In a low voice, Sagiri's voice passed through the noisy curtain, it was inaudible, and it reached Hequanming's ears very clearly.

It was her original voice, pure and crisp, as if a bell was ringing.

"...Brother, thank you."

——Because of you, I saw the best fireworks that I haven't seen in a long, long time.

When I looked up at the sky... How many years have passed?

I don't know, and I don't want to recall—it's just that now, when my eyes can't help but look at the shining sky, I have the urge to laugh, but I'm so moved that I want to shed tears.

——Although I don’t know how to cry, if I do cry accidentally, it must be tears of happiness—it turns out that people cry not only when they are sad, but also when they are extremely happy.

I think... now this feeling is called happiness, right?

"...Is that so? As long as you can be happy."

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and answered in a whisper, regardless of whether she could hear it or not, it would be better to say that Izumi could be sure that Sagiri would hear it—because no matter what kind of words, what he wanted to say was just to convey his own Feelings; and at this moment, this feeling has already passed through a long distance, and the moment they looked at the same night sky, it has spread into the hearts of both parties, right?

"Next time, let's watch the fireworks together at home! Family together!"

...That's right, there is also Zong Ya, that guy must be struggling to work on novels in the editorial department, right?

It doesn't matter if you don't see it this time, there will be next time, next time... No matter how many times, as long as you can watch the same fireworks, the emotion will never change.

He Quanming believed so firmly.

The same is true for Izumi Sagiri.

Therefore, her reply sounded very loud under the night sky.

"—Yeah! A family together!"

With a slight smile, Izumi looked up at the sky and relaxed his mind.

——As he held the two hands covering the back of his hands behind his back, feeling the slender softness, he closed his eyes, letting the deep touch linger in his heart, and he would never forget it for a long time.

He sighed silently.

... Really, happy.

Chapter 77 Daily and Upcoming Midterms

It has been a week since the fireworks display ended.

Izumi's life continued smoothly.

As for other people - Sagiri is still the same cat in the room, and occasionally opens the door to let him in for a chat and to provide ideas for drawing illustrations; Zongya is madly writing novels as if stimulated by something, and even asks Izumi Ming helped her buy a few boxes of nutritional O-line and kept them at home; Kato Megumi always chatted with him casually. Recently, for some reason, she suddenly liked to watch some movies like "I want to die of you" and "Tau Tau from Calm Sea". "People", "April is Your Lie" and other campus love dramas, once I watched them and suddenly burst into tears, Izumi was taken aback.

——Chang Muyao's personality is still so relaxed and lively, as if everything that happened on the date day has been left behind, except for calling each other names and talking to him more often, nothing has changed. Molested, and when being molested, he will react quite normally, and Izumi, who was a little embarrassed at first, has gradually become accustomed to treating her with his usual attitude.

——The gold, purple, white, and red foursome still get together very well. The difference is that after watching the fireworks, Izumi and Kato Megumi will go to eat with them from time to time, and their mutual affection becomes stronger. Okay; but for some reason, although the atmosphere of getting along with other people is very harmonious, but only Rafael, Kato Megumi treats her with a strange and distanced attitude, even if it is not cold, but can faintly feel her sense of alienation.

Regarding this, Akira Izumi naturally also quietly asked Kato Megumi why she had such an attitude towards Rafael, and her answer was this.

"It's nothing? It's just out of female resistance instinct, I feel a little jealous of Raphael's figure, so I'm not very enthusiastic."

...said the truth.

Seeing Kato Megumin saying such words in a flat and unwavering tone, Izumi said that he would not believe even a single punctuation mark.

That Kato Megumi will alienate someone because of his figure?Not to mention that it doesn't fit her personality at all, obviously her figure is only a little slimmer than Rafael's among those people, but generally speaking, Kato Megumi's figure curve is more slender and well-proportioned, there is nothing to be jealous of at all. !

Look at the group of guys that Rafael hangs out with--a blonde with chests like no one, a purple with cups that look just as modest, a red that looks like a kid in appearance- —They didn't say anything, and they can still play happily with her!You already have such an attractive figure, what more bicycle do you need?

To this, Kato Megumi gave a reply with a blank face.

"...Ming Jun, why do you care so much about girls' figures? Abnormal?"

He Quanming was sunk, and He Quanming gave up talking.

... What's wrong with a perverted man!

——Since meeting at the summer festival, Hequanming has also seen Feiyan next to Xiaotiaoyou Feiyan from time to time. After curious inquiries, he found out that the two sisters are twins, both in the first grade, but the older sister In class B, my sister is in class A.

Under Fei's control, although the two of them would still be very noisy when they got together, they would no longer run around like before, regardless of their image, and started playing some quieter games with Fei.

Well, like FGO.

So after the miracle of drawing nine Darius out of ten, He Quanming would call her affectionately when he saw the little bird swim.

"Yo! African Chief, are you hunting today?"

Then he was severely reprimanded by the furious girl.

——The little bird You Feiyan who followed the shout was curled up in the corner with her disheveled hairstyle, muttering sadly.

The work of the coffee shop is still going on, although the store manager once said that he would recruit another person to prepare him for the senior; The newcomer came, and after asking the store manager, he found out that something happened to the newcomer. He probably wouldn't come, so he had to continue to help alone. He found time to apply for a new work-study student.

In fact, it doesn't matter to him whether there are newcomers. After all, this job is not too busy. Long coffee brewing notes, trying to make myself a better cup of coffee than the store manager.

Then he can hold coffee and say to the store manager twenty times a day in front of the store manager——

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually quite confident in blending coffee!"

...Well, even if he will be fired, as long as he can calm down the deep resentment he has accumulated since he went to work, he will be satisfied.

All in all, amid all the peaceful daily life, Akira Izumi has faced the biggest challenge in his life.

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