The two entered a place similar to a western tavern. Ye Kai opened the wave and searched, and found a bottle of potion in an instant.

[Healing medicine, the side effect is loss of strength for half an hour after taking it.Produced by Yonglin, it must be a boutique! 】

Ye Kai felt a toothache. Is this kind of thing here for cuteness?After half an hour of exhaustion, there is basically nothing to play in the finals.

There is also a saying of shrinking the circle here. The first shrinking circle is a week, and everyone will go to a large island within a week.

The people in Gensokyo are naturally the closest.For the rest, more or less luck is needed.


Suddenly, there was a gunshot not far away!

"Someone." Ye Kai's eyes lit up.

"Ye Kai, let's go and kill them!" Tohsaka Rin's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, so naturally he is fearless.

When she grows up, she seems to use some strategies, but now she just wants to let her strongest SABER drive Wushuang to kill all the way, and finally win the championship!

If there is no Gensokyo, it doesn't matter for Ye Kai to play around, but now even he has to stick to it.

However, the people nearby don't seem to be from Gensokyo, or even powerful.

After all, Ye Kai didn't feel any dangerous fluctuations.

Ye Kai held Tohsaka Rin in one hand, and the Meteor Star Meteor Knife in the other, and rushed towards the source of the sound.

In his eyes, there was a scarlet light, and the evil spirit was compelling.

Tohsaka Rin couldn't feel any wind pressure in his arms, it seemed that Ye Kai protected her.

She looked up at Ye Kai blankly, her pretty face blushed suddenly, then she turned her head and flicked her ponytail onto Ye Kai's face.

Hmph, ignore this impolite guy.

Not long after, Ye Kai came to the source of the sound.

A sunny-looking boy, holding a Gatling in his hand, was shooting at a hillside.

Beside him was a young man holding a Barrett heavy sniper, his eyes were cold, and he was staring at the opposite side.

Ye Kai looked to the other side, there was a fat man and a girl.

The fat man was covered in cold sweat, and muttered: "Sister, I thought it would be awesome to be fully equipped with AM on the ground, but the opponent doesn't play cards according to the routine! They are equipment for crossing the line of fire, and we are equipment for eating chicken!"

The girl said contemptuously: "It's really a useless fat house, hurry up and find a way for me!"

"Fortunately, their marksmanship is not very good. Even RMB players can't affect the absolute difference in strength." Fatty said calmly: "Saya, give me a gun!"

When he said this, he had a stern expression on his face, as if his entire self-confidence was boosted by the sniper rifle in his hand.

"Fatty, what are you talking about?" Saya said in disbelief.

Not only did he order himself, but he dared to call him by his own name?

"That, please!" The fat man changed his face in a second and said with a sneer.

Saya was stunned for a moment, thinking that this fat man had become domineering, and he was beaten back to his original form in less than a second.

Hmph, trash!

She picked up the M249 in her hand and rushed towards the opposite side.

Anyway, this is just a game, and if you get hit, you just lose blood, not pain.

"Hey, die!" The fat man pulled the trigger.

Ye Kai watched helplessly as the bullet flew into the forehead of the cold boy holding the Barrett.

The boy with cold eyes had a data-like golden program structure appearing on his head, just like a robot.

Before he could react, he died...


There was another gunshot, and the sunny-looking boy was also shot in the forehead and fell down.

The bodies of the two slowly turned into data streams and disappeared.

Their equipment remained on the ground.

By the way, are these two handsome guys here to be funny?One held Gatling for a while, and the other held Barrett and stared for a long time, but they couldn't beat a fat man and a girl?

Isn't this world based on faces?

The current situation is that Xinyue 3 is defeated by the technical flow, how unrealistic it is to think about it!

Forget it, anyway, when I came here, these four guys were destined to die here.


There was another shot, and this shot was aimed at Ye Kai's forehead!

Ye Kai nodded, obviously the loli in his arms was easier to kill, but the other party didn't do this, it seems that it is not useless.


Ye Kai stretched out the streamer casually, and blocked the bullet.

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