Hui Ye looked around, so many people surrounded him, how could this sea monster not die?

This wave is stable!

The barrage, artillery fire, sword light, explosion, and super electromagnetic gun, combined with the power of a mountain avalanche, blasted one-third of the giant beast's body into thin air.

Gilles inside laughed again.

The wriggling Roshan inflated like a balloon, watching to repair the damaged parts.

The body structure of the huge chunk of meat is probably as simple as that of protozoa.There are no bones and organs, so there are no disadvantages.No matter where the damage is, it has no effect on the action, and the damaged part can be quickly restored by relying on the powerful regeneration ability.

"How is it possible!" Miqin said incredulously in the air.

This thing is much scarier than the fantasy hand!

"The core must be attacked, one hit will kill!" Joan of Arc shouted anxiously.

She flew up, swept the battle flag in her hand, and cut off two new tentacles.

"Hmph." Hui Ye said helplessly: "So, I hate the tentacle type, and I like the pure love type more."

All the girls' faces changed.

Another wave of ship girls was involved in the attack and became the nourishment of the sea monster.

Cirno and Rumia are behind the king, Ye Kai's ship girl is behind Kaguya, Alice Feier, Shokuhou and Touma's ship are very close, and Joan of Arc and Kanzaki can protect them.

The rest are not so lucky, none of them can be separated now.

As the only man present, Kamijou Touma was under a lot of pressure.

Are all the girls these days so cruel?

"Touma, I'm afraid to eat octopus..." Index said weakly.

Kamijou Touma is helpless, when is this, and you still have the mind to study food?

Besides, those guys are too serious, right?Isn't this just a game?I really admire those guys who can inexplicably get excited.

Chapter 582 Get out of the way!I want……

Joan of Arc clenched the sword around her waist again, ready to go up and die with that monster.

But just as she was about to make a move, she saw that Artoria was already approaching him.

The wind king's barrier has been untied, and the golden sword has shown its true body with the roaring storm.The splendid sword body illuminated the surrounding darkness as if it had been promised a victory oath.

That is King Arthur's Noble Phantasm.

Seeing this noble treasure with his own eyes, Touma was stunned with astonishment.

Just like seeing a ray of light in the long dark night, the anxiety and anxiety entrenched in my heart are being swept away by this ray of light.

Yes, this is the ideal of the knight.

This is the crystallization in the hearts of people who, despite being on a bloody battlefield and in an endless hell full of death terror and despair, still steadfastly sang the dignity of human nature and disappeared in infinite brilliance.

We can win!

These four words flashed in Kamijou Touma's mind.

All obstacles have been swept away, and at this moment, it is time for a decisive battle.

Sensing the fatal threat, the sea demon immediately spread out countless tentacles and rolled them to the side.

The last other ship's mother had already escaped a long way, but she still didn't escape, and all of them became the rations of sea monsters.

"Not good..."

None of the people present thought that this super tentacle monster would come suddenly.

The King of Knights poured all the strength of his entire body into his arms gripping the hilt of the sword, and raised the golden sword high.

Light is gathering.

As if illuminating this holy sword is his supreme task, the brilliance is infinitely condensed and merged into a dazzling beam.

Under this intense and clear light, everyone was speechless.

The figure of a hero who once illuminated the darkness of a troubled world deeper than night.

After ten years of unyielding, after twelve battles undefeated.This feat is unparalleled in the world, this glory is unparalleled, they transcend time and space, and are immortal.

This dazzling sword is the crystallization of the prayer called glory, the dream that all the soldiers who have disappeared on the battlefield throughout the ages have pursued and longed for.

Taking pride in exalting this will and carrying out this belief, now the King of Knights chanted the true name of the miracle in his hand.

Its name is: The Sword of Contract Victory! ! !

Light is flowing.

The light is roaring.

The magic power was accelerated by the unbound dragon factor, turning into a flash of light.The gushing torrent rolled up countless vortexes and swallowed the sea demon.

The threatened super tentacle monster immediately stopped its predation. Countless tentacles blocked the front of its huge body. Come up to resist the power of the sword of vowed victory.

An incomparably dazzling golden beam of light shot up into the sky, appearing incomparably sacred.

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