He Quanming didn't seem to realize it, his eyes were fixed on the heated competition scene in front of him, and he continued to explain impassionedly, frothing all over his mouth.

"I didn't expect her plump body to bring out such a flexible speed. Could it be that she can't feel the wind resistance!? We can't imagine how much pressure she will bear in this kind of strenuous exercise. Even so, she still fights for victory. What a touching sentiment to sprint forward unremittingly!

But at this time, the commentary thought of a problem, I don’t know if you have noticed, that is..."

——Referee, she dribbled and walked twice, did she make a foul?

Just when Izumi wanted to yell out the above sentence aloud, suddenly a black air surged violently from the side, and accompanied by the horror of the thorns on the back, another finger was poked on the waist and eye, and Chengkou grabbed his waist Between soft meat.

Kato Megumi's expression remained unchanged, but a faint shadow was cast between his eyes, and he looked forward calmly and gently while talking.

"Ming Jun, please be quiet for a while, please?"

"...Yes, Your Majesty the Queen." With serious eyes, He Quanming bowed his head respectfully, and his whole body showed the words "from top to bottom".

...Oh my god, the blackened Kato is so scary!He could feel that Kidney was calling for help, if he didn't give up at this time, it would mean that Feng Qi was gone!

Barely letting himself be serious, He Quanming looked at the back of the track—the number of people in a race is equal to the number of tracks, and six tracks means that there are six people participating; and according to the plot...ahem...it's a coincidence Surprisingly, the four of them met in the same game quite by chance, ignoring the remaining two non-characteristic tricks, he began to analyze the situation in his mind.

Needless to say, Satania, a sports superman, has been ahead of the others by a certain distance from the start. It seems that "The Scarlet Storm of the Demon Realm" is not for nothing. The fluttering red hair seems to have really dyed the air behind her. crimson.

Rafael, who is in the second place, is also very difficult. The burden on her body is at least two models of Big Satania, but she can still follow her closely, with a relaxed smile on her face. , seems to be able to accelerate further, the untied silver-white long hair is flying behind the head like a winding ribbon.

And Vinet, who was a distance behind Rafael, was also running earnestly. Although her speed was not fast, she was still half a step ahead of the two walk-on players. She ran at her own rhythm with a steady breath, without being overtaken by the two on her face at all. flustered.

As for the last Gabriel...

Izumi sighed as expected.

——This child is hopeless.

She dragged her weak steps forward slowly as if giving up, drips of sweat dripped from her forehead, her bright blond hair was gray and fatigued under the sun, and she swung her hands back and forth as if she was running.

No, it can't be called running like that at all, it's almost lying on the ground, okay!The referees and spectators who looked at this kind of undisguised laziness were also taken aback for a while. They never expected that someone would pretend to be lazy in the sports festival competition under the watchful eyes of everyone, just like this. walk on the runway.

Staring at the dead fish eyes, she was still chanting in her panting mouth.

"Ha, ha... I'm so tired, I really want to go home... I'm going to die with such intense activities under the sun, I'm going to melt... Somebody help me..."

Shaking her head dumbfounded, He Quanming admired her a little bit when she saw the situation - even if she put on that bored and lazy look, she still didn't give up the game directly, although it was very slow, she still took one step at a time. The footprints are moving forward - this kind of persistence is really impressive, and I want to applaud her.

...Of course, considering that if you really help her, not only will you not be thanked, but you will end up being glared at by her with murderous eyes, He Quanming naturally did not do this, but just looked at her inadvertently. When he turned around, he extended a thumb to her, smiling brightly.


Sure enough, he was still stared at.

But somehow I feel a little excited... Bah!stop!It's just being glared at by a loli high school student with coquettish eyes, what's there to be excited about!At least two eyes are worth being excited about!

"...Ming Jun, your smile has become disgusting? It's better to put it away quickly."

He Quanming wiped his face quickly, and the righteousness of the scholar returned to his face, and he looked towards the front of the runway with a serious face.

A distance of [-] meters passed in an instant, and Satania was the first to arrive at the place where the notes were placed without any accidents—these notes would have the name of a certain item written on it, and the contestants had to find this item , and take it to the playground, and then run the remaining [-] meters to win.

This also shows that the competition of borrowing objects is not only the running speed, but also the luck of finding the required items. Whether the items can be carried smoothly is also a factor that worries the participants-after all, if they are asked to find a Zaku or the red horned three times speed over, no matter how much ahead and no matter how fast you run, you still can't outrun the opponent who only holds a piece of paper or a book.

By the way... there shouldn't be something that can't be found on the note, right?Unless it's a model.

Watching Satania a little nervously picking up a piece of paper and opening it, He Quanming found that she suddenly looked embarrassed and thought for a while, then looked left and right, and looked around with him in the auditorium. The moment their eyes met, their eyes lit up suddenly, and then they ran towards him with a gallop.

While she was thinking, Raphael and Vinette also arrived at the note. After reading the required items on the note, they looked in his direction with different expressions on their faces, and then followed behind Satania.

"Well, Ming-jun... are they coming here?" Kato Megumi pointed to the three expressions that approached the two of them with excited, joyful, or helpless expressions—to be precise, the gentleman beside her. The figure turned to Izumi with some hesitation and asked.

"Ahh... I've expected this kind of development a long time ago." He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth as if giving up struggling, and sighed, picked up the big bag that seemed to be full of things beside him, Push the glasses with the index finger of the right hand.

"——So, I have already prepared."

The lens reflected an unfathomable light, and Izumi pulled up the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a confident smile that everything was predictable.

Without flinching, he faced the three girls who were attacking him. He stood up straight, and an inexplicable aura immediately wrapped around him. He smiled confidently and spoke softly.

"Come on, greedy hyenas... what do you want from me? The truth? Or the Philosopher's Stone? Or Kugiyao's younger brother? Heh heh heh... whatever it is, as long as you want it , I have both here.

But—"One can get nothing without sacrifice, and in order to get something, one needs to pay the same price. 』——The principle of equivalent exchange, what price will you pay in exchange for what you want... It is really an exciting transaction, 咈咈咈咈..."


Glancing at Izumi Akira, who had a strange expression beside him, exuding the aura of a middle school student, Megumi Kato walked away from him a few steps away in disgust, to avoid being misunderstood that she and this guy who looks disgusting even if he doesn't get sick for a day are in the same group , That was really a shameful thing; the figure with a thin sense of existence quickly blended into the crowd, and then she turned on the theater mode.

"I'm still wondering why he brought a bag here. Did he expect this scene long ago? For a scumbag male protagonist who wants to open a harem, isn't he a little too smart like this... "Mumbling, but there was no worried expression on her face, her expression was very calm, "Well, anyway, as long as it is related to girls, he knows how to do it best like peeking at a script. To increase the girl's favorability..."

In a low voice, she curled her lips quietly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Watching Satania come to him first, Izumi smiled lightly and waited for her to speak.

Sure enough, Satania ran all the way over, and before standing still, she shouted at him with a bright smile of excitement and about to win.

"Familiar, come with me! I need your cooperation!"

Before she could speak to Quanming, she raised her head and nose, and snorted triumphantly.

"It's not that I said, this competition is too unchallenging! Not only no one can run faster than me, but even the borrowings that affect the outcome can be found so easily, maybe I can innovate that is called Jibaba A world record! Really, it's too unfulfilling..."

After holding back for a while, she still couldn't hold back her wild laughter, "Bahahahahahahaha! Not only Gabriel, but all the runners in the borrowing race all over the world will submit to Lord Satania's feet! How great this is! Deeds, even the great devil in hell can’t do this kind of thing, right? Really, it’s so—so cool—”

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