Norrington was a little ashamed to face the governor now, so he had no choice but to say: "I accidentally fell down just now, and her guards have already jumped."

After speaking, he walked down. Although his pace was still elegant, his speed was more than three times faster.

The governor's anxiety eased a little. For some reason, he always felt that the mysterious oriental boy would protect his daughter well.

Chapter 07 Pirates of the Caribbean

Of course, it wasn't just Ye Kai and Norrington who took action, but also a crowd of onlookers who didn't know the truth.

His name is Jack Sparrow, and he is the protagonist of this world.

He wore a red turban on his head and a captain's brown hat. He wore some tattered clothes, and there were countless trinkets hanging on his body and hair.

Those yellow teeth and dark eye shadows mean that he is... a person who doesn't care about trifles?

He is a crazy, resourceful pirate with a changeable temperament, loves rum, eats peanuts, and loves all kinds of beautiful women.

He attaches great importance to love and righteousness, but he does not lose the selfishness of pirates; he is not afraid of danger, but he is often timid and unwilling to face it.

He is an elusive person: he can always save the day in critical moments, and he is good at using the rules of the agency, just like a legendary pirate; he often appears too cautious and indecisive, which made him lose the Black Pearl twice.

However, he advocates freedom and unrestrained, let alone losing a ship, even if he almost lost his life, it will not stop him yearning for the sea and freedom.

He has been living happily and at ease, because he is a person who can truly control himself and is a truly free person.

In fact, Ye Kai yearns for this person very much in his heart, because he also wants to be such a free person who can do whatever he wants.

It used to be the torment brought to him by the serious illness, and then the life in Gensokyo like a cage.

But now that he has come out, he just wants to do what he likes to do, what he should do, even if he is forced by life, he has begun to learn to enjoy it.

Jack came to Port Royal not for anything else, but because he was betrayed and his ship was taken away by his first mate, so he wanted to grab a ship.

What he didn't expect was that he ran into two bastards, one fat and one skinny, and he was [-]% sure to take them down.

This is a small boat, even if only one or two people can drive it, there are not many gun positions on the boat, it seems that it is a boat that pursues speed.

As for the shape... It's made of wood, just like medieval ships, and most of the power is by sails.

Now he has arrived on the boat with two scumbags, and just as he was about to do something, an inexplicable woman jumped into the sea.

Jack froze for a moment, pointed the index finger of his right hand at the place where the woman fell into the sea, leaned towards Er Fatty, and said nervously, "Will you save her?"

Er Fatty was also stunned. Upon hearing this, he quickly waved his hands and said to Jack, "I can't swim."

Jack hesitated for a second between the ship and the woman, and decisively chose the woman. He slapped the captain's hat on Er Fatty's chest, and said with a troubled expression: "You are really an elite of the Royal Navy."

This sentence naturally despises the two of them. As a navy, they can't swim, and they are also drunk.

He took off his coat again, unloaded his gun and sword, handed them to the two respectively, and said helplessly, "Don't lose it."

After speaking, he grabbed the rope on the boat, stepped on the edge of the boat with his feet, and jumped into the sea with a very standard movement.

Things happen at the same time.

At the same time that he fell into the sea, Ye Kai just jumped into the air and quickly plunged into the sea.


Two beautiful waves.

The two fell into the sea at the same time and swam towards Elizabeth at the same time. Elizabeth became very beautiful in the sea, or Ye Kai liked wet ones...

Ye Kai saw Jack, and Jack also saw Ye Kai. The two looked at each other, and they both looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect that they came to save people at the same time.


Before the two of them thought about it.

A powerful force spread out from Elizabeth's neckline.

It was a gold coin, the cursed gold coin, and the owner of this coin cursed the fastest ship on the magnificent Caribbean Sea: the Black Pearl.

The waves it sends do nothing but summon the cursed ship.

The current captain of the Black Pearl has long used witchcraft. As long as the gold coin touches the sea water, the sea will tell him the location of the gold coin.

And witchcraft is also the main ability of this world, which is why Ye Kai is unwilling to be too arrogant and keeps a low profile.

But Ye Kai didn't think so much now, he picked up Elizabeth, and Jack kicked Ye Kai when he saw that he didn't catch anyone in the water.

How could Ye Kai's violent temper get used to a man, and he kicked Jack's chest in the water.

Due to the resistance in the water, Ye Kai and Jack were just playing around, neither of them used their full strength, they just made the other party feel embarrassed.

Jack was dissatisfied with Ye Kai for taking the beauty away, but Ye Kai simply wanted to kick him.

Normally, one has to take off one's coat to rescue people in the sea, otherwise the resistance would be too great, but such thing as resistance doesn't seem to exist in Ye Kai's dictionary, so he went ashore easily.

But Jack also went ashore at the same time because he had no burden, and he did not forget that his weapon and hat were still in the hands of the navy.

Besides, in any situation, he has the confidence to escape, which is the skill he depends on for survival.

In terms of five fights, he may not be Ye Kai's opponent, but in terms of survivability, Ye Kai is basically inferior to this guy if he doesn't play.

This is a place where the boat stops, Ye Kai threw Elizabeth on the ground, seeing that she was still not breathing, he couldn't help frowning slightly.


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