
The giant bear was thrown to the ground by Ye Kai, and the girl who fell to the ground didn't seem to be very heavy, but was bounced up all of a sudden.


Ye Kai skillfully embraced the girl with a princess hug.

"Are you okay?" Ye Kai said softly.

Of course, this is also the reason for the girl's appearance. If she looks like Jack, Ye Kai can kick her to the demon clan with one big kick.

She has smooth black hair and a cute face, with small breasts, a typical loli figure, and a pair of red eyes like Ye Kai.

She is wearing a black and red magic robe, a magic hat, and a blindfold over her eyes.

"I can't do it..." After finishing speaking, the girl fainted.

Originally, she could hold on for a while, but seeing that Ye Kai was a "Red Devil" like her, she didn't hold on. She believed that her companions would arrange her well.

At least, I have to treat her to a meal...

Ye Kai thought for a while, and tied the girl to his back, so he couldn't feel the so-called soft touch at all.

Cut, it's a common problem of loli...

In other words, the magic she released just now seems to be very powerful, and its lethality is as powerful as the [-]th-level Asura's naked Explosive Flame Sword.

But how long has she been fighting?Why is there no magic power left in the body.

Ye Kai could see that her lethality still had a lot of room for improvement, but it didn't mean that this move was very strong.

Moreover, this trick seems to be only strong in lethality, right?If it's his speed, he can dodge it completely. No matter how powerful the attack is, it's just a cloud.

Ye Kai didn't know yet, the only way the girls would do it was this one.

Even Shokuhou knows the importance of agility and quickness, but this girl doesn't care at all.

Take it back for treatment. Anyway, the Adventurer's Guild has a priest stationed there all the time. Go find him, and you can't just leave it here.

Ye Kai picked up the giant bear again and ran towards the carriage.

"Go on, it seems like a lonely adventurer, I don't know why she casts magic so far away." Ye Kai said to the driver.

"Well, it seems that there are some weak monsters there, and the rewards are very small. Maybe the new adventurers are training their skills and levels?" The coachman thought for a while.

Being so close to the city, it doesn't matter whether the monster is expelled or not, as long as the money earned is enough for accommodation and food.

This girl looks so thin, she must be malnourished, right?

"That's the only explanation." Ye Kai nodded, threw the girl in the car, and said to Shokuhou: "Shokuhou, take care of this girl."

"Okay." Shokuhou nodded.

She had already discovered that although Ye Kai looked scary, he was a very enthusiastic guy just like in the comics.

When encountering such a lost beautiful girl, most of them will help.

Well, beautiful girls are very important, focus...

By the way, did Ye Kai put Yakumo Zi in the category of beautiful girls?

When Ye Kai walked to the gate of the city, it caused a small commotion.

"Mom, what a big bear!"

"Is this the legendary black fear?"

"Well done, rookie!"

"I thought the bear would not get rid of until Xiang Ye came back."

"Ha, it looks like we're going to have another star like Loud Night."

Ye Kai greeted everyone proficiently without looking outside, as if he had lived here for a long time.

Those veteran adventurers all have expressions of emotion, and the newcomers are all monsters!

When was the last time a rookie appeared so outstanding?It looks like Yujian Xiangye!

Just because some powerful aliens came to this world, the sensation of Ye Kai slaughtering the bear was not as big as imagined, and it could only become a common topic.

You know, Yujian Xiangye was still slaying dragons a while ago.

In the future, the top adventurers in this "novice village" will change from one to two, right?

Ye Kai has no opinion on whether it is a sensation or not, anyway, he is here to make money.

But near the city wall, he saw two acquaintances.

By the way, isn't Kazuma Sato the one on the brick?The protagonist of this world.

The one painting the wall is the goddess Aqua.

These two guys were repairing the wall when they saw it in the first episode, and I don’t know how long it took to repair it in the anime before they started to take risks.

Sato Kazuma, who was as tired as a dead dog, naturally also saw Ye Kai.

He stopped the bricks, picked up a piece of bread and started eating. While eating, he said to Akuya beside him, "The same adventurer, the same newcomer, and the same person from another world, take a look at him?"

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