Vinette nodded and smiled, holding a cold purple teacup as a thank you: "Thank you, classmate Hui... I should have this teacup, right?"

"When are we going to start the study club! It's rare for me to seriously study once!...Ah, [-]Q Kato!" Satania, who was still urging them to start studying quickly, saw the red teacup in front of her. The ice-cold barley tea I poured down with a smile on my face.

"...Puff, cool!"

Seeing Kato Megumi put away the tray and walked to him with a virtuous look, and also handed him tea, He Quanming took his blue teacup in a daze, and asked with a shocked and inexplicable face.

"Wait, wait...why do you know what my teacup looks like? Why do you serve tea for other guests? Why do you look like the owner of this house!? That's weird! Hey! Are you Come as a guest, classmate!"

"...Really? Is this very common? I just did it casually when I was helping myself with tea." Kato Megumi tilted his head in confusion, his clear eyes did not fluctuate, and the hair in the shawl was flowing slightly vent.

... No, the question is why are you so proactive!Why don't you just wait for me to bring the tea?

Akira Hequan really wanted to yell like this.However, considering that Megumi Kato had good intentions, and seeing that she was so relaxed and completely treated this place as her home, he was a little happy for some reason, so in the end he just sighed helplessly , did not continue to care.

"...Oh, forget it. By the way, how do you know the location of my barley tea?"

"Because the refrigerator is in the kitchen, and the barley tea is in the refrigerator? I found it all at once, and I just happened to pour tea for everyone... Mingjun, do you feel troubled?" Seeing his powerless look, he blinked, Kato Megumi raised his head slightly and stared at him with extremely innocent eyes.

A pair of clean black eyes are twinkling with stars, and the slightly moist pupils seem to be endearing. Although the expression on her face is still flat, the emotions conveyed from those eyes can reach people's hearts directly, like a kitten that has gone too far. As if begging the master's forgiveness, He Quanming's heart stopped for a moment.

...I, my heart was shot by an arrow!quick!Priests, priests, angels or demons can do anything, come and save me!I'm going to be killed by Megumi Kato!

Why is my friend with facial paralysis so cute!It's so cute that I want to hug her on the spot and pat her head hard! Hey!

...Hold it, hold it back——Hequanming, don't be mad at your friends!Even if I am the cutest in the world, she is your friend!What's more, there are so many people watching.

Trying his best to suppress the unicorn arm that was about to move, He Quanming took a deep breath, looked away, and walked towards the sofa where other people were sitting, with an inexplicably serious tone.

"Hmph, I won't be troubled, but next time I'll do it by myself, it's a disrespect to the landlord to ask guests to serve tea... Okay, don't stand there stupidly, come and sit! Don't start reading and meeting Sata again Nia is about to quarrel again..."

"OK, all right."

As Izumi's footsteps moved, Kato Megumi also put down the tray, holding his own teacup and followed; while walking, he took a sip of the cold barley tea, and a small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth covered by the rim of the cup.


Before the official start of the reading club, as the landlord and the default sponsor, He Quanming naturally gave a speech in accordance with international practices, in order to improve everyone's motivation for reading and the prospect of the mid-term exam.

So he coughed and started his speech under the different gazes of the four people.

"Everyone, this time, it is a great honor to invite the famous "Five-Color Team" to hold this solemn and unprecedented reading club here..."

"—Wait, I have a problem." Gabriel, who was nestling in a corner of the sofa, gnawing on crackers like a hamster, suddenly raised her hand.

"Please tell me, classmate Gabriel." He Quanming showed a tolerant smile and gestured for her to speak with his eyes.

Then she was relentlessly complaining about it.

"What kind of rotten speech is this! What the hell is the five-color team?! When we are magical girls!"

Vinette also nodded her chin, and asked in confusion, "Besides, if you don't count classmate Izumi, there are only four of us... Where did Rafael go?"

Gabriel curled her lips: "She, it seems that she was called back by her hometown this morning."

"Back to my hometown? At this time?" Feeling a little strange about Gabriel's answer, Akira Hequan couldn't help asking, "It's obvious that the mid-term exam is coming soon?"

"It's nothing, it's going back and forth very quickly, I guess I'll come over later."

Is it possible to go back and forth in one morning... Could it be that Rafael's hometown is in the Tokyo area?

He Quanming thought for a while: "Then do we still have to wait for her?"

"No need, she will only cause chaos when she comes, so it's better to start now." Gabriel waved her hands with a troubled expression.

This reason was very convincing, so Akira Izumi didn't care about it, he straightened his face and resumed his speech.

"So, to commemorate this historic moment, we should..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped by himself, and taught Gabriel who was sitting opposite.

"Gabriel, pay attention! The crumbs of the senbei are all on the sofa, can you stop being so sloppy when you eat!"

"Ah... sorry, this sofa is too comfortable, accidentally..."

Seeing Gabriel apologizing, but still not letting go of the half-eaten senbei in her hand, Izumi could only sigh weakly again, and got up to help her clean the sofa.

At this time, Kato Megumi who was next to him immediately handed him a small broom, and he nodded in thanks.

"It's just right, thank you Kato—a piece of wool!" Unconsciously, he almost broke the broom in two with his hands, and Izumi stared at Kato Megumi with wide eyes in disbelief, "Why didn't you even connect my family's broom? You know where the little broom is! Do you know everything?!"

Kato Megumi shook his head flatly, as if he was completely unconscious of the actions he just made: "I don't know everything, I just know what I should know."

"This is not something you should know! Hey! You don't have the attributes of the class leader of the lady with glasses, do you?"

After complaining violently, Akira Hequan found that Megumi Kato looked at him again with those innocent eyes shining.

"...No way, can you?"

He Quanming immediately covered his forehead in pain, squatted down and shouted in despair.


Hearing this, Kato Megumi's expression changed instantly, and he was about to walk upstairs with some serious steps.

He Quanming quickly grabbed the corner of her clothes and smiled awkwardly.

"...Wait, I was joking just now! Just kidding! Don't really go to my room to search for things! There is a Pandora's box hidden in it, and the world will be destroyed if you open it?"

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