Silently complaining about all the messages in his heart, He Quanming pressed the phone and was about to speak for them to discuss about the summer festival. All sentences are deleted.

...Forget it, anyway, it’s just for everyone to hang out together, there’s no need to make so many preparations; as long as you know when and where to go, wouldn’t it be great for everyone to chat happily together afterwards?

Presumably Kato Megumi knew this and didn't bother with them... It was indeed a pleasant thing to silently watch the four of them squirt so enthusiastically.

Anyway, being idle is idle, and I haven't joined their online chat for a long time, so He Quanming decided to follow Shuiqun unwillingly.

Akira Izumi☆Kira Star☆Warrior of Love☆I feel cute all over: "Good afternoon, gentlemen! The weather is fine today, and it seems that there is no need to worry that the summer festival will stop due to rain!"

The weather is mentioned here because it has been raining strangely recently. It is said that some people once saw a rain curtain strangely concentrated on the top of a certain shrine, which almost caused local floods and landslides, and also caused the prayer held by that shrine that day. All divine activities were interrupted.

I thought that this topic would be answered by the girls in the group, and I would use this to join the chat smoothly, but I didn't expect that there would be a row of speechless dots in the group.

Kato Megumi: "..."

Gabriel: "..."

Winnett: "..."

Rafael: "..."

Akira Izumi☆Qi Luoxing☆Warrior of Love☆I feel cute all over: "It turns out that Kato is also there... What's wrong? Why are you acting like you saw Aizen dancing to the Pure Land of Paradise on Xuye Palace? "

Gabriel: "Don't talk about your inexplicable metaphor, you can't see our appearance now! No, I don't want to complain about this—"

Gabriel: "What's the matter with your nickname! It's completely meaningless and disgusting!"

Akira Izumi☆Kira Star☆Warrior of Love☆I feel cute all over: "Hmph, stupid Gabriel! Don't you know that this is a great tool for word counting? As long as I leave a message with this nickname, The author will thank me very much!"

Vinette: "...No, you will only kill the author-kun if you do this?"

Rafael: "Well, judging from this strange nickname, has Izumi-kun encountered any pleasant things recently?"

Oh oh, she is indeed a girl who pursues the path of pleasure... She is very sensitive to such things, and she can see the secret hidden deep in her nickname at once.

But at this time, it is impossible to tell the truth that he is so happy because of the things that happened with Chang Muyao.Although a date on Sunday is not something to hide, but a fool would say that he was dating a girl and was kissed by her ear in front of his female friends. If he said it, he would definitely lose his affection, okay?

So he thought for a while, slid his finger on the phone screen, typed a random reason on the dialog box, and wanted to skip this topic. When he was about to click send, Kato Megumi suddenly sent a message.

Megumi Kato: "Should he be very happy when he went out on Sunday? Hehe."


——Lying down a big trough!

——I fell into a big trough in the Mahler Gobi!

Kato, what do you know?Why does this hehe seem to have no deep meaning? Hey!

Scared by this news, he almost rolled off the sofa with his mobile phone. He Quanming quickly searched his head, thinking about whether he had ever told Megumi Kato about his memories of going out with Yao Changmu on Sunday...

No!She obviously didn't say why she said it as if she knew everything!Was she there then? !

Whether it's when playing special games in the game center, when taking photos, when the steel Sogar confrontation, or even when the two of them were in close contact before parting - Kato Megumi, you see it all?

Fuck, I'm so panicked!Why do I feel like I've been raped even though I'm still single? Damn it!

...No, Izumi, calm down, you can't always think about the place that will lead to BADEND, you need to expand your thinking...

In this way, although he did not deliberately avoid Kato Megumi when discussing the date with Chang Muyao, she would know that it is natural for him to go out with Chang Mu on Sunday; but the time and place of the date are Chang Mu Yao and He Quanming The two discussed it through the chat software, and there is no time when Megumi Kato heard the news in the memory. Logically speaking, unless it is a big coincidence, otherwise she would not be able to "date" with them from the beginning to the end. ...

So he was thinking too much?Megumi Kato actually didn't know about the dating experience of the two of them at all, he was just talking about their going out together?

But how to explain that huh?These two words are extremely incisive, according to He Quanming's feeling, it's like saying "I know you have done something that I'm sorry for my mother, but my mother won't say it! You roll over and admit it and suffer death!", let He was so small that he almost couldn't hold back and begged for forgiveness directly in the group.

...Although I don't know what to apologize for, but it's always right to give in first!This is Izumi Akira's Blood Succession Boundary—Counseling? Thousands of mistakes are all my mistakes!

But apologizing at this time is more like blaming yourself for doing something wrong. If Kato Megumi didn't say it in vain, others would not know what happened, but if he apologized first, it would arouse other people's curiosity about the matter. Maybe it was just to dig out his secrets and keep asking him...

Well, if Rafael was there, she would definitely get into this situation by being disturbed by her who is keen and mischievous!

So just in case, He Quanming planned to make a test first.

Akira Izumi☆Qi Luoxing☆Soldier of Love☆I feel cute all over: "Well, it's just a rare time to go out with friends! There's nothing worth caring about..."

Megumi Kato has been banned from talking about Izumi ☆ Qi Luo Xing ☆ Warrior of Love☆ I feel cute all over.

--what happened?Why am I suddenly banned by Kato? !

Was it seen trying to blur focus?Or is it a guilty conscience to be found out?Or Kato Megumi, who can see through people's hearts, knew that he wanted to defend himself, so he didn't even let him speak?

Sitting on the sofa, the cool air-conditioning was blowing, but cold sweat was breaking out on He Quanming's forehead, he looked at the phone with a confused and terrified expression, and guessed in a mess in his heart.But the question that caught his attention the most was——

Why is he banned as the leader of the group!Chat software that commits the following crimes will not be allowed!

As if knowing what he was thinking in front of the screen, Megumi Kato kindly explained it to him.

Megumi Kato: "This is a recently added function of this chat software. Through voting, as long as more than three-quarters of the members agree, the administrator can obtain the "right to sanction" the group owner. Simply put, in this power Under the circumstances, the group leader will become an ordinary member—thanks to everyone’s love, I was given this right when testing this function recently, so I can ban Mingjun.”

So that's the case... No, what I want to ask is why you banned me!I haven't done anything yet, and I've only said half of what I said!

This is tyranny!It is an abuse of power!You will be shuanggui sooner or later, Kato!

Having seen through Akira Izumi's thoughts, Megumi Kato sent another message not long after, explaining Akira Izumi's question immediately.

Megumi Kato: "As for why you banned Mingjun, I want you to change your nickname back and leave a message. After all, wouldn't it be too inappropriate for such a strange nickname to appear in this serious group? Just because of this The reason? Don’t worry too much about it.”

What you say will only make me care more!

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