice of the immortal body and the whirlwind of self-extinguishing flames are not fun.

Plus Ye Kai and Huiyin are in...

Alas... Unexpectedly, the battlefield and companions have become oily bottles, let them stay among people.

After all, even the stronger Huiyin can't match Meihong's combat effectiveness, especially in not being afraid of death.

Anyway, even if she dies, she will be resurrected, so as long as Meihong is still there, this person will be impenetrable, unless it is a big monster who comes to attack.

Ye Kai was very concerned about the disappearing vampire baron who never showed up.

Where is it hiding? Is the target Huiyin or Meihong?

The two of them have not been attacking with all their strength, and it is also because there is a strong man lurking around.

The hole card is the hole card before it is used, and this psychological pressure makes Ye Kai very unhappy.

Suddenly, a gap appeared in the air.

Ye Kai's expression instantly turned into ecstasy, is Yakumo Zi going to help?

He didn't know that Yakumo Zi had picked up two vampire servants and thrown them at his home, intending to fix him up.

Anyway, the two blood servants wouldn't beat Ye Kai up, and they would even be killed, but she was very happy to be able to block Ye Kai, and the two didn't have much enmity.

Unexpectedly, the little confused Youyouzi forgot everything when he saw the fish, and Ye Kai couldn't help falling into real danger.

But judging by his firm appearance, it should be fine.

To avoid being blamed afterwards, just do me a favor.

As for why the two have enmity?Yakumo Zi can remember, this guy pinched Yuyuko's cheek twice, twice!In the past, only you could pinch it...

Being hated by this kind of reckless jealous behavior, Ye Kai, who didn't know it, expressed his inexplicable lying gun, if Yakumo Zi was a man, he would also recognize it...

"Hey, how did I return to the place of people da☆ze?"

A guy riding a broom appeared above the battlefield.

She has long blonde hair that hangs down the front in a braid on one side, decorated with a red bow.

She should only be in her teens, and looks about the same age as Reimu.

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