"The Adventurer's Guild doesn't care about this, does it?" Shokuhou covered his forehead.

"We don't sell them, but we have entrusted them to us. You can take a look." Luna made a gesture of invitation to Ye Kai.

"You are really a universal intermediary." Shokuhou felt that he had played so many RPG games for nothing. When did the Adventurer's Guild care about selling houses?

What she didn't know was that the original Sato Kazuma house came through the Adventurer's Guild.

"Let's see later, I'll let the priest see what's wrong with this little girl." Ye Kai said, patting the girl's calf.

Luna nodded.

But Ye Kai brought the girl up to the old priest and put the girl down.

The priest was taught by Iris, and she is very kind, and I don't know how much higher than the Axis.

The priest glanced at the girl and said calmly, "She's not sick or injured, she just fainted from hunger."

Ye Kai: ...

Shokuhou: ...

Push book: "Jedi Survival: Horror Live", recently addicted to eating chicken and can't extricate myself, I found a good chicken eating article, I read it myself, it's not a transaction O(∩_∩)O

This section is free...

Chapter 536 Megumi

Ye Kai resolutely threw the girl on the seat, let Rumia accompany him, and went to ask for food with Shokuhou, and bought a house along the way.

They chose a small bungalow with a problematic construction method. The first floor is a bathroom, toilet and kitchen. The living room is not big and looks a bit aggrieved.

There are four rooms on the upper floor, and the interior is quite spacious, but the corridor is also very narrow, only two meters wide.

As for the furniture, as long as the money is in place, the Adventurer's Guild will naturally help with it.

How much their profit is, Ye Kai and Shokuhou don't know.

Even such a house cost Ye Kai [-] million, plus the food expenses for the dinner party tonight, and the money for buying clothes for a group of three, he only had some small change left.

No way, Shokuhou needs not only ordinary clothes, but also some magic equipment, such as staffs, sturdy magic cannons, magic jewelry, etc. These are not cheap.

"Huh, it feels so good to spend money!" Ye Kai looked at the pile of receipts with emotion.

"Yo, you monster-sama who spends a lot of money, are you addicted?" Shokuhou said with a smile.

Although Ye Kai has always been poor, but his life seems to be very good?It can be said that there is everything except money...

The problem is, what his ability needs most is money, and he has no money!

On his own table, Ye Kai ordered ten barrels of beer, a lot of snacks, and three glasses of milk.

After pouring milk for the girl, she slowly opened her eyes.

It was a slightly languid red eye that looked sleepy.


Her figure was very elegant, and she ran to the table in an instant, and Shokuhou didn't even see it clearly.

She pulled down the cloak with one hand and waved it vigorously, supported the magic hat with the other hand, and said loudly: "I am Huihui! My profession is an archmage, and I use the strongest attack magic, explosion magic! Thank you both Your help!"

"What the hell is Huihui?" Shokuhou asked in a daze.

For Ye Kai, the Huihui he heard was pronounced in Chinese, which felt very normal.

But Shokuhou is different. She listened to the Japanese pronunciation, and felt that the name was very strange.

"You're welcome." Ye Kai waved his hand and said, "I happened to pass by too, so don't exhaust your magic power next time."

"Well, this fellow clan, can you treat me to a meal? I haven't eaten for four days..." Hui Hui suddenly said a little embarrassed.

"Uh... Firstly, I'm not your clan; secondly, you can eat." Ye Kai pointed to the place next to Shokufeng, indicating that there was no one there.

Rumia was sitting next to him, playing feeding PLAY.

Megumi sat next to Shokuhou, and said doubtfully: "Your eyes are the same color as mine, how could you not be a Crimson Demon?"

However, it is true that Ye Kai has never been seen in the hometown of the Red Devil.

Seeing how young he was, if it was from the Crimson Demons, Huihui said that she should know him.

After she sat down, she was not polite at all, and ate a piece of cheese, another piece of bread, and drank half a glass of milk in two bites.

In other words, she had finished that cup, but now she drank Rumia's.

Lumia didn't intend to drink milk at first, but picked up a large glass of draft beer, and under Hui Hui's disbelieving gaze, she drank it down.

Although Rumia has become smaller, her drinking movements are as bold as before.

It's just that a little loli makes such a heroic movement, no matter how cute it looks.

Ye Kai rubbed Rumia's head, showing a kind smile.

"I'm from another world." Ye Kai simply explained his reason for coming.

"So that's the case. It seems that you need a guide, a powerful magician!" Huihui stood up, waved her staff, and said loudly, "Let me be your companion!"

In her cognition, any team would welcome her as long as she revealed her identity as a Crimson Demon and a great mage.

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