Ye Kai looked at Hezhen's back and rolled his eyes, didn't he know before?

Really, it's written in the travel guide!Ye Kai was purely curious, so he wanted to come here to have a look...

Chapter 558 Elves and Dwarves

Hui Hui is in a group with Shokuhou, and Ye Kai is in a group with Lumia. They split up and take a hot spring together at night.

"Welcome to Acanretia! After joining the Axis Church, many people got cured of their illnesses, won big prizes, and became proficient in folk art! How about you come and join?"

A woman waved to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai decisively ignored the other party, and then went to a hotel.

"Welcome! The master also informed you about your stay! Please enjoy yourself!"

This hotel seems to be a chain, and Ye Kai and others received an accommodation voucher from the caravan owner.

It's just that under Ye Kai's strong request, he and Kazuma's team are not in the same store.

There is no way, Akuya has the ability to purify water, a good hot spring can be purified into clean water, even if Ye Kai is killed.

As expected of being one of the largest hotels in the city, this hotel looks extremely spacious.

In other words, this kind of hotel is usually for nobles to enjoy.I heard it was a hotel in the hot spring street, and thought it was a western-style hotel, but I didn't expect it to be Japanese.

On the contrary, Kazuma and the others lived in a Western-style hotel.

This hotel also seems to have one of the best hot springs in the city.The hotel staff came out to welcome Ye Kai and Lumia into the room.

Ye Kai nodded in satisfaction, a big room where everyone lives together, is there anything more perfect than this?

Ye Kai hugged Lumia out the door and started wandering.

As expected of a tourist city, the bustle of vendors soliciting customers is unusual.Rather, it was like fighting a war.

He glanced at a certain store for a while, and suddenly someone spoke to him.

"Customer, if you buy something in such a lowly store, people will suspect that you have a problem with your taste, right? This is the elf's special Akan steamed bun made of all natural ingredients, which is commensurate with the noble status of the customer. Please come here to taste Try it!" The owner of the voice is a beautiful male with slender ears, green hair, and fair skin.

Is this an elf?

"Hey, you bastard, how dare you pull like that! The more expensive the better! Customers, come and try the special meat buns made by the dwarves in our store. The meat is big and it won't go bad for a long time. It's super A worthy souvenir!" The one who yelled and refuted the elf was the manager of the store Ye Kai was looking at.

The store manager is only as tall as his chest, but he is well developed horizontally. He has an unshaven face, a typical dwarf.

"Elves from other worlds! There are also dwarves!" Rumia said excitedly, "It's the same as Teacher Huiyin said!"

"Sure enough, elves are beautiful, but dwarves are stubborn." Ye Kai nodded.

Apart from the fact that they set up a stall here to sell things, they were the most magical existence Ye Kai had seen in another world.

No way, he was in the world of the ancient scrolls before, but he had never seen a dwarf or a genuine elf.

"Look at you, the customer is confused by you. He originally wanted to come to our store to look at things, but he didn't know what to do after being so oppressed by you. Get back quickly, you cheap dwarf! "

"You nonsense! The customer wants to see the things in our store. The reason why he is troubled is not because you are pestering him! The customer wants to come to our store to buy things, go away, white and green elves!"

Ye Kai rubbed his brows and said, "Hey, stop arguing, you two! That, both of us will buy!"

These specialties are just for everyone in Gensokyo.

Hearing his words, the two stopped arguing instantly, and said to him with smiles on their faces: "Thank you for your patronage!"

Ye Kai, who knew nothing about this city, had no particular desire to go.

Helpless, had to turn back to the store.However, he did not see the two shopkeepers.

A voice came from the depths of the store, and he sneaked a peek into the depths of the store.

Undoubtedly, it was the voice of the elf before, but also the voice of the dwarf.

Ye Kai pushed the door open and walked in.

"Ah, guest, this is the lounge. It's not good for irrelevant people to come in!" The elf said leisurely, his respectful tone before had gone somewhere, and he even tugged at his ears.

Seemingly seeing Ye Kai's gaze, he smiled and said, "Oh, this... Let me make it clear first, I am a real elf, definitely not a fake."

How should I put it, the ears are very round, no different from human ears.

He sat cross-legged with the dwarf, with a pair of false ears on his knees.

By the way, the dwarf also took off his fake beard and touched his chin.

Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head: "My day..."

"Oh, that, the elves living in the forest don't live with humans, so of course their ears will grow. People like us who live with humans will produce hybrids over time. Then the ears gradually become round. But If I say that I am an elf in front of the guests, the guests will be shocked, and maybe they will be very disappointed, thinking that it is different from the impression. So, I dressed up like a pure-blood elf." The elf said awkwardly.

"For me, growing a beard will cause hygiene problems. Moreover, I only look at the store until the evening. I have to cook for the guests at night and in the morning. If I grow such a long beard, the guests complain that there are beards in the dishes. That would be bad... Ah, do you think we might still be fighting? I'm so sorry, that fight has to be replayed every time. After all, there are rumors that the relationship between elves and dwarves is not good, so we Just took advantage of this rumor..." The dwarf whispered.

It's similar to seeing the indigenous people with long guns when they went sightseeing in Africa, but when they left, they found them playing with their mobile phones.

Moreover, after buying a long gun, I also found the trademark made in China...

"Ah... I'm so sorry, did you break your dream?"

"Guest, thinking too much is bad for your health? There are always dwarves who are not dexterous, and there are always elves who are not good at using bows and arrows!"

The world is so damned.

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