"Shokuho, Megumi, stay aside and wait to go back to Gensokyo with me at any time! I will suppress her first!" Ye Kai shouted: "Kazuma, let Aqua stand in the front, as long as her divine power can Barely block the aftermath!"


Shokuhou and Huihui were left behind Akuya by Ye Kai.

He Zhen obeyed Ye Kai's order decisively, and pulled Akuya back to stand in front of her.

Then came Darkness, Shokuhou, and Megumin, as if they were playing eagles and chickens.

"How did you wake Rumia up? If Ye Kai can't hold back, the world will be destroyed by her!" Shokuhou said anxiously.

"It's all the fault of this stupid goddess!" Kazuma shouted in despair.

"Ahh! Don't blame me!" Aqua cried.

"It's you, how did you come so fast?" Darkness asked.

"Ye Kai reacted when Rumia's real body appeared, otherwise, would you have to wait to die?" Shokuhou said resentfully.

This group of goods, not enough for success, more than for failure...

"Okay, it's scary..." How did Hui Hui know that the one who has been acting coquettish and cute in Ye Kai's arms is such a powerful master.

Those who don't know Lumia's real body feel disillusioned.

"Oh? Ye Kai." Lumia turned to look at Ye Kai, and sneered, "Are you going to stop me? Or can you stop me?"

"I didn't dare to say it before..." Ye Kai said indifferently: "However, it is not necessarily the case now. You have not absorbed the fear brought about by my crossing the world, which means that your strength is still at the time when you were sealed. The top One batch, you are no longer."

"It's true that I haven't become stronger." Rumia sneered, "But that doesn't mean I've become weaker!"

There was endless darkness radiating from her body.

She doesn't want to eat people, but she can't control her desire!

The darkness was released before it was fully digested, just like getting up.

Ye Kai made a big move, and the ribbon returned to his hand.

Although he has become stronger, but now he is not Rumia's opponent.



His left arm was several times thicker!

His skin slowly glowed red, and his muscle texture changed from well-proportioned to terrifying!

"Roar!" Ye Kai raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, with his hands thrown back, an ominous force rose from his body!

On Ye Kai's shoulders, blue and silver shoulder armor appeared, followed by chest, belt, leggings, boots...

And the magic sword also appeared in Ye Kai's hands.

Ye Kai ran towards Rumia with the last ounce of reason.

bang, bang, bang...

They smashed three mountains one after another before they stopped.

Boom, boom...

Countless stones, like a natural disaster, fell on the monsters on the ground.

All the monsters were trembling with fear from these two more powerful monsters.

The red light in Ye Kai's eyes became more and more intense, and the BUFF was fully activated!The first move is to slash the mountains and crack the ground!

Rumia's figure was drawn into endless blood.


With a flash of blackness in the blood, Rumia struggled and ran out, punching Ye Kai.

Already ghost-like, he doesn't know how to block at all, he only knows how to head-on!

The blade of blood!


The huge blood sword collided with Rumia's slender hand.

Ye Kai took half a step back, and Rumia flew out.

Sure enough, Ye Kai, who possesses Magic Zhan Wushuang, is not comparable to the naked outfit back then!

Ye Kai, who was wearing a top-level suit, completely suppressed Rumia, who was once unbeatable!

There was a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth.

With a wave of the magic sword, time and space are all cut off by piercing the sky!

But Rumia was happy and unafraid, she put her arms in front of her chest, and forcibly withstood the attack!


Ye Kai let out a loud roar, "Extreme ghost swordsmanship · piercing through the air!"

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