Before Ye Kai treated adventurers to drink, and adopted her, he behaved very generously.

But after talking with Shokuhou for a long time last night, she found out that Ye Kai is not that rich, but he just got used to being a prodigal...

Ye Kai was startled when he heard Huihui's words, how can this kind of scrap be sold so expensive?This kind of thing Yakumo Zi intends to calculate it according to the scrap iron price!

Fuck, how backward is this world?

Uh... Is it too late for me to come back now?

Chapter 542 Selling junk and getting rich......

Just when Ye Kai and others entered the city, Sato Kazuma and Akuya were surrounded by crowds.

There is no way, Sato Kazuma has some slime on his body, and Akua is covered in slime. The two of them don't look like they are going on an adventure, but rather like going to play some very happy PLAY.

What they didn't know was that not far away, a girl in knight armor was staring at the two of them with shining eyes.

They didn't go to the Adventurer's Guild to discuss it immediately, but went to the big bathhouse, they needed to wash...

And Ye Kai and others went to the Adventurer's Guild immediately.

"Wow, as expected of Mr. Ye Kai, it's amazing." Luna smiled and pushed the money in front of Ye Kai, and said softly, "This is two million Alice!"

Such an active team, I'm afraid they will enter the front line soon, and when the time comes to fight against the Demon King's army, they will have a little more combat power.

The frogs that Ye Kai caught were all alive and intact, so they were very valuable.

After receiving the money, he breathed a sigh of relief, and it can be regarded as earning the first pot of gold in the real sense.

Gold in this world is relatively cheap, and the expensive ones are relatively exquisite gold jewelry.

Ye Kai wants to pay off the debt to Yuyuko, so he has to use the money here to buy gold, and then bring the gold back to Gensokyo.

Otherwise, the money will go into the system's backpack at a ratio of one thousand to one.

Alas... Gensokyo's money is about the same as RMB, so I only made [-] now.

No, how long will it take to earn enough money doing such small tasks every day?

If Sato Kazuma knew what Ye Kai was thinking, he would be envious. Ye Kai made money so easily, he would never make a move if it was less than one million.

The problem is, Sato Kazuma only needs to raise Akuya, but Ye Kai wants to raise Yuyuko.

Ye Kai said to Luna: "Excuse me, do you store weapons and armor here?"

"Accept." Luna nodded and said, "But the price may be lower than stalls and weapon shops."

The Adventurer's Guild can be said to be equivalent to panacea, as long as it is related to adventurers, they will do it.

It's like selling houses, selling magic props, selling weapons and armor. Although there are also special shops, many adventurers are still used to coming to the Adventurer's Guild to buy them, or do quests in exchange.

Ye Kai is a person who is afraid of trouble, so he said decisively: "It's nothing, just take a look."

After speaking, there was a clatter, and countless old weapons and armors fell to the ground.

Since the space backpack has an automatic cleaning function, the blood on it has disappeared.

Luna's eyes widened, and she quickly called for an appraisal.

The weapon Ye Kai took out was very valuable in some respects.

Those nobles like this kind of weapon the most, and they can show off and brag.

The sword marks and knife marks on the armor and weapons were not made for old-fashioned purposes, but were worn by people who had actually participated in the battle.

There is also a gap on the sword, it looks like it was made by hard work!

As for Ye Kai's method of digging out things, she didn't care. It's not that there are no such things as interspatial bags in this world, but they are relatively rare.

Although there are few magicians who can learn space magic, they are not rare.

Ye Kai is a very powerful adventurer, it is not unusual to have such a thing.

"Why do I feel that we are more like selling junk now?" Shokuhou said, clutching his forehead.

"Ann, just get used to it, get used to it." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Ye Kai, I think there is still room for improvement in my explosion magic, and I need a new staff." Huihui was on Ye Kai's back, with both hands, tightly strangling Ye Kai.

The eyes she looked at the money had turned green.

Her magic staff was given by others, and the magic power is suitable for novices, and it is incomparable with Shokuhou's!

You know, Shokuhou's equipment is better than her equipment.

"I think the current one is enough." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

Huihui's strength is not small, but for Ye Kai, it's not enough.

Ye Kai was trained by Remy, Huihui's small arms and legs can't keep up with Lumia, but she can abuse Shokuhou.

"As I use explosion magic, if I don't have a matching staff, the God of Explosion will cry!" Huihui stared at Qian and said.


Ye Kai flicked Huihui's forehead and said: "Who is the God of Explosion? I have never heard of it! Don't even think about it, this is the money to pay off the debt."

"The appraisal is over." Luna smiled at Ye Kai and said, "The total is [-] million."

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