"How is it? Do you want me to help you write a self-criticism this time?"

Chang Muyao smiled teasingly, and gently stirred the dark brown coffee with the small spoon in his hand.

"Cut... don't meddle in your own business, it's not like I haven't written anything before!" He Quanming rolled his eyes, put down the cups, plates and rags in his hands, and began to wash the tableware in the sink without stopping.

Chang Muyao smiled maliciously.

"Do you want to say that you are used to it? That's right. Last time I ran out of the classroom in front of the teacher and came back after more than ten minutes; When I was in bed, I took my lovely girl to the health room to spend a wonderful sex class—tsk tsk, you are really good!"

She squinted her eyes in amazement, and the teasing smile on the corner of her mouth was a little unhappy for some reason.

"Yes, yes, I'm so sorry for making you worry... come, this is your apology." Sighing helplessly, He Quanming took out a small cake from the refrigerator and handed it to her, "I can't help it either. Ah, at that time Kato was next to someone I knew, and she didn't want a stranger to accompany her to the health room, so should I leave my friend behind? What if she falls on the road? "

Looking at the cake with bright eyes, Chang Muyao replied without raising his head.

"Okay, since you've said that, I'll forgive you this time! Although I didn't care about it at all - umm! This cake is so delicious~" Inserted a small fork into the cake In her mouth, she showed a satisfied smile while talking vaguely. .

The corner of He Quanming's mouth twitched: "Obviously it's because there is food that I don't care..."

——Of course, Akira Izumi and Megumi Kato were caught immediately when they skipped class for no reason. Megumi Kato was not spared this time. A reasonable explanation, otherwise it will be directly punished by school regulations.

And Izumi Ming had already figured out how to fool him... how to explain it-he said that because Kato Megumi had eaten a bad stomach at noon, his body was very uncomfortable, and he was already on the verge of falling when get out of class was over; as her When seeing her pale face, He Quanming was obliged to accompany her to the health room to rest for a class. Because of the sudden incident, he did not ask the teacher for leave. Please look at her weak appearance and His caring heart for his classmates spared them so...

When he said these words in the office, he spoke so emotionally, heartfeltly, and heart-wrenchingly, that he almost knelt down and cried bitterly. Coupled with Kato Megumi's acting skills like a movie queen, he pretended to be frowning and stroking The weak appearance of the stomach made the bald-headed sunglasses teacher nod expressionlessly on the spot to express his touch. Just like last time, he threw them a review and writing as an explanation, and he took care of other things.

... What does it mean that people should not be judged by their appearance?This is called not being judged by one's appearance!This time, He Quanming really confirmed that behind that face like a gangster's big brother is really an understanding heart!

Now even if Satania tells him that the bald head is always targeting her and looks like she wants to cut her off for drinking, he won't believe it—please, would such a good teacher target you on purpose?It is obvious that you are so deadly that the teacher has to teach you a lesson, and it is clearly all your fault!

Of course, there are still loopholes in this statement... For example, the aunt in the health care room and the students who saw Izumi running out of the teaching building with Kato Megumi could easily point to their faces and say, "That's nonsense!" ".

But fortunately, the auntie in the health care room was not in the health care room at the time, and the door was not locked. The bald teacher didn't expect to ask the classmates, and they were so lucky to fool them.

But the matter of the two disappearing together for a class has not changed. Not only did Chang Muyao ask worriedly afterwards if something happened, some students who love to gossip also looked at them and whispered with secret eyes; One of the gossip heroines, Chang Muyao was naturally also affected, and coupled with her previous performance in selecting projects, it is only natural that she looks unhappy now.

In order to divert her attention from this matter, He Quanming said as if nothing had happened.

"By the way—Yao, when are you free? Do you want to find some time to practice two-legged three-legged?"

Stopping to enjoy the cake, Chang Muyao raised his eyes with special meaning.

"Hmph, isn't that natural? No matter what competition, I'm going to win the championship!" With a belligerent smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked at He Quanming, "Well, before that... Although the two of them competed with each other with three legs Focus more on tacit understanding when it comes to physical strength, but at least you have to run two hundred meters—you should be able to run the entire distance, right?"

He Quanming glared at her angrily.

"Don't underestimate me! I run in the morning every day. I can run [-] laps of just [-] meters without any problem!"

After packing up all the cups, plates and tableware, he moved a chair and sat behind the bar. He took a break when there was no one around, and bragged shamelessly with her.

"Eh... is that so? I really can't tell from your appearance that you can fall down when the wind blows..." Chang Muyao glanced at him suspiciously, and nodded with his arms folded, "Forget it, let's go I believe you won't hold me back... In that case, let's go to the school playground to practice this weekend! We still have two weeks, so we should have time to cultivate a tacit understanding!"

"No, no, no, it won't take two weeks at all!" He Quanming smiled complacently, and looked at Chang Muyao with confidence, "We have such a thing as a tacit understanding, don't we? Practice is just to get familiar It's just a two-person three-legged model, don't underestimate our partner experience! It's just a two-person three-legged model, and my goal is the stars and the sea, so show some confidence!"

Chang Muyao was slightly stunned. Hearing his words, she couldn't help recalling the past in the game center that day when the two joined hands to overthrow many leaderboards. dreaded smile.

"Ahh... that's right! The combination of Ming and Yao is unstoppable! It's just two people with three legs, let's set a new record for everyone to see! Oh—"

Raising his fists high, Tsuneki Yao, who was boiling with enthusiasm, was immediately poured down by Izumi Akira.

"No, it's impossible to break the record this time... because I run very slowly, even if there is a tacit understanding, the speed is what determines the outcome."

"W-what... didn't you say you were jogging in the morning?"

"That's jogging, it just makes my stamina go up so much? The speed is getting slower and slower!" Akira Izumi proudly compared his thumbs, with a look of pride instead of shame appearance.

Chang Muyao was very speechless and authentic: "Why are you so proud... If this is the case, then start practicing more speed from now on! Anyway, there are still two weeks, during this period, try to run faster when you run in the morning Isn't that all right?"

"Doing strenuous exercise early in the morning...isn't that good?" He Quanming looked at her winkingly, pretending to be shy.

"I'm discussing serious matters with you now, please don't speak yellow accents all of a sudden..." Chang Muyao twitched the corners of his mouth, and almost couldn't help sticking a fork into his disgusting expression, "Anyway, you usually have a People don’t get too tired after strenuous exercise, right? Wouldn’t it be better to add some exercise at this time? To save you from only having strong arms..."

"Damn it, you are more proficient in speaking yellow accent than I am, so you have no right to blame me..."

He Quanming immediately admired him.

In this way, they chatted casually, until the two said goodbye in front of the store, and they both had a tacit understanding and did not bring up the confrontation between Toneki Yau and Kato Megumi.

——There are many things that can only be kept in the heart.Once it is blown away by the wind, it is destined to have a finality; and the finality is often nowhere to be found.

If you are not in a hurry for results, it is best to forget some things first.


"...In general, I'm going to practice three-legged with her this weekend, what do you think?"

After dinner, He Quanming lay on the bed and chatted with Kato Megumi on the phone.

To be precise, it is to report today's experience.

Although Kato Megumi did not ask for this, but as the new boyfriend (self-confessed) and a partner on the road to the harem, He Quanming still consciously told some things that he felt necessary to let her know.

And ever since the two established their relationship (self-confessed), He Quanming has always had the urge to see Megumi Kato and to be with her all the time, even just hearing her voice on the phone made him very satisfied.

To put it simply, he is already a super "Hui Kong" now.

"...How about what?" On the other end of the phone, Megumi Kato came with a question that echoed slightly, accompanied by the sound of hands sliding across the water, and Izumi couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

"Do you think it's good for me to do this or something? After all, I'm doing physical intimacy sports exercises with other girls on weekends. How could I not ask my girlfriend's opinion first?"

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