However, the things I experienced with him next were just as I expected, which was quite enjoyable--watching him in a daze because of the appearance of my yukata at the summer festival, and unconsciously holding on to me at the fireworks display. Hold his hand, get the mobile phone strap that I have always liked from him, and can't help but pose as the hostess during the study session...

——Since when did I change?

Compared to before, it really... has changed a lot.

Not only became friends with Gabriel and the others, but also met the lovely younger sister Sagiri, and the smiles on her face also increased unconsciously. As long as I heard his voice, I couldn't help but feel excited and enjoy being with him. time to talk...

I know that this emotion was brought to me by him.

There is nothing to deny. Looking back carefully on the time with him, it is all happy memories.

The heart lake, which was originally dead and silent, became a pool of living water because of his smile, their smile, and his own smile.

While taking away the loneliness away from the crowd, he also brought me the daily life of laughter that everyone created together.

He Quanming is really a very strange person.

Not only does he often talk to himself, his attitude is jumpy, and he speaks unrestrainedly, but he also has a gentlemanly, considerate and considerate side, and he can easily win girls' favor by relying on intuition, and unrestrainedly makes people around him involuntarily attracted to him .

... Kato Megumi, you have to be careful not to fall!

Well... although it's too late.

It's really helpless... Alas.

I can only hide this feeling deep down, even if I am targeted like that by Chang Mu, even if I really want to jump out and fight her, and snatch the opportunity to have three legs with him.

But no, I can't do that.

Because of this, Ming Jun will feel troubled, right?There are so many people who like him by his side, Chang Mu is one of them, and the reason why he can stay by his side in peace now is because no one has pierced the window paper.

As long as Mingjun doesn't choose anyone, as long as everyone treats him as usual, like me, and hides his affection for him in the bottom of his heart, one day we will be able to reach the end smoothly, right?

An ending that won't make Ming Jun sad.

If a good friend confronts each other in front of him, he will hesitate how to choose; if the person he likes fights for favor, he will worry about how to solve it, showing a frowning expression...

I don't want to see him like that, I like him who always has a helpless smile.

——So, let me help you!Mingjun.

As a good friend, I will always be by your side, so that you will never be troubled by such things, and let you go through every happy day with a smile.

This is me, Megumi Kato, what I want to do now, and the only thing I can do.

Even when I turned around and left, my heart felt like it was being torn apart, but I didn't care.

...Because I'm an idiot just like you.

The so-called idiot, perhaps, is someone who wholeheartedly does something that others seem stupid, but is happy for it, and insists on smiling to continue, right?

Such an idiot may lose something unknowingly, but in the end, I will definitely see everyone's happy HAPPYEND!

I believe so.

...However, why?

Mingjun, why do you want to confess to me?

Obviously I have endured so hard, I have made so many decisions, I have already frozen my feelings for you...

Why do you, who are usually sensitive, fail to notice my thoughts? Why do you——tear off the disguise I have painstakingly engineered?

Hey, Mingjun...I, like you.

I fell in love with you before I knew it.

I like to read books alone, play with mobile phones by myself, go shopping alone, look at the world by myself, and - the feeling of liking alone makes me feel that life is completely different and full of joy color.

I am very happy when I see you, I want to laugh unconsciously when I talk to you, my heart beats faster when I am with you, and my ears feel hot when I touch your hand.

If only you and I were left in this world, I would never refuse to associate with you, and I would even chase you back in reverse, ok?

I also want to be with you forever.

But ah - this is impossible.

Because there are other people around you.

There are other lovely and kind girls.

You are my first, but I am not your only.

If I agree, what will your world be like?

Those girls who like you will feel sad, or they will not be reconciled and want to snatch you over.

Those girls who don't like you yet will gradually alienate you when they see you in emotional disputes?

Obviously you cherish your friends so much, but because of my willfulness, I broke your relationship into pieces.

I... can't do this kind of thing.

In order to monopolize the person I like, hurt the friend of the person I like, so as to make the person I like sad-this kind of thing, I can't do it.

What's more, they are also my friends.

Because of this... all I can do now is to retreat, to give up.

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