A gunshot sounded, Ye Kai took a step back decisively, a big hole appeared under his feet.

Ye Kai immediately picked up the gun on the ground and shot down.

With fluctuations, he can make the opponent have nowhere to hide!


Damn, I forgot to open the insurance!

With Ye Kai's strength, he doesn't need a gun at all, so he has no concept of insurance at all.

Damn, let's fight in our own way.



Like a javelin, the spray flew out of Ye Kai's hand, not only piercing the ground, but also piercing the opponent's body.

The opponent turned into a data stream and disappeared.

It can be seen that his luck is not as good as this buddy under his feet, otherwise he wouldn't even lose his dolls.

It's a pity that the one with the doll is completely useless.

Ye Kai picked up Lori Lin and prepared to change another room.

Don't stay here for long!

No, when you meet someone later, you can't keep your hands or play around just because the other person is an ordinary person.

If he was knocked down by a weak chicken, where would he put his face?

Chapter 587 Passing by

Another three days passed, and Ye Kai and Luo Lilin were still cuddling.

This small town has once again ushered in new guests.

Astolfo, a knight depicted in the French heroic epic.

Son of the King of England, one of Charlemagne's Twelve Warriors.

Although he has an unparalleled handsome appearance, he acts extremely rashly, and it is even said that his rationality has long since evaporated.

Adventurous and haunted everywhere, often get involved in trouble and make trouble.It never occurred to him to do anything bad, and while he got his way, he never stepped into the worst of things.

Although he has the beauty that everyone loves among the twelve holy knights, he is a clumsy and weak knight who is stronger than the others.

But I don't care about this weakness at all. Even if I lose in a battle like a martial arts competition, the depression will disappear immediately. This optimistic personality is also due to my strong luck and cute attitude. , and holds many treasures.

Received a declaration of destruction that can break all magic from the witch, and borrowed Algaria's lost spear, and also protected everyone in this world from the evil magician Atlanta. The phantom horse that survived.

It is precisely because Astolfo can make full use of these Noble Phantasms that he can embark on various adventures.

By the way, these borrowed treasures are almost all obtained from others or given by others voluntarily. Astolfo has no strong attachment to these items, so Astolfo can have so many treasures of all kinds in his life. Tool.

Renzi looked helplessly at her companion having fun on the ground, completely broken down.

She has watched the Holy Grail War series, but what does this companion say.

Among the heroic spirits, they are indeed very weak, and they are very inconspicuous and unreliable...

Most importantly, he was even prettier than himself.

Yes, it is beautiful!

The short skirt, black silk, tights, and white robe brought out his beauty to the extreme.

The problem is, the problem is that this guy is a man!

"Hey, Ah Fu, wait for me!" Renzi said to Ah Fu panting.

He is obviously a rider, but he rarely rides a horse.

Mainly because of his mount, he didn't give him face a lot of the time.

"Renzi, hurry up, there is a small town here! Let's go in and have fun!" Ah Fu waved to Leizi.

"I'm not a perverted powerhouse like yours, how could it be so fast?" Renzi said helplessly.

Fortunately, she learned from Ye Kai and now has magical powers, otherwise she would have struggled to travel when she came to this game.

The luck of the two was very good, and they randomly arrived at the final island at the beginning.

Although the people in Gensokyo are the closest to the island, there is no rule that no one will land directly on the final island.

"Okay, okay, I really can't do anything about you." Ah Fu put his hands behind his head and didn't care at all.

Neither of them was too concerned about the weakness of their companions. For Ah Fu, he was here to play.

Renzi ran for another two minutes before catching up with this "boy".

"Are we really going to enter the town?" Renzi said worriedly: "When we were searching for things before, we met two groups of people and were almost wiped out."

"You're talking about the scene between Medusa and Medea, right? Fortunately, that shiny golden guy passed by, otherwise we would have been defeated by them!" Ah Fu scratched his head and smirked: "The two of them are really amazing."

"By the way, why did Gilgamesh chase after Hercules and Vlad III? Do they have any grudges?" Saenko asked with some doubts.

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