The pain on the head of the head made the bird traveling miserable: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Already! It will take a long time for this hairstyle to work well!"

"That's not what I used for you!" With a tug as if venting, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan put down Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan's horn, and turned to He Quanming again.

"Then, Senior Izumi Akira, do you have any excuses for all the excessive things you have done to your sister during this period?"

Although the tone was very unfriendly, and the gaze cast by the brown-gold eyes was also very stinging, but this was obviously a gesture of fighting for the injustice of his sister, but He Quanming couldn't get angry at all. Instead, he touched the back of his neck in embarrassment and said, Baba smiled.

"Ha, haha, what, justify or something... Don't say it like a crime. We all know the bottom line of each other's jokes, and we didn't get angry afterwards. This is how we get along. Don't be so excited..."

Seeing that he obviously wanted to whitewash the peace, a burst of anger suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart uncontrollably, Xiaoniaoyou Feilu's beautiful brows frowned fiercely, and the whole person became angry.

"The way of getting along? Yes, you all think that this way of getting along is very fun, and you don't care about anything, just playing around with idiots——

But you know how weird other people think of my sister now?Let her be looked at by that kind of idiot-like gaze every time, even if my sister is really a little stupid, but if it weren't for you, her image in other people's hearts would not be the current "sick-headed Asian-chan" 』Ah!With her vigorous personality, she can make a lot of friends! "

"Fairy?! Why do I even have to be scolded!"

Ignoring the elder sister who was making mournful noises next to her, her gaze was burning with icy flames, Xiaoniao Youfei glared at Hequanming with gritted teeth; if eyes could kill, he would have been chopped into pieces and fed to Xiaobai long ago.

"The instigator of all this is you! Although there is also the fault of my sister who is too innocent, but if you hadn't always induced her to do those stupid things in front of everyone, my sister's image in school would not have become so so. Oops!

The seniors probably didn't notice it, right?In the first grade, there were a lot of voices secretly mocking my sister. Every time I heard it, I would refute it back, but do you know what they said to me?

——"Anyway, she and that guy seem to be making us happy like clowns, isn't it just what the funny vampire means to laugh at something? 』

How they insulted my sister! "

Clenching her fists tightly, and roaring with warm words, Xiaoniao Youfei couldn't bear the anger welling up in her heart and the grievance she felt for her sister, the short red braid hanging on her chest flew up In the meantime, she strode forward and grabbed He Quanming's bathrobe collar, even though she was almost a head shorter than He Quanming, her eyes seemed to be looking down on him, full of sword-like hostility.

Abandoning the honorifics she had always used, the moon-white yukata seemed to be stained with bright red anger, and the girl recklessly questioned Izumi Akira like a heavy hammer.

"—Tell me! Why should my sister be treated like this! What right do you have for her to be treated like this with you!... Are you friends with her? Don't laugh at me to death! A true friend This is not what you should do! If you are really her friend, then stay away from Xiaoniaoyoufeiyan and my sister——!"

The usual image of being courteous and courteous to others was completely gone, and the little bird You Fei, who was dazzled by anger, roared loudly regardless of his image.

"Fei, Feiyan..." Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan walked over with complicated eyes, looking at the two people who were confronting each other at close range, she didn't know whether to calm down Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan's out-of-control emotions first, or Let Izumi, whose expression suddenly turned cold, calm down.

That being said, it was the first time she saw Izumi showing a really angry expression—the eyes behind the black-rimmed glasses were slightly narrowed, the brows were sharply gathered in the middle, the lips were pursed into a tight line, and the face was full of anger. His muscles were as stiff as ice, but his rather ordinary face gave people an aura of stormy weather at this moment.

"Honest people don't usually get angry, but when they get angry, they can make everyone be honest. 』

For some reason, Xiaoniao Youfei suddenly thought of this sentence, which also made her decide to appease He Quanming's anger first.

Just when she wanted to smile to ease the atmosphere, she heard He Quanming's heavy words.

"—Tell me, who said these words?"

"...Eh?" The two girls were stunned at the same time, Fei Yan stopped talking, and Fei Yan unconsciously loosened his collar.

"Tell me, who said that." The raging anger is hidden in the plain words, like the turbulent turbulence under the sea, bringing people a sense of danger that they will be destroyed if they touch it.

"...Just, so what if you know! What can you do to them?!" Taking a step back in a panic, Xiaoniaoyou Feimao calmly pointed out the facts.

"...Yeah, indeed, I can't do anything."

Pushing the glasses, no cold mirror light reflected from them, because the sub-zero anger had already frozen the lenses.

He Quanming's anger clearly appeared on his face, but his tone was still steady, as if suppressing the turbulent restlessness in his heart, preventing it from gushing out.

"...Even if I know who is speaking ill of Fei Yan, I still can't do anything—I can't do anything, and I can't control their mouths. I can't do anything to change the stereotyped image in their hearts. It is useless to tell the teacher without any evidence, and mobilizing the power of the masses to sanction them is simply impossible for me, a marginalized person..."

"I have no means to make up for the mistakes I made. I can only act angry at the two juniors here, talk empty words and vent meaningless anger."

"...Since this is the case, then leave my sister quickly! Don't let her follow you and receive these negative comments!" Stopping Feiyan who was in a hurry to speak for He Quanming, Xiaoniaoyou Feilu stared at him sternly, Not one step back.

But He Quanming didn't seem to want to give in, he stood up straight, looked at them with the same serious eyes, and spoke word by word.

"Maybe I don't have the ability to stop those rumors... Maybe I can only watch my lovely junior being squeezed out among my peers and I can't do anything..."

"But... there are still things I can do."

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "Maybe it's really like what you said, I'm just a bastard who drags others into trouble... When I was fighting with Fei Yan, I only cared about enjoying the happy atmosphere and the joy of pretending to be stupid together , but completely forgot that these pleasures would cause her troubles, and she suffered from these excessive remarks, but I only now know it.”

"However, even an ignorant and weak bastard like me... still has one thing to do, and the ability to make up for it with all my strength."

The firm look in his eyes conceals his inner weakness, will it be considered a big talk?Will it be viewed with contempt?Will he be ignored by them?

……maybe.Even though he was afraid of this kind of result, and even though he knew that it would be better to just apologize without saying anything, he still couldn't help expressing his thoughts and the decisions he made—no matter how the last two girls would use No matter what kind of eyes he looks at him, no matter whether the atmosphere is embarrassed by the embarrassment he created.

He Quanming still has something to say.

"I can still speak for my friend—for the little bird Goose!"

He clenched his fist tightly and bit his lower lip unbearably.

"If one person speaks ill of her, I'll curse her back; if a group of people speak ill of her, I'll fight with them!"

Ridiculous and feeble speech, pale and feeble determination.

"If the whole world laughs at her because of me—then I'll do my best to laugh at the whole world!"

Empty nonsense, and... an indomitable belief.

If it happened because of him, if Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan was ridiculed and looked at strangely by his classmates because of him.

Even if he can only move his mouth, even if he can only use empty words to redeem his mistakes, he will still talk about dry mouth and throat fever, and it will be fine for a few days and nights or even years.

This is the only thing he can think of and do.

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