So without further ado, let's get down to business.First of all, this character is to be interviewed!

"Huh? Me? I don't have anything worth interviewing, do I?"

Nothing, you are too modest, Tsukinose-san.According to the survey, your popularity is very high among male classmates, right?

"Eh? Eh—really, really? But I haven't done anything worth noticing? Popularity or something..."

That's right, that's it!This kind of expression that is still gentle and gentle even though she is shy is really great!That motherly smile is one of the reasons you are so welcome!

"Love, loving mother?! I'm just an ordinary high school girl, why do I feel like a loving mother..."

Alright, let's move on to the interview.You don't have to be polite, Vinette-san, we will ask whatever we want, so please answer truthfully?

"Wait, you're welcome, right?!"

Then ask first!

"Eh? Wait, I haven't said I'm going to be interviewed yet!"

——May I ask what are the steps to make Cosmos Shaomai?

"Who knows! This is an interview, not a riddle?!"

Huh?Do not you know?But I heard that Tsukinose-san's cooking skills are very good, and the cooking in the home economics class is also well received by the teacher.

"Yes, that's right... But I'm not a special ○ chef, I don't know how to cook that kind of weird stuff..."

... Tsukinose-san, cooking is your hobby, right?

"What, what's the matter? Why did you suddenly ask so solemnly? Although it's true..."

You can't even make the Big Universe Shaomai. Are you ashamed to say that cooking is your hobby? !

"It's unreasonable to blame! And I just want to say that you have the nerve to say such a thing?! Quickly apologize to other culinary lovers who don't know how to cook the universe big siu mai!"

...cut, then the next question.

"Extremely rude, this man..."

— May I ask what color underwear you are wearing today?

"This is beyond the scope of disrespect, it is sexual harassment! Is the news department of our school so perverted?!"

...Ah, sorry, I took the wrong script—this is a question for Mr. Bitchi.

"That's good... No, is there a teacher in the school who sounds very bad?!"

Let's put this aside...By the way, would you like to answer this question?

"No! Also, don't ask me in such a tone like asking what's for dinner! Why do you want me to answer this question so much, you!"

Well, after all, I just received a lot of letters from the outside audience, and they seem to be very interested in the answer to this question.Don't you want to satisfy their interest?

"Pervert! This group of off-site audience is a group of perverts! I don't want to satisfy the needs of these perverts!"

That's right... What a pity... Let's move on to the next question!

"Don't make me look sorry!"

—— May I ask if the cosmic siu mai you made will glow?

"I just said I don't know how to do it! In other words, from just now until now, I haven't asked any questions about my personal characteristics! This is the real question, right?!"

No, I already know your personality traits, so don't waste your time asking such questions?

"...Huh? When?"

During this question and answer.

"Yes, that's right... Is this the quality that a reporter needs to get the information you want to know from the conversation? It's really amazing..."

Thank you for the compliment, after all, it was the cooperation of Tsukinose-san that I was able to complete the interview so smoothly.

"Has it been completed yet? Will this be published in the school magazine? What will it be written about... I am a little scared and a little curious!"

Well, maybe it will write about your personality or characteristics?

"Personality or characteristics? What kind?"

You're a joker or something.

"Don't write me this ahhhhh—"

Okay, let's move on to the next interview.

★★ ☆

"Interview? Why should I cooperate with you? I'm in trouble..."

Don't say that, Gabriel-san, it's a rare thing to be featured in the school magazine, right?

"No matter how rare it is, I don't want to do it... Well, it's not impossible for me to cooperate with the interview. I'll pay you three for the manuscript, how about it?"

It's a completely unreasonable distribution of benefits... But it's a pity that the school magazine doesn't have such things as manuscript fees, huh?

"Tsk... Then there is always some funding for the club, right? It's okay to set aside a little for interview fees, right? Otherwise, why would they waste their time chatting with you?"

Hum, that's what I said, since that's the case... Come on, this can of peach juice, please, can you cooperate?

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