"Yo? It's interesting, come out with me." Ye Kai dragged Sato Kazuma and walked out.

As for his girls, they have gone shopping now.

When going out on missions, Ye Kai basically gave his best.But they followed and shouted 666, no credit but hard work, right?Ye Kai still divided [-]% of the commission to the three of them.

Lumia has no idea about money, so Ye Kai naturally saves it for her, just like parents save money for their children. As for whether it will be returned to her...you know.

Huihui is very happy, she can release a burst every day, and sometimes there is no strange leaf to hold a meeting as a monster for her to target.

Anyway, with Ye Kai's magic resistance, Huihui's magic basically can't hurt him, which makes Huihui a little worried.

She firmly believed that it was her low level, not the explosion magic.

Even if the reward she is getting now is only one-thirtieth, it is much better than before, and the wand has been upgraded twice.

When upgrading the wand, the gemstone at the top of the wand was replaced. Ye Kai looked at those gemstones, and none of them could catch up with the perfect gemstone in the dark world.

Closer to home.

Ye Kai and Sato Kazuma came outside, Ye Kai controlled the output, and swung the ground cracking wave sword.

On Sato Kazuma's card, the name of Ye Kai's skill was displayed, but it turned into a question mark in terms of the required skill points.

"Mr. Ye Kai, it seems that this cannot be added." Sato Kazuma twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, it seems that the fluctuation system is not good." Ye Kai pondered for a while and said: "Forget about the blood energy system, that one loses IQ. My IQ is quite high, but it was suppressed by the blood energy."

"Although I don't understand it very well...is there anything else?" Sato Kazuma said awkwardly.

"This trick!"


Ghost cut!

There is still only a name, and a question mark on the skill, he can't learn this trick.

Ye Kai scratched his head, it seems that Sato Kazuma can only learn the skills of the fencing department.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai used the ghost sword technique.

He is holding a Taidao, Sato Kazuma is small and can use a giant sword, but there is no such thing as a lightsaber in this world.

Blunt weapons and short swords are what Ye Kai is not good at.

In Sato and Zhenda's bewilderment, Ye Kai finished using the Ligui sword technique.

Now you can use the skill card to learn, the required points are five points...

He stumbled and finished the task of hunting down the giant frog recently. He is now at level six, with just five skill points left.

"How about it, do you want to learn?" Ye Kai put Liu Guang on his shoulder and said to Sato and Shinobi.

"A lot of skill points are needed..." Sato Kazuma hesitated.

Looking at Ye Kai's ability, you don't need to think about it to know that it is a complete set, but the initial skill is so strong, let alone the future.

"Is there any easy-to-learn skill, it's best to learn it without spending too many points, and it's easy to use after learning it." Sato Kazuma said a little embarrassed.

He also knew that his request was too much.

"Then there are only foundations such as upward pick and silver falling blade, but this requires a lot of strength. If you are parried..." Ye Kai didn't say the latter, but what he said was already obvious.

Sato Kazuma has no system, and he is not a serious ghost swordsman. After learning his skills, it is easy to draw a tiger instead of a dog.

However, he is just a basic adventurer, and it would be good to learn some basic ghost swordsman skills from Ye Ye.

Currently, what Ye Kai can teach him is Silver Falling Blade, Continuous Thrust, Triple Slash, Moonlight Slash, Mountain Collapsing Strike, Block, and Air Slash.

These skills do not require many skill points, they are all one or two points, as long as it is not related to the skills after the job change or the skills that require special abilities, he can learn them.

"Please, Mr. Ye Kai, I want to learn three-stage slash, silver falling blade and parry." Sato Kazuma clasped his hands together and saluted Ye Kai.

"Okay!" Ye Kai said with a smile.

Both the three-stage cut and the silver falling blade are two skill points, and the block is one skill point, which is just enough.

The three skills are life-saving skills for him.

Naturally, his parry can't reduce the damage like Ye Kai, but it will become a more precise parry, allowing the weapon to offset a large amount of damage.

Sato Kazuma had an excited look on his face, unexpectedly Ye Kai didn't care about his tuition fee.

But yes, Ye Kai is such a powerful adventurer, how could he ask for tuition?After all, the two of them are fellow villagers!

Alas... the truth is so touching!

Just when I thought of this, Ye Kai stretched out his hand and said to Sato Kazuma, "Sorry, I still have to support my family, so I'll take you [-] Alice in total."

Kazuma Sato stomped the emotion to death!

Ye Kai obviously does not lack this little money, but he is bullying him to play...

Chapter 544 Emergency Missions

Ye Kai thought about it, ten thousand is too little, let's have some fun.

Thinking of this, just as he was about to speak, he saw two girls walking over from a distance.

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