After the midterm exam.

In the corridor, He Quanming happened to meet Gabriel and Satania.

"Gahahahahaha——" As soon as she saw He Quanming, Satania looked up to the sky and laughed extremely arrogantly, but she didn't say anything, she just used the kind of expression that made people want to beat her up. The haughty eyes looked at him contemptuously.

So Akira Hequan did it.


Shaking his painful hand, Akira Kazumi asked Gabriel with a slightly pained expression.

"...Why is this guy's head so hard?"

"That's not what you want to ask, is it?" Gabriel sighed speechlessly, and glanced at the red-haired idiot crouching in the corner, "This guy has been like this since the results were announced , although I didn't say anything excessive, but it's this kind of attitude that makes people even more angry..."

"The results are announced?" He Quanming nodded, thinking about it, he seemed to have understood what happened, "So, Gabriel, what place are you this time? And..."

Gabriel interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "You don't need to ask, let me tell you everything - I am the [-]th in the whole school year, Vinette is the [-]th, and Rafael is the [-]th." Name, as for Satania her words..."

"It's the fifteenth place!" Satania, who was revived in an instant, rushed to the side of the two of them, snorting triumphantly through her nostrils, "How is it? Familiar, do you have anything to say?"

"...Well, Rafael has been looked at by her for the whole morning, and his whole body is so emaciated." Gabriel folded her hands in pity, as if she was praying for a friend far away, and her whole body seemed to be sacred. surrounded by light.

Looking at Satania, she said, "Come on, praise me, praise me!" 』, He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, he really couldn’t bear to hit her, but if she continued to babble like this, he would be the one who was haggard by then—so for the sake of his mental health, he still put his mobile phone away. Take it out.

After connecting to the campus network and opening his grades interface, He Quanming showed his mobile phone to Satania.

"What what?...Wait, the whole school year, third place?!"

Satania took three steps back in shock, and stared at him as if looking at a monster; Gabriel raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard the ranking, and looked him up and down, as if she had known him again He does.

"Not bad, you guy."

"Thank you, after all, I am studying hard. If you were not so lazy, your grades would not be just like this, right?" He Quanming shrugged and took back his phone.

"I'm sorry for that, don't want me to spend the time playing games on reading books, what a waste." Gabriel curled her lips as if she thought it was troublesome, then turned around and waved her hand to say goodbye to him.

Withdrawing his gaze from Gabriel who was far away, He Quanming turned his head to look at Satania who seemed to have been hit hard and looked like an overripe tomato, and sighed, showing that there was nothing he could do about her. smile.

"Okay, don't be so downcast!"

He patted her on the head, met her raised eyes, and He Quanming smiled lightly to comfort her.

"Let you see my results not to hurt you, let alone to show off, but to let you know that hard work will pay off.

I saw your hard work in the book club, so I wouldn't be surprised that you got this kind of result, but I just thought-"You finally made it, it's amazing"-something; and I was in When I helped you prepare the questions, I also reviewed them myself. In addition, I usually maintain my grades in order to get a scholarship, so I got the third place through long-term hard work, which also proves that I thing. "

——Efforts will not betray yourself, dreams will.Because most dreams cannot be realized even if you work hard; even so, the sweat you put in during the hard work is enough to comfort yourself-but when the dream is really realized, the sense of accomplishment it brings is extremely great, And worthy of praise from others. "

Then, he raised his thumb, showed his big white teeth, and smiled brightly.

"So, well done, Satania! I'm so proud of you!"

Hearing this sentence, Satania couldn't help but tremble a little. The excitement when she learned about the ranking news, the pride when showing off to others, and being praised by the teacher with admiring eyes, etc. seemed to be unimportant at this moment It seems that his smile, his pride in himself, and his unreserved approval are constantly echoing in his mind.

...satisfying and worth it.

As if her heart was filled with something, she couldn't help laughing, that big smile seemed to sweep away all the haze, and with a blink of an eye, she also raised her thumb.

"Hmph—it doesn't matter which familiar I am the master of, this level is just right!"

...and was immediately pinched.

"Don't use this quantifier to address me! You idiot!"

"Ah, pain, pain, pain, pain..." Even though she was covering her head and screaming in pain, Satania still let out a silly laugh.

A very happy look.


"...Is there anyone who voluntarily signed up for this sports festival?" The teacher with bald head and sunglasses on the podium held on to the chalk and asked the students in the audience expressionlessly.

... By the way, how long is this guy going to act as their homeroom teacher?Where did the original class teacher die?

The students of Class B hid this question deeply in their hearts, and eagerly started rushing to sign up, for fear that if they spoke slowly, the murderous boss on the stage would give a piece of chalk to their brains.

With more and more applicants for each project on the blackboard, there were fewer and fewer projects to choose from. When there were only two vacancies left in the end, the bald teacher clicked on the number of people, looked at the roll call, and then looked away.

"Izumi, Kato, Toki...there are only the three of you who have not signed up. The school stipulates that everyone must participate in a competition. Now there are two men and women with three legs and obstacle running. Let's allocate it yourself."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes instantly focused on them, with maliciousness and a sense of spectacle in their eyes - and [-]% of the source of maliciousness were men.

To be honest, the male students in Class B have long had a deep resentment towards Izumi, the kind who would turn into a Gayako to seek revenge on him as soon as he dies—it’s just that he doesn’t often talk to his classmates , A guy who is either sleeping or in a daze, how can he win the favor of Chang Muyao, the runner-up of Miss Christmas, and another classmate who looks cute?

And this bastard often hangs out with beautiful girls from other classes, even the first-year Ajin-chan has not escaped his palm, isn't this too much? !Do you want to pull up the red line on campus—ahem, do it all over again—do you want to open a harem on campus openly? !

Anyway, if you give us a drink of soup, we won't be so resentful, and instead want to worship you as our teacher!

... In the eyes of most people, the image of Izumi Akira has already changed from an "autistic boy" to a "scumbag".If he only gets close to Chang Muyao, at most he will be looked at with the eyes of "dogs and men, show affection, and break up quickly". After all, Chang Mu is no longer so popular after changing his image—— But it’s so good, he not only often eats and chats with Kato Megumi like no one else, but even goes back and forth with Gabriel and the others happily for lunch time, and openly intimate with the cute school girl in the corridor interactive--

How can people not be angry at such a guy who blatantly mocks a guy whose boyfriend and girlfriend are less than or equal to one?How can you not resent?

Everyone was looking forward to the day when he was hacked to death with a hatchet!

And now, although it shouldn't directly trigger the bloody ending, seeing this scumbag trapped in the Shura field is enough to comfort the souls of those single dogs who have been exposed to love to death!

Receiving strong gaze pressure from all directions, Izumi's expression remained unchanged, but cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

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