Suddenly, Vinette yelled loudly: "Satania be careful!"

He Quanming was startled, and reflexively knelt down on the spot, causing Satania to sink a certain distance. Accompanied by her exclamation, multiple hurried footsteps passed by quickly.

……what happened?

With this question in mind, He Quanming got up and stepped back for a distance, while looking at the place where the footsteps finally stopped.

What appeared there was Yau Toki, who was riding on two dragon faces, holding several headbands in one hand, and looked at them with ease.

"...Have you realized it? Sure enough, it's not luck to survive until now, you guys." She put the headband back around her waist, and stared at Izumi with warlike and sharp eyes, "But having said that, we It should be the first time for the two to compete together as opponents, Ming?"

"Ah, that's right..." Pulling a distance from her cautiously, He Quanming shed a drop of cold sweat, and the corner of his mouth drew a dangerous arc, "But, isn't it a bit inappropriate to greet with a sneak attack?"

"Sneak attack? See what you said, there is no such thing as a sneak attack on the battlefield—it's an aboveboard attack! I just don't want you to find out."

Chang Muyao responded calmly by flicking his brown side ponytail.

"It seems that you and the Sun Knight, who specialize in backstabbing, should have a good conversation... You are really worthy of the runner-up of Miss Christmas! You have lost!"

Nodding his head, He Quanming's admiration was very deliberate, and it effectively provoked the anger of the girl opposite.

"Tsk, it's still the same annoying guy...Although I don't know what it has to do with the runner-up of Miss Christmas, but I will take it as if you are praising me sincerely..." The corners of the mouth twitched, barely holding on On the surface, she had a good time, and she showed a smile with a certain chance of winning, "Okay, stop talking! The killing of each other over there has begun, and it's time for us to decide the winner! Next, prepare for defeat. !”

"Hmph! Another brazen guy..."

At this time, Satania who was on He Quanming's back suddenly spoke, snorting and disdainful.

"The sneak attack just now is your only chance to win. If you lose that chance, do you still think you can defeat us head-on?"

Rafael also smiled and said nothing. Compared with many teams they had encountered, she could tell at a glance that apart from the knight's Chang Muyao's body being more flexible, at most they had saved a lot of physical strength, and did not There's nothing brilliant about it, it's not good enough to compete with Satania at all.

At this moment, Vinette breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, she saw a figure sneaking towards them from the corner of her eyes. She shouted nervously without thinking about it. Targeting them with a sneak attack or siege, she believed that with Satania's strength and their more tacit cooperation now, it was already a certainty to win the game.

Seeing that the four people on the opposite side were full of confidence and didn't take them seriously, Chang Muyao secretly gritted his teeth, stared at He Quanming inexplicably, and stretched out his hand to point forward.

"Then let's see the real chapter! Don't think that we survived until now by luck!——Let's go!"

""Oh! ""

One person carried Chang Muyao on his back, and the other supported Chang Muyao's body. Two female students who seemed to be familiar with each other rushed towards Izumi Ming, and only then did he speak in a daze.

"Ah, I thought it was a trick... Isn't this the classmate Gao Gui and the chrysanthemum itching pool?"

"It's Takato Yukie!" "Yoko Kikuchi! Anyway, we are all classmates, can you remember the names?!"

Immediately, they were glared at by the two fake faces, and the two people who were just holding a playful mentality suddenly showed a huge killing intent, and they rushed towards them more steadily and quickly.

Then, the figures of the two sides passed by each other.

"With a bang, Chang Muyao's headband was snatched away~"

Standing on the spot without moving at all, He Quanming just watched helplessly that the approaching Chang Muyao was snatched away by Satania with a hand speed that could not be seen clearly, and the headband hanging around his waist, and lightly With a slight tilt of his head, Chang Muyao's last attack was dodged.An emotionless narration came out of his mouth, and he indifferently squinted at the disqualified Chang Muyao who stopped beside them.

"Hey, although I don't know why you have won so many groups, but whether you are strong or weak... In the end, we must win!"

Angrily glaring at Izumi Akira, who didn't show a complacent look, but was more irritating than him, Chang Muyao's heart was full of unwillingness and the shame of being slapped in the face, but he could only helplessly accept the reality of defeat.After sighing forcefully, she scratched her head irritably.

"Damn it, isn't this trick not working... I wanted to take advantage of the danger when you exhausted so much physical strength, but I didn't expect that there is such a speed... It seems that the strategy of retaining physical strength harvesting is useless to you... ..."

"Well, if I hadn't met a sports monster like Satania, maybe I would have been fucked by you guys."

Consoling her a few words without sincerity, He Quanming looked at the other groups in the distance, and some groups were gradually winning or losing—like the black-haired girl who was fiercely spraying each other in the fierce battle just now And the brunette loli, now lying on the ground with both wounded, made the two young men who are horses smile wryly and don't know what to do.

Only they and the other two groups that were starting to fight each other were left standing on the field, and the cheering outside the field gradually became louder, as if preparing for the final battle.

He Quanming looked back at Chang Muyao again, and after understanding his eyes, she pouted unwillingly.

"Okay, okay, we'll end right away, let's see your performance... Wait, wow!"

In the middle of speaking, her body swayed, and Gao Yuanyuguihui, who was carrying her on her back, suddenly spoke with embarrassment.

"Oops, Yao's weight makes me a little bit unbearable... Be careful!"

As soon as his knees softened, Gao Yuanyou Guihui couldn't help but knelt forward, causing Chang Muyao to fall in the direction of Izumi Ming, seeing the moment when their faces were about to collide——

He Quanming's eyes widened, and he gave a deep drink.

"Everyone, use Tactic A!"

Like soldiers who received orders, the group of people reflexively took a step back, and turned [-] degrees counterclockwise with Izumi Akira as the axis, perfectly avoiding the path where Tsuneki Yokai would fall.


Gao Yuanyou Guihui's eyes widened, "Are you fucking kidding me?" ’ expression, the hands that had deliberately controlled the speed of Chang Muyao’s fall couldn’t help but relax, so Chang Muyao on her back who was still wondering why she was falling over at a slow speed, followed the acceleration of gravity. Pounce down.

Then, just before her face was about to kiss Mother Earth, her arms were suddenly grabbed by several hands, and she stopped falling forward.

"Huh... so close to catching up!"

Chang Muyao turned around in a daze.

I saw Akira Izumi, Satania, Rafael, and Vinette all grabbing her arm with expressions of adversity, and after placing her firmly on the ground, they wiped the corners of their foreheads that popped out at that moment. cold sweat.

Satania, who got off Izumi's back, looked at him displeased.

"Stinky Familiar, why did you suddenly use Tactic A! If you don't catch her in time, how can you be responsible!"

"What, can't I take the blame? I was also scared, okay... The reflex habit of fighting just now has not been changed, and I want to avoid it if I don't pay attention, who knows that she will suddenly turn upside down..."

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