If in reality, Kaili yelled a few times, maybe Ye Kai would stop. He is not unreasonable. After all, Kaili in the game cannot be compared with Kaili in reality.

But this is a game in itself, and he doesn't care about it at all!

Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash, Explosive Flame Wave Sword, Extreme Ice Wave Sword, Ghost Print Bead, Draw Sword Slash, Phantom Sword Dance...

The skills Ye Kai used to use, pressed towards Kaili like money.

Kelly had no choice but to turn into a stream of data and disappear.

Ye Kai heaved a sigh of relief, but he was quite angry!

Chapter 589 Reunion

"This... do you have any hatred?"

Suo Ye was the first to speak out.

"We can't live together!" Ye Kai gritted his teeth and said, "This guy, do you know how much equipment I have ruined?"

"I haven't seen you in Arad for a long time. This is Kelly who just came down from the heavens. You don't seem to have seen you?" Soderos wondered.

"I have been friends with you for a long time." Ye Kai said seriously.

"Forget it, it's a game anyway, I didn't expect to see the Fifth Juggernaut here. Are you recovering from your injury?" GSD said indifferently.

As for Kelly, he wasn't entangled at all, and the two didn't know each other very well.

"Well, I've recovered." Ye Kai nodded and said, "Why did you all participate in the competition? I thought Arad was the only one here."

"A voice told me that here, I can challenge countless masters, so I came." Soderos's eyes burst into a gleam, and he smiled: "After seeing you, I feel that I am not wronged. Now You are much stronger than before."

"It's drizzle, it can't be compared with Suo Ye." Ye Kai spread his hands.

"Ye Kai, long time no see." Celia walked in front of Ye Kai with a sweet smile on her face.

Kelly's exit, she didn't take it seriously, just like Soderos said, this is a game, just like Allard's arena, no one will really get hurt.

Kaili and her are not a strong combat force, so it is understandable to leave the stage here.

"Teacher!" Renzi waved to Ye Kai from afar and shouted, "I'm here!"

After finishing speaking, she ran towards Ye Kai, and Ah Fu quickly followed.

Seeing that Ye Kai didn't intend to come to pick her up, Luo Lilin couldn't help snorting dissatisfiedly, and ran towards Ye Kai.

Ah Fu is also a hero no matter what, and Saten is still a child, so of course they wouldn't do anything to a mere loli.

Ah Fu came here mainly to enjoy the fun of adventure.

"Long time no see, Celia." Ye Kai's big hand stroked Celia's small head.

Celia's face turned red to the base of her neck, and she didn't have a shield on her body, which showed that she didn't reject Ye Kai's touch in her heart.

"How is it? Is Gran's Forest okay?" Ye Kai asked Celia.

He didn't ask directly, are the elves already cold, that way they are too bad at chatting...

"Thanks to you, Gran's Forest retains the spark of the elves." Celia blushed and said, "But I have forgotten my past. The only thing I remember is you."

"It's okay, I will remember sooner or later." Ye Kai said casually.

Unexpectedly, the same as the plot in the game, Celia has forgotten the past...

But it doesn't matter, as long as everyone is still there, everything can be rebuilt.

Big deal, let the remaining elves live a little more.

It is much better than the few remaining elves in the original book.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you here. It's great." Celia blushed.

Ye Kai looked at Celia's face and felt a little bad.

This little girl, doesn't she have a crush on herself?Also, what she said before is easily misunderstood, okay?

Wait, the three major illusions in life, I can't make such a mistake.


Leizi rushed towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai stretched out his hand, hugged Leizi, turned around, and said with a smile: "Oh, the magic power has grown!"

"This is... the sword driver?" Soderos said in surprise, "Not bad, but unfortunately there is no Kazan's curse. Is this your disciple?"

If a swordsman wants to grow, he must have Kazan's curse, that is, to become a ghost hand.

The ghost hand of the swordsman will not be obvious, at least not like the ghost swordsman.

After they awaken, they will even eliminate the negative effects of their appearance.

"Yes, this is my first student." Ye Kai shed tears, rubbed tears' head, and said with a smile: "Why, Master Suo, do you want to help teach?"

"I'm not a swordsman." Soderos shook his head and said, "But I know a sword emperor who is hidden from the world, so I can ask her to teach this child. When the game is over, take her to the Tower of Despair .”

Ye Kai was overjoyed immediately, patted Leizi on the back and said, "Thank you yet? These are the only two sword gods in the mainland!"

"Thank you, Senior Soderos." Renzi saluted respectfully.

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