Everyone has their own wishes.

Nero wants to hold a concert, Mordred wants to challenge King Arthur, Diarmuid wants to choose a monarch, and Cu Chulainn wants to challenge the strong.

Everyone, go to the finals!

Chapter 578 Sea Monster

After Yakumo Zi persuaded the fight, she left here.

By the time the four of them reacted, Yakumo Zi had already left.

In other words, Yakumo Zi has always been elusive, and in this place, she can be said to have taken advantage of the right time, place, and harmony, and she can do whatever she wants.

This idea came to her suddenly, that is, everyone should clean up the street first, and then have fun when it is full of big bosses.

The Banquet of the Three Kings in the anime is very interesting. Now that there are so many kings and heroes, what kind of sparks can be created?

Time, three days passed quickly.

A game for [-] people gradually turned into a game for [-] people.

The main reason is...

A day ago, at sea.

A strange man stood in the middle of a river without an island, as if standing on the surface of the water.If you look carefully, you will find a large number of terrifying alien figures gathered on the water under his feet.

Judging from the highly unusual release of magic power, there was no doubt that he was performing some kind of large-scale magic.The dense fog formed from the sea is probably caused by the aftermath of this magical power.

Not only did he not chant, he didn't even show concentration. He just stood there carelessly. From the magic book in his hand, a frenzied magic vortex poured out continuously, and the surrounding space became distorted as a result.

As a magical furnace beyond the norm, it is also a treasure that can release spells alone, and if it falls into the hands of a madman, it becomes an extremely dangerous weapon.

Below his feet, the dark water began to stir.The countless monsters gathered at the summoner's feet shot out countless tentacles and swallowed the monsters wearing cloaks standing on their heads.

At first glance, it seemed that the rebellious familiars were attacking the weirdo, but the weirdo, who was wrapped in tentacles all over his body, instead raised his voice and laughed wildly, his arrogant laughter almost screaming.

"Now I will once again raise the banner of the Savior! Come to me the outcast! Come to me the despised! I will command you! Lead you! The hatred of our bullied ones will be conveyed to God! Heaven My Lord! I will wash away my sins and praise You!" the strange man roared.

The foamy sea swelled, pushing up the monster engulfed by the tentacles.The number of monsters that used to be his foothold increased dramatically.Estimated from the depth of the seabed, the number is terrifyingly unimaginable.

The number of monsters gathered around the Summoner's body continued to increase.Countless tentacles tangled and fused together, forming a lump of meat.

The chunks of meat were glistening with disgusting mucus, a sticky island of meat.Not only that, but the chunks of meat still continued to swell.

The figure of the strange man was completely invisible, only his voice still echoed arrogantly.

"Arrogant God! Cruel God! We will pull you down from the throne of God! Lambs favored by God! People who have a body similar to God! We will be abused and torn to pieces by us! We are rebellious! The ridicule of the gods will knock on the door of the kingdom of heaven with the mournful cry of the Son of God!"

The filthy mass of flesh gradually swelled and took shape.Or it can be said that this image is the body of the alien monster.It was an alien figure standing in the darkness, with a hideous image and a great sense of oppression.

Even the overlord whales and king squids of the deep sea do not have such a huge body.This nightmarish figure that dominates all sea areas in the world is exactly the giant aquatic beast worthy of the title of sea monster.

Then those who crossed the sea were quickly cleaned up until a group of ship girls came here the next day.

Around, countless ship girls looked at this side in shock, including Ye Kai's ship girls.

Hui Ye flew in the air, and Bei Zhai stood on the sea.

Ye Kai's ship's mother quietly looked at the huge monster.

It's not that they don't want to shoot, but that their artillery has no effect on this kind of thing.

Even Kaguya doesn't have the capability of mass destruction.

If Meihong is okay, she might be able to kill the opponent in an instant by going up to a maelstrom of self-extinguishing flames.

"What should I do? All my planes have been shot down." Akagi frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice.

"It's the same for me." Kaga said helplessly.

"Speaking of which, it would be great if the admiral was here, he will definitely be able to solve it."

Those who say such spineless words are Beizhai.

But none of the crowd accused her this time.

Because in the battle just now, Beizhai's firepower and hits showed an extraordinary level.

Only then did Bismarck realize that Bei Zhai was [-] levels higher than her!

What is rhythm?Is reading comics every day better than practicing?

How did she know that Bei Zhai followed Hui Ye, not only being cute all day long.

Since Meihong doesn't fight with Huiye now, when she is idle and bored, she will fight with Beizhai.

Bei Zhai had to dodge the overwhelming barrage and find a way to hit Kaguya, no wonder his level was not high!

However, Beizhai's enthusiasm for playing games with Kaguya is completely different from his enthusiasm for fighting the deep sea and practicing with Bismarck and others.

For Bei Zhai, playing around with Kaguya is like a fighting game, but it requires exercise.

"Sigh...we are still too weak." Lexington said helplessly.

Just now, a wave of aircraft carriers swept the ground, and all the planes were shot down, and the strongest aircraft carrier Saratoga was no exception.

The only ones who can fight now are the Bismarck sisters.

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