One is that they need to exercise basic physical fitness, and the other is that they don't even have the minimum necessary props and equipment.They just want to get those things first, so they find safe civil engineering and work diligently.

"The purpose of my coming to another world was not to be a laborer. I came to this world without computers or video games for the sake of adventure. The reason why you sent me here is to fight against the devil?" and Really said to Aqua.

Hearing what Kazuma said, Aqua first had a "What are you talking about?" expression, and thought for a while before remembering.

She sobered up very quickly. Although she passed out just now, but without the follow-up alcohol injection, her divine power was slowly aroused, and the smell of alcohol had been expelled.

"So it's true! Yes, I was so absorbed in joy that I forgot, if Kazuma doesn't defeat the Demon King, I won't be able to go back!" Akua patted Kazuma on the shoulder, Said with a face suddenly enlightened.

Hearing her answer as if she was pretending to be stupid, Kazuma recalled the counter, this guy's intelligence value is lower than the average person, it seems that it is true.

However, Kazuma did not expose it, such as asking Ye Kai to defeat the Demon King.

One is that he doesn't know how strong Ye Kai is, and the other is that he wants to rely on himself.

Well, the current Kazuma is not the salted fish of the future...

As soon as he arrived in another world, he naturally had a heart to make contributions.

"Okay, crusade, right? Let's go crusade! Don't worry, I can solve it in three or two strokes! Just look forward to my performance!" Akuya said loudly.

In her heart, crusade or something should not be too simple.

"I always feel very uneasy...but that's right, you are a goddess."

Kazuma couldn't believe Aqua, he had no armor, no equipment, how could he attack?

Wait, there seem to be two dung forks in the stable, it should be no problem for him to borrow them...

Well, although the power is not as powerful as that of regular adventurer's weapons, even if I and Akuya try hard to save money and save him for half a month, we can only buy the most basic dagger.

The attack power of 0-3 and the attack power of 0-1 don't seem to be that big?

But it's strange how you look at it when you go out to fight monsters with a dung fork.

Forget it, that's it.

"Leave it on me!" Akuya said energetically. 8)

Chapter 540 The Gap

The wide plain outside the town, under a cloudless blue sky.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Help! Aqua, save me!"

Behind Sato Kazuma, followed by a huge frog, this is the mission he and Aqua took.

Since there are no novice tasks, they can only come to crusade on these things.

Their gigantic bodies are bigger than cows, and when they enter the breeding season, they will want to replenish their energy for laying eggs, so they appear in human settlements with a lot of food, and devour goats raised by farmers in one gulp.

In fact, every year when the breeding season of this giant frog comes, the children in the settlement and people from the farm often go missing.

Even though it looked like a giant frog, it was a dangerous monster, nothing compared to the weak monsters that were exorcised around the town.

By the way, although their meat is firm, they have a light and refreshing taste, making them a very popular ingredient.

And that thick fat can withstand blow-like attacks.

They hate metal, so as long as they are fully equipped, they will not be preyed on. For ordinary adventurers, they can be easily dealt with.

Therefore, skilled adventurers love to hunt them.


"Akua! Akua! Don't keep smiling, come and save me!" Sato Kazuma held a very funny dung fork in his hand, and called for help to Akua on the hillside while running.

Akua made her hands into the shape of trumpets, and shouted: "Kazuma, if you want me to save you, you must use honorifics when you call me by name."

"Master Aqua!" Kazuma shouted in despair while running.

"I can't help it." Akuya crossed her arms around her chest, closed her beautiful eyes, and said triumphantly, "I'll go over and save you, this dead house! From tomorrow onwards, admire me..."

Kazuma was almost about to cry, and looked back desperately at the frog that was bouncing after him.

Only then did he realize that the frog had already run in a different direction from the fleeing him.

In front of its line of sight......

"But on the other hand, you have to worship this goddess from tomorrow! After returning to the town, you must join the Axis Cult and pray to me three times a day! When I eat, I ask you for any side dishes. You must not resist. Obediently give it up to me! Then, uh..." Aqua, who had her hips on her hips and chest out of her head, disappeared without knowing what she was talking about.

Kazuma turned his head to look, and found that the frog that was chasing him had stopped moving, with a blue thing hanging from the corner of its mouth.

And that blue thing...

"Don't be eaten!" Sato Kazuma yelled in despair, and then stabbed at the giant frog. After stabbing for more than ten minutes, the frog was stabbed to death by him.

And Akuya was released at this time...

At the same time, not far away.

A loli stood on a hillside, holding her wand high in both hands.

Surging magic power circulated on her body, causing a trace of wind pressure.

She recited firmly and calmly: "Better than black, worse than the darkness of darkness, desire to merge with my true red! The time of awakening has come, the truth has fallen into the realm of infinity, turning into a deformity in infinity, Appear!"

The magic power is getting stronger and stronger, not only attracting the eyes of her companions, but also Sato Kazuma.

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