Ye Kai not only represents himself, but also Remy and Fran.

"Tear, who is this guy?" Ah Fu looked at Ye Kai and the others with a puzzled expression.

They seem to be very familiar, so it seems that there is no need to fight?

"This is my teacher, these..." Renzi was a little embarrassed, she didn't know any of the rest, and this wasn't a monster from Gensokyo.

"Don't talk to me..." Ye Kai stretched out his hand, covered his eyes with the other hand, and said indignantly, "I'm just wondering, you are such a cute child, why is it a boy?"

"Huh?" Celia's eyes widened.

"Male?" GSD frowned.

"..." Suo Ye was speechless.

"Ahahaha! So you still care about this." Ah Fu put his hands behind his head and said with a smile: "I don't care about it myself."

"Of course I care, super care!" Ye Kai gritted his teeth.

In Xingyue, his cutest ones are Ah Fu, Liang Ri and Xiao Mo, and the rest of them are not so cold.

In the end, one of my favorite characters was actually a man...

Of course, he also likes the majesty of the emperor and the aloofness of Jin Glittering.

However, from the very beginning, he regarded the Great Emperor and Jin Xingxian as men, which is completely different from Ah Fu!

Fortunately, he has strong self-control, and he doesn't know how to get ahead of a man.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Ah Fu looked indifferent.

"Ye Kai, how are you doing lately?" Celia changed the subject and asked Ye Kai.

She lowered her head, her face still flushed.

Leizi looked at Ye Kai with a strange look on his face, this guy is too good at attracting bees and butterflies, right?

Don't you have three mistresses already?

But yes, he is always so strong and enthusiastic, without any airs...

No, no, I can't think about it anymore, polygamy is a bad habit!Resist!

"Is it okay? A lot of things happened, but I had a good time." Ye Kai thought for a while.

He was no longer the virgin who paid 500 yuan to him when Seria said she liked him.

"Ye Kai! You bastard, you didn't come to pick me up! Hehe..."

At this moment, Loli Lin ran over and said to Ye Kai with gritted teeth.

Ye Kai picked up Lori, rubbed her face, and said with a smile, "Isn't there something to do? Well, you are the cutest."

Celia also looked at Ye Kai with a strange expression. She felt that Ye Kai was always surrounded by lolitas. Before, she was riding one on her shoulders and holding another in her arms.

Is he a lolicon?

Then, do you still have a chance?

Thinking of this, Celia couldn't help but feel a little lost.

"Let go of me, let me go..." Ye Kai didn't accept Luo Lilin's resistance at all.

What a cute loli, it's great to be able to hug her.

GSD and Soderos obviously knew what kind of virtue Ye Kai was, so they didn't bother to talk to him.

"By the way, all the Four Juggernauts have left the stage except you." GSD said to Ye Kai.

"Huh?" Ye Kai frowned slightly: "Who killed them?"

"According to the information, it is a woman named Kazami Yuka. She is like you, holding a child in her arms. It is said that she also defeated three demons." GSD said thoughtfully.

This was information brought by a girl named Luo Lian, and Youxiang didn't attack her because she was too weak.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly: "Poor guys, I can't do anything about it. Even if I turn on ghost transformation, I'm not that woman's opponent. By the way, she is my sister..."

"Your family is really strong." GSD choked for a long time, and choked out this sentence.

But it's okay for the Four Sword Masters to leave the stage, and with Kazami Yuka, it's a little more sure to fight against the big shift.

Obviously, the confrontation in their eyes is different from the confrontation in Ye Kai's eyes.

What they wanted was to protect the creatures and the continent, while Ye Kai wanted to kill the culprit.

Chapter 591 End

Knowing that you can get rewards as long as you enter Arad, why do you still do this weird task?

He resolutely turned on ghosts and gods, killed everyone's center, just lost a group of people, and quit the game...

Are you surprised, surprised, or happy?

I found that if I continue to write, it will be similar to the plot of the Holy Grail War. You should have seen enough of this kind, so I will continue to write unpopular ones.Well, the main thing is that it can be seen after catching up, that everyone doesn't seem to like this worldview very much.

Also, something happened recently. I hate to stick to a setting so hard that I can't figure it out. I almost wrote it and was complained about the setting for a long time, so I deleted the manuscript about Heroic Interaction.

Sure enough, Gensokyo is my true love...

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