"It's actually very simple. Since you are so worried about whether 'NoName' can fight the devil, then you just need to use your own strength to test it yourself. How is it? Former devil-sama?" Izayoi stood up , said to Leticia.

Sixteen nights also saw Ye Kai's ability and his uncertainty, so this time he planned to take the test.

After understanding Izayoi's intentions, Leticia was speechless for a moment, but she nodded immediately, and said in a faint voice: "Yes."

The two confronting each other in the atrium about ten rooms away from the window are located in the sky and the earth.

With her back to the full moon, Leticia spread her black wings with a smile, and took out her gift card.

A medieval spear, in the hands of a girl.

Leticia raised the throwing spear high.


Leticia adjusted her breathing and spread her wings to both sides.After she twisted her whole body and threw the spear with reaction force, the impact even caused a huge wave of recognizable waves to spread out in the air.


The spear thrown together with the roar was heated by friction in the blink of an eye, and flew straight towards Izayoi.

Izayoi grinned as he faced the tip of the spear flying down from mid-air, shaking the atmosphere like a meteor.

"Stop being arrogant!"

Izayoi's iron fist instantly cast a golden shadow, and it punched the spear.


The spear flew back at an even faster speed!

Before Leticia was about to be hit, she showed a wry smile.After witnessing Izayoi's extraordinary ability with her own eyes, Leticia felt ashamed that her visual observation was so naive, but at the same time felt relieved.

Since he has such a powerful talent, maybe... when Leticia is ready to fall to the ground covered in blood...

The black rabbit rushed to her side in an instant, hugged her, and the weapon slowly turned into a gift card.

"Black Rabbit, what are you doing?"

Kurotu ignored Leticia's protest and stared at the gift card in his hand.Then turned to Leticia again, tremblingly said: "The name of the gift, 'Pure Vampire'... The name of the gift has indeed changed! Although I still have the ghost species, I don't have the godhead!"

Izayoi smacked his tongue hard without concealing it.

He should be very dissatisfied with Leticia's behavior of finding him as an opponent in such a weakened situation.

"Hmph! No wonder you don't have any energy in fighting! If it becomes someone else's property, will even the gift be taken away?" Sixteen nights said.

"This is……"

Leticia hesitated to speak several times.In the end, he still didn't confess, just kept silent and lowered his head.

Suddenly, a red light flashed from the sky.

"This is Gorgon's mighty light?"

The blood-red light streaked across the ground and swept towards Jiuyuan Asuka.

Asuka looked in the direction of the light and turned pale with fright, but couldn't dodge it.


Ye Kai pushed Asuka away, and the red light shrouded him.

Click click.

Slowly, Ye Kai's body turned into petrification!

Chapter 608

In the direction where the light came from, there was even a large group of knight-like men wearing flying shoes with wings, swarming in groups.

"Found it! The vampire has been turned into petrification, arrest her immediately!"

"Those 'nameless' guys are there too, what to do?"

"If you dare to get in the way, you don't have to be polite, let's kill them together!"

Hearing the speeches of these flying knights, Izayoi was very upset and said with a ferocious smile: "Troublesome, this is the first time I have been treated as an accessory since I was born. Should I clap my hands and celebrate? Or should we follow the anger and give them a thorough lesson? Which one do you think is better, Hei Tu?"

Although Ye Kai turned into stone is worrying, there are more serious problems now.

After all, Leticia itself is someone else's property.This kind of her ran around without the consent of her master, so naturally she couldn't defend her at all.

Click, click.

There was a sound.


Ye Kai's petrification was lifted.

"What the hell is this? Medusa's ability?" Ye Kai rubbed his wrist and said, "Unexpectedly, I can't press up, down, left, and right, and I can break free from petrification by myself."

"How is it possible?" The face of the leader changed drastically.

"It seems that you don't know anything about Arad... I am very resistant to abnormal states." Ye Kai sneered twice, and slowly pulled out the Meteor Star Knife.

"Hei Tu, I will go back with them. After all, I am their property." Leticia said indifferently.

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