"Master Ren! He has brought a new companion back!"

Jin raised his head immediately, and saw the black rabbit leading the two women towards here from the road in front of the outer door.

"Welcome back, Kuroto. Are these two women new companions?"

"Yes, these six..." Hei Tu turned around.

The black rabbit froze in place.

"Where are the four of them?" Black Rabbit asked with a broken face.

"Oh, classmate Shiliuye said, 'I'll see what the end of the world looks like!' and ran away. Classmate Ye Kai said he wanted to run a race with him, and the two little girls said the same thing, betting for a month dinner, and headed in that direction."

The "direction" that Asuka pointed out was the cliff they saw from an altitude of [-] meters.

The stunned black rabbit in the middle of the road raised its rabbit ears and asked the two of them: "Why...why didn't the two of you stop them?"

"After all, Ye Kai said 'don't stop us'." Asuka turned his head and said.

"Then why didn't you tell people!"

"Because he said 'don't tell Kurotu'." Kasukabe turned his head and said.

"This is a lie! It is definitely a lie! In fact, the two of you just find it troublesome!"

"Hmm." Both of them nodded at the same time.

Kurotu fell forward limply, hating herself for being so excited by the arrival of a new talent a few hours ago.

I didn't expect to receive this kind of problem children. It's too much to say that they deliberately prank people.

Compared with such a black rabbit, Ren Ze shouted palely: "Oops... Oops! Over there at the 'End of the World'..."

"I know..." Black Rabbit exuded black air, and said coldly, "These two will be taken care of by you. Hei Tu is going to catch problem children..."

Her hair, ears, and tail turned pink in an instant.

She said bitterly: "By the way, take this opportunity to make them regret from the bone marrow that they have done such...the behavior of treating this rabbit who is respected as the 'Hakoniwa Noble' as a fool!"

Cheering up from the sadness, the black rabbit exuded an angry grudge all over her body. She jumped high into the air towards the outer door, stepped on a statue next to the outer door, and finally stood horizontally on the pillar of the outer door. .

"They will be back in about a quarter of an hour! Please enjoy the life of Hakoniwa City leisurely!"

The black rabbit shook her light red hair, and the doorpost she stepped on cracked.The black rabbit jumping with all its strength flew forward like a bullet, and soon disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

Jiuyuan Asuka pressed his head down to protect his hair from the sudden gust of wind, and murmured: "The rabbit in Hakoba is jumping so fast, I have to admire it."

"The rabbits are the followers of the founder of Little Garden. Apart from power and various gifts, they are also noble species with other special privileges. As long as they don't encounter too exaggerated Eudemons, I think she should be fine..."

"Really?" Asuka answered absent-mindedly, turned around to face Jin who still looked worried, and said, "Since Kurotu also said that we should enjoy the life in Little Garden, it is better to be respectful than obey, and go to Little Garden first. Are you here? Will you be in charge of protecting the flowers?"

"Huh? Ah, yes, I am Jen Russell who is the leader of the community. Although I am a young junior who has just turned eleven years old, please give me your advice. What are your two names?"

"I'm Jiuyuan Asuka, the one holding the cat over there is..."

"Yao Kasugabu."

Ren introduced himself very politely, and Asuka and Yao also imitated him and saluted.

"Okay, then let's go into Hakoba. First of all... yes, it would be better if we could chat while eating some simple food."

Chapter 596 Ye Kai vs Reverse Back to Izayoi

Ye Kai, Remy, Fulan, and Izayoi, the speed of the four can be said to be comparable.

The difference is that Fulan and Remi are flying in the sky, while Shiliuye and Ye Kai are running on the ground.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Ye Kai launched a five-stage slash, and quickly fought out a passage.


A golden dragon-shaped airflow with red light and purple flames spread from his body, and rushed forward four times fiercely.

The distance sixteen nights had just opened was caught up by Ye Kai again.

"Ha, not bad!" Sixteen nights laughed and said, "But your abilities don't seem to be as convenient as those two children!"

"I just didn't spread my fluctuating wings." Ye Kai smiled casually.

"Look at the trick!" Shiliuye picked up a stone on the ground and threw it towards Ye Kai.


Ye Kai blocked it instantly, and was beaten and slid for a short distance.

Ye Kai secretly said: It's so powerful, it's stronger than the electromagnetic gun, I don't know how much it is!

Fortunately, he used a block and was not knocked into the air.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...


Izayo suddenly found himself unable to move!


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