"Meow Pas~" the young girl raised her hand in greeting.

"... Huh? Did you go fishing for goldfish just now? You actually caught two. I didn't expect you to be so good."

"Meow Pas~" responded delicately, and the young girl lifted the water bag in her hand as if showing off, so that the people in front of her could clearly see the little goldfish swimming inside.

"What? It was given to you by a big brother who looks a bit strange? Lianhua, how many times have I told you! There are many perverted goldfish guys in the city, don't just accept what they give, and play the flute loudly as soon as you see them approaching , that kind of person will drag you into the woods and force you to see ugly goldfish?"

"Oh!" Nodding half-understood, Miyauchi Lianhua was very obedient, and labeled the kind brother who just gave her a goldfish as a "perverted goldfish guy".

And all of this, He Quanming, who is complacent about making contributions to the young girl, naturally doesn't know.


Wandering among the many stalls of the summer festival, weaving through the crowded crowds, our perverted goldfish... no, it's our protagonist He Quanming, who is holding a sausage in one hand, eating it in an extremely "characteristic" way. The audience gave benefits, carrying a lot of snacks from vendors in one hand, wearing an Ultraman mask slanted on their heads, and wandering their eyes, trying to see if they could find Gabriel and the others amidst the moving heads.

...No way, even if there are many snacks and games in the festival, you can enjoy it to your heart's content, but you will always feel lonely when you are shopping alone, no one around you to chat with, no matter how strong your game skills are at the vendors, no matter how many passersby and friends you gain To Akira Izumi, the boss's admiration and terrified eyes were not as good as Satania's words, "It's simple!"Let me show you the strength of the festival king of the demon world! 』It's worth it.

So now that he is not interested in eating and playing, He Quanming just wants to find them quickly, even if there are only one or two, the most important thing is - he doesn't want to be surrounded by the group of dogs and men who are going to festivals and showing their affection It hurt!

Thinking of this, He Quanming bit the sausage into two pieces, let out a delicious sigh, and opened the mobile phone chat group; under He Quanming's inquiry, they all reported where they were now.

Megumi Kato: "I'm at the mask stand."

...I saw at least ten mask stalls along the way. Who would have known that you told me so concisely?

It should be that there are too many people, so Kato can't type well, right?Otherwise, she wouldn't be so vague if she was careful.

Gabriel: "I'm in a place with a lot of food."

There is no doubt that there are many places to eat in the summer festival... This information is of no reference value at all.

Wei Naite: "My words... in an Okonomiyaki stall with a lot of people, there are takoyaki and fried noodles stalls next to it, and water polo fishing opposite; I was pulled in by the uncle inside to help, in exchange for teaching my secret recipe ...I guess I'll be busy until eight o'clock QAQ"

...Are you here to visit the summer festival or to work part-time?Let's use the secret recipe of Okonomiyaki as an exchange... let's pass this too.

Rafael: "I'm in a certain building...Although I haven't seen this place, I heard from passers-by that this is the rock gymnasium in Neo City. It should be easy to find. If you want to find me, wait for me to call Let's finish the gym~"

Find a hair!It’s best to go to a summer festival and travel across the world. Your style of painting is completely wrong, hey!

Also, how are you going to challenge the Rock Gym if you haven't caught Pokémon!Is Rafael♀GO? !

Satania: "... so strong, the impact of the rock... oh shit."

Satania, ah, ah, ah, Rafael, you heartless guy, you actually caught a Satania and beat it to the Rock Gym!Don't you know that the fire attribute is overcome by the rock attribute?You are not Xiaozhi, there is no way to be sure to win!

There was another wave of tragic complaints, He Quanming took back the phone out of breath, and after calming down his indignation, he showed a hearty smile.

——I don’t care about them, I’d better go shopping on my own!

Alone, hooray!


Even if the season is wrong, the summer festival held this time is still very grand. Not only are the lights bright, the atmosphere is in full swing, and there are crowds of people; even the number of stalls is the highest that Akira Izumi has seen in his lifetime. After walking for [-] minutes, it seems that he has not visited all of them. half of.

Of course, this is related to his footsteps of stopping to buy things while walking, but it also reflects from the side that finding someone he knows in this kind of place is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is very difficult and requires a little luck.

If he is an African, even if the person he is looking for passes by him, he will not find it; if he is a European, even if he stands still, the person looking for him will come by himself; and Asians like Izumi are neither good nor bad In the case, what you will encounter is...

I didn't find the person I was looking for, but found someone I didn't expect.

——The moment Xiaotiaoyou Feiyan met Izumi Akira's eyes, his body froze.

Ignoring the strange gaze projected by the two adults and a young girl beside her when they saw her suddenly stop, Xiao Niaoyou Feiyan turned her steps solemnly, bent her body lightly, and faced Izumi directly like a tiger or leopard about to hunt. Ming, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, and a strong light was reflected in his golden pupils.

He Quanming also stopped, straightened his back, raised his head to the sky, snorted a provocative breath from his nostrils, pushed his glasses coquettishly, smiled slightly, and reflected the deep and dark death light from the lenses.

In this way, the two of them were separated by a distance in the crowd, silently greeting each other with different attitudes, and until the moment when the crowd diverged an invisible path between them, they moved like rabbits, walked like flashing lights, At that moment, the older and the younger rushed towards each other at the same time.

"—Golden Flash!" The blond hair fluttered, the corners of the mouth grinned slightly, revealing the iconic small canine teeth, and the little bird You Feiyan yelled loudly at the companion in front of him while running fast.

"—Black-rimmed glasses!" Laughing furiously, He Quanming took steps to shorten the distance between the two sides, with his right hand hanging down, as if preparing for something.

The not-so-long distance quickly shortened under the two people's fast running, and in just a moment, the boy and the girl ran in front of each other, and at the moment they stopped walking, they swung their right hands toward each other——

"We are - black light evolution!"

With a snap, the two hands clasped firmly with their right hands!

Their eyes were full of like-minded passion.

There should be BGM at this moment.

Although this idiot-like behavior attracted unknowing stares from the onlookers, the two of them still acted as if no one was there. After letting go of their clenched hands, they greeted each other in a normal tone.

"Hey! Comrade Xiaoniaoyou, long time no see!"

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for about three days and twenty-eight hours and ninety-five minutes, Senior Izumi!" He giggled, Xiao Niaoyou Feiyan shook her golden hair, and today there were two horns on her head. The hair accessories are still on her head.

"Come on, I haven't seen you for four days, five hours, thirty-four minutes and sixty seconds. Don't forget to convert the time, you idiot!" He Quanming blamed the girl lightly for hitting the girl's head.

"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry~ It's rare to be able to use combination skills with such a tacit understanding, which made me so excited that I forgot to carry it! Hahaha!" Scratching the back of her head in embarrassment, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan stuck out her tongue playfully , with the same hearty smile.

"Yeah, yeah, doesn't the name of this new group look amazing? Black Light Evolutionary, it sounds great!"

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan raised his thumb boldly: "Handsome! Very powerful! You really deserve to be Senior Izumi, the name you came up with is so high-end and elegant!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, you are not bad in terms of naming, the "black light source body" you mentioned last time is very good!"

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