"Then, I'll go back and sell that vampire outside. I hate cold women, especially that guy's size is no different from that of a kid. But you also know that, after all, that guy looks cute. For that aspect For lovers, it should be the best, right? And there is also the kind of guy who likes to strip off a strong woman and handcuff her with chains to force her to moan. Under the natural prison of the sun, the beauty who is always used as a toy ...Don't you think it's pornographic?" Luos described the image of the transaction partner provocatively.

Sure enough, the black rabbit raised its ears upside down and yelled, "You...you..."

"But that guy is really pitiful. Not only was he going to be sold out of Little Garden, but because of his shameless companion, he even gave up his gift to the Demon King."

"What did you say?" Asuka was the one who asked back, she was not aware of Leticia's condition, so she was particularly surprised.

Although Heitu didn't say anything, her expression was obviously shaken.

Luosi didn't let this go, and continued: "What a guy who doesn't get anything in return. 'Gift' is an indispensable lifeline to survive in this world, and it is also a part of the soul. However, in order to stop her stupid and incompetent companions from The problem is that the freedom she finally obtained is only an illusion. What is even more exaggerated is that after she endured the most serious humiliation of "becoming someone else's property" and rushed back to her companions, Those guys simply abandoned her! When that woman wakes up, how will she feel?"

"Huh... what..." Hei Tu couldn't speak, her face quickly turned pale.

At the same time, several puzzles were solved.Why did Leticia, who was supposed to be taken away by the Demon King, appear on the east side?Or why did the level of the gift name recorded on the gift card plummet so much?What he just said is the reason.

Leticia wanted to come to Black Rabbit and the others, even at the cost of sacrificing her soul.

With a smile on his face, Luosi stretched out his right hand to the pale Heitu and said, "I say, Miss Heitu. If you leave her like this, it's not good for the morality of the comrades in the community, right?"

"End the conversation, I understand." Ye Kai interrupted the conversation suddenly.

"What?" Luosi frowned slightly: "What qualifications do you have..."


A golden long sword was pointed at his neck.

There was a sneer on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, and he said calmly: "If you think that you can never go out at night for a lifetime, then continue to talk. Or do you think that the thing around your neck can protect you? Well, I am not Threat, I am showing my gift, just like the thing around your neck."

Ye Kai already understood that the other party's target was Hei Tu, and the vampire loli was completely a bait, they wanted Hei Tu to take the bait.

"Lord Ye Kai..."

"Hei Tu, trust him." Sixteen Nights said with a half-smile, "Have you ever seen this guy doing useless work?"

"Ye Kai, put away your 'gift'. It's impolite to point a weapon at others. The thing on his neck is 'pointing' at you. It's understandable for you to worry, but this is my place. " Bai Yasha said indifferently.

Ye Kai didn't attack, just demonstrated, but the other party also brought her own gift, and it was revealed, it was on his neck, which gave her some room to play.

At this time, it is to give both sides a step down.


Ye Kai put away the Xuanyuan Sword smoothly.

There was a drop of cold sweat dripping from Luosi's head. He sneered and said, "Since you already understand, OKOK! Then let's see the deadline of our transaction... wait for you for a week."

With a smile all over his face, Luosi quickly left the Japanese room.

And Ye Kai and Shiliuye looked at each other, both showing strange expressions.

Five days passed after that.

The location is the five-digit box garden, the outer gate of [-], the eighth and eighth base of Qianyan.

The [-] outer gate is the outer gate in charge of by Shiroyasha, the stratum ruler who lives on the upper floor.

Within her sphere of influence, there is the Perseus base that also belongs to Thousand Eyes.

However, now it is adorned with the banners of the white palace in Perseus' base, but there is only a head of the Gorgon on a white background.

As for the red background, the banner depicting the opposite goddess was not hoisted.

This is because Shiroyasha reported the dispute between Perseus and Kurotu and other disgraceful incidents, so Perseus was ordered to put away the thousand-eyed flag indefinitely.

Staying on the balcony on the top floor of the White Palace, Luosi looked down at the lower floor and murmured to his confidant who was standing by, "Five days have passed since then, and I thought that the black rabbit would come to negotiate with me again, In the end, there was no such sign at all. It's really not going well, I thought I could definitely get the 'Moon Rabbit' this time."

As long as Luos plays the leading role to unite the community, as subordinates, whether they want to become the host or the contestants, they should be able to get [-] points.

However, Luosi did not show such enthusiasm even once.

"But it's really cool, that black rabbit! You have a baby face, but your boobs and legs are very sexy! You can sacrifice for others, tough, cute and a beauty and super sexy! That's really right My taste! I wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Thousand Eyes and use the rabbit as a replacement sign, but it’s a pity to show her in front of people! If I get her into bed and let her scream a few times for me, it will last forever I won't get bored!" Luosi said excitedly.

"Oh..." The male confidant sighed deeply while responding.The only topics that Luos will actively talk about are women, money, and eating, drinking, and having fun.He is like the embodiment of vulgar hedonism.

Especially these five days are more serious.Maybe he really likes that black rabbit?Talking about it all night, the files of the community have piled up in the office, and Luos doesn't even look at it.

Obviously this is a community crisis that he caused himself, but he intends to continue to leave everything to others.

The male confidant shook his head helplessly.At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded from their balcony.

"Take the liberty to disturb me at night, Master Luos."

Chapter 611 Declaring War

"Wow! What happened so suddenly! Sure enough, you decided to come to our place?" said excitedly.

The black rabbit smiled slightly, and said calmly: "I am waiting for NoName to ask Perseus for a duel."

"What?" Luosi's expression changed, and he frowned when he heard the unexpected answer.

And the black rabbit continued: "As for the duel method, even if we adopt the highest difficulty setting in the game, we don't care."

"What? What? Are you talking about this kind of nonsense? You mean, I said I don't want to fight?" Luosi said disappointedly.

Although he thought that even if he fought, his side would not be able to lose, but after all, the opponent was the "Hakoniwa Noble".

What's more, the act of fighting an equal duel with an unknown community is already an insult.

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