"Well, Yongyi, do you think there will be such a guy who is willing to risk his life with alcohol?" Cuixiang said drunkenly.

"Yes? I just don't know, are the four next to me?" Yongyi said indifferently.

"After watching for so long, we didn't do anything or come over. Let's just go and kill them." Cuixiang smiled.

"Well, let's kill it." Hoshiguma Yuki nodded.

This is a relatively harmonious combination, and there are discordant ones.

"You actually look the same as Yu, this is the highest honor, bumpkin." Nero looked contemptuously at Mordred beside him.

"You bastard, how dare you insult King Arthur? Do you want another fight?" Mordred said through gritted teeth.

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, the fifth emperor of the Roman Empire during his lifetime, was a notorious tyrant whose career was painted with strategy and poison.

Wearing a red formal attire and holding a long sword with a strange shape, the girl Servant with the rank of Saber has blond hair, green eyes, dull hair, and a loli body shape, which can be said to be basically similar to the girls around her.

The only difference is the bust.

Unlike Mordred, who is dressed in armor and appears in front of everyone in a knightly style, she wears a red dance costume because she claims to be an "artist comparable to Apollo, the god of music".

"Hmph, a barbarian is a barbarian." Nero gave her a contemptuous look.

Mordred gritted his teeth, if he didn't want to avenge that bastard father, he wouldn't team up with this guy.

Now she can use her treasures as she wants, but her magic power is limited.

In case, after fighting this dairy cow to the death, it will be broken if it is ambushed by a strong person of the same level.

Damn, he is obviously a tyrant, why is he so elegant?So capricious?He didn't even give himself a reason to kill her.

Mordred's true identity is King Arthur Artoria's sister Morgan Le Fay. After magically transforming Artoria Pendragon, he obtained his sperm and created an artificial human, but it is indeed the king of knights. The replacement descendants are known as the "Rebellious Knights" who brought the legend of King Arthur to an end.

She is a servant who hates being treated as a woman, but is also unhappy when being treated as a man. She has a very troublesome personality, or rather troublesome personality.

"Hey, Dairy Cow, here are two enemies. Don't you call yourself the emperor? Go! Kill them!" Mordred said disdainfully, looking at the two figures that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"This kind of thing should be done by a so-called knight like you, right? I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty if I fight with two trash."

Having said that, she still involuntarily pulled out the primordial fire.

It's time to let this poor-breasted barbarian see how powerful the Roman emperor is.

"Hey, yo, although I don't like to embarrass women very much, but you are so rampant, don't you take me seriously?" said the pervert who was wearing a blue tights, blue hair and red eyes, and holding a scarlet spear.

The guy next to him was also a guy in tights, but in dark green tights, holding two guns, one red, one yellow, one long and one short.

"If the opponent is a woman, they will suffer more." Dark Green said indifferently.

Nero and Mordred looked at the dark green guy at the same time, and frowned at the same time.

This guy actually knows charm magic?Damn it!

bang, bang, bang...

Mordred put on his armor in an instant, and Nero also picked up the primordial fire.

The rebellious emperor plus the rebellious knight VS the unfeminine Cu Chulainn and the unfeminine Diarmuid.

The feeling of dizziness came, but it didn't take long for a few people to regain their sight and start to look at the closed space.

This is a huge theater, in the classical and gorgeous style of Rome.

There are unknown paintings painted on the ceiling. Although I can't understand what it is, it is also very beautiful!The entire theater is divided into four floors, and the first floor seems to be the place for performances.

The left and right directions of the cross-shaped red carpet lead to the exit, and the front and rear directions lead to the upstairs. The theater is filled with dazzling red. Although the walls are not red, they are also glowing beautifully.

There is a pattern like a magic circle in the center, and the surrounding tiles are also very beautiful.It is not an exaggeration for Nero to say that he is an artist comparable to Apollo. The style of this building alone makes people feel the artistic atmosphere from the pavement.

This is her Noble Phantasm, the flamboyant Golden Theater.

She doesn't have a headache, but she is very strong!

Chapter 577 The Promise of the Finals

Just after Nero opened the barrier, he suddenly found two more people.

When these two guys came, the four of them didn't even notice.

The heroic spirits in the Holy Grail War are all famous heroes of ancient and modern times. In terms of strength, few of them are really weak.

However, they just didn't find out.

"Well, I said I went to the wrong set, do you believe me?" Yakumo Zi covered her face with a fan and smiled.

Yakumo Lan stood quietly beside Yakumo Zi, motionless.

"Who? Tell me your name!" Mordred pointed his sword at Yakumo Zi and said coldly.

"Huh? These four guys look so familiar... How much are Mordred, Nero, Cu Chulainn, and Dilumu in Xingyue World?" Yakumo Zi wondered.

It seems that she has also watched the series of FATE.

"You know our names?" Cu Chulainn was not distressed, but said with a half-smile: "It seems that being too famous is not a good thing. Unexpectedly, the opponent turned out to be the tyrant of Rome and the rebellious round table." knight."

"It's a great blessing in life to confront such a guy." Diarmuid smiled.

The two of them don't care at all whether Yakumo Zi is helping the opposite party.

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