However, if you want to keep bothering me with that sort of thing around the castle.... "The headless horseman exuded a dangerous aura, making Huihui take a few steps back.

However, Megumi immediately showed an arrogant smile!

"It's us who are disturbed, okay? It's because you stayed in that castle, so they couldn't even do their work properly! can only be so calm now. But we have The strongest knight! Ye Kai, please!" After choking loudly, Hui Hui completely left the matter to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai stepped forward and said indifferently: "Hey, you are throwing the blame! Also, I am a ghost swordsman, not a knight! But it doesn't matter, in this world, it is hard to come out The guy who played tricks with me."

"Oh? Ghost Swordsman? An ominous aura emanates from you. However, you are surprisingly weak! Even your profession is a nonsense profession that I have never heard of." The Headless Horseman mocked.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, the strength on his body is really invisible to ordinary people!The main reason is that the system is different, causing the other party to accidentally misunderstand something.

"By the way, didn't someone rumor that Ye Kai was a member of the Demon King's Army?"

"He's now facing off against a serious Demon King Army cadre, and the rumors are self-defeating."

"Guess who will win?"

"Uh... I can't guess, he is a cadre of the Demon King's Army, and Ye Kai is also the strongest adventurer in our town!"

"What about the ringing night?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget him."

"Anyway, I'm also one of the cadres of the Demon King's Army. I'm not so downcast that I'll be hunted down by the scumbags who stay in this kind of town. But that's all right, let me torture that Crimson Demon Clan first. Little girl!" The Headless Horseman took a step forward, pointing at Megumi with the index finger of his left hand.

Immediately afterwards, the Headless Horseman shouted: "Decide you! You will die in a week!"

At the same time that the Headless Horseman was casting the curse, Ye Kai grabbed Huihui by the collar and hid her behind him.

"Well, I don't seem to feel anything." Ye Kai's ghostly hand flashed black, and then disappeared.

Compared to Kazan, this black air is almost like tickling.

Besides, Ye Kai has never been afraid of death...

"The curse just now will not do anything to you. Although the plan is a bit disrupted, but you adventurers have such a high sense of companionship, it will make you more painful...

Listen up, Crimson Demon Clan girl.If this continues, that ghost swordsman will die in a week.

Hehe, until then, your most important companion will always be tortured by the fear of death, terrified... Yes, all because of what you did and did to harm him!

In the next week, you will look at the pain of your companions and regret your actions!Huh ha ha ha, if you knew this, you should have listened to me obediently! ’ shouted the Headless Horseman.

"I want to ask, how much is this guy's bonus?" Ye Kai turned around and shouted to Luna in the distance.

"[-] million Alice!" Luna said quickly.

Now if you want to attack a headless horseman of this level, you can only do it by Ye Kai.

"You're dead." Ye Kai smiled, pulled out the Meteorite Knife, and said calmly, "If you want to blame, blame you for being so valuable!"

Before the Headless Horseman could answer, a fireball rushed towards him.

This is no ordinary fireball, but the Explosive Flame Wave Sword!


Sisi, Sisi...

The headless horseman was steaming.

"Hey, let me ask you, what is your level now? Are you really a newcomer? This town is a place where newcomers gather, right?" The headless horseman's body trembled a little. He didn't expect Ye Kai's attack to be so powerful. Tough, stronger than that explosion magic!

Damn it, why can't he feel the smell of a strong man?

Also, the light and shadow effect of his attack is obviously not as gorgeous as the explosion magic, why is it so strong?

"My level, you just think I'm level sixty-seven." Ye Kai said with a half-smile.

"Forget it. The reason why I came here was originally because our fortune-teller yelled that there was a strong light falling near this town, so I came to investigate... But I started to feel troublesome, so I simply connected this town. Forget it!" Seeing Ye Kai's 'only level [-]', the Headless Horseman couldn't help but relax a bit, he is not afraid of adventurers who are only level [-]!

Immediately, the headless horseman charged towards Ye Kai on his headless horse!

"The speed is good." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes.


Pick up!


Liu Guang intersected with the opponent's giant sword, and the opponent was thrown flying with one sword!

" the top pick?" Sato Kazuma stared blankly at Ye Kai's swordsmanship, is it just an ordinary skill, so powerful?

And Ye Kai rushed towards the Headless Horseman again.



A soil slope was blasted into debris by Ye Kai, and the headless horseman was crushed to the ground by Ye Kai's sword.

Ye Kai felt that the other party's weakness should be his head, otherwise why was he called the Headless Horseman?

Well, thinking about it this way, it makes sense, right?

However, Ye Kai didn't intend to fight like that.

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