Although Ye Kai really wanted to move his hand up or down, but there were two powerful pursuers behind him, so he had better not play dead.


Marisa and Ye Kai just flew into the air.

"Wow, this is what it feels like to fly." Huihui said excitedly.

The last time I was carried in the air by Ye Kai, I was so patronizing and scared, I didn't enjoy it well.

This time it was different, she was sitting on the broom safely.

"Hey, the signboard of Gensokyo is that everyone can fly! Brother Ye Kai is an exception, he is DA☆ZA who can only fly with tricks." Marisa said proudly.

"Cut, rare..." Ye Kai turned his head away.

Shokuhou closed her eyes with enjoyment, this embrace was so warm, she didn't want to leave.

Not long after, a few people arrived at the entrance of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Hong Meiling slept soundly at the door, but she didn't realize that she was "invaded" by several people.

Ye Kai didn't come to look for Hong Meiling this time, so he didn't wake her up.

He shouted loudly: "Miss, Fran, I'm here to see you!"



With one shot, Gungnir flew towards Ye Kai.


Ye Kai's left shoulder blade was pierced through, and traces of hot blood flowed onto Shokuhou's body.

Huihui looked at Ye Kai in disbelief, but saw that Ye Kai and Marisa both had expressions that were normal.

Cold sweat broke out on Shokuhou's head, this Gungnir shot in her face within ten centimeters!

What kind of place is Fantasy Township?

Chapter 570 My eldest lady is the cutest and cutest

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With Gungnir stuck in Ye Kai's body, he entered the Hongmeng Pavilion with Marisa and others.

"Master Sakuya, good morning." Ye Kai greeted Sakuya with a smile.

Sakuya nodded, and when she saw Marisa, she couldn't help frowning.

Thanks to Marisa, she repairs the library more than ten times a month.

"Miss is in the room, you just go directly." Sakuya said indifferently.

"Okay, then I'll go." Ye Kai nodded and said.

"Let's go find Pachi DA☆ZA." Marisa grinned.

Coming with Ye Kai is different from her own, at least coming with Ye Kai, she can restrain herself a bit, which has a lot to do with her not being able to beat Ye Kai.

Of course, in the three-acre land of Gensokyo, there are not many powerful monsters that Marisa can fight, but Ye Kai doesn't play barrage battles, which makes people helpless.

If you use barrage, Marisa can be ranked in the top five in Gensokyo, but if you don't use barrage, she will be the one who gets caught when she meets Ye Kai.

Shokuhou opened his mouth, Ye Kai patted her on the head, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we are easy to get along with. Well, this is for you."

As he said that, Ye Kai took out a Ye Kai doll and said in a low voice: "If you meet someone you can't afford, put a drop of blood on it and throw it on the ground, and a person with similar strength as me will appear I can fight for fifteen minutes."

"It's not that Ye Kaidian doesn't care about others." Shokuhou said with a blushing face.

"Tch, if Gensokyo chooses a film queen next time, I will definitely vote for you." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Ann, I'm sincere." Shokuhou hugged Ye Kai's arm and said affectionately.

"Your cultivation is far behind Hui Ye." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"A man who doesn't understand style." Shokuhou pouted.

Speaking of this, several people separated, and Ye Kai went directly to the eldest lady's room.

The eldest lady is playing a game with an impatient look on her face.


Ye Kai pulled out Gungnir, and the wounds on his body recovered visibly. He wiped the blood on the gun wisely, and put the spear beside the eldest lady.

Hold it up and hold it high!

"Miss, long time no see!" Ye Kai said to Remy.

Remi folded her hands on her chest, turned her head, and said dissatisfied: "Hmph, you didn't take me with you when you went out to play."

"Well, I can't take you with me all the time." Ye Kai said dumbfounded.

Didn't you want to be quiet for a while before?But now it's my fault.

No way, loli is justice!

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