"—overcome it!"

The momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers suddenly broke out, Satania's eyes closed and opened suddenly, and then her whole body tensed up, holding her breath, and her hands grabbed the socks like lightning!

But just when the white fingers were about to touch the warm white socks, they suddenly missed, and the fingers passed through the air, and the socks were taken back the moment before she grabbed them.

At the same time, He Quanming's helpless voice sounded above her head.

"...Hey, although your words touched me very much, but I have a feeling that I want to laugh but I can't laugh, and I also have a terrible feeling of asking girls to take the socks I just took off in public... All in all, my mood right now is really TM complicated."

Unable to resist swearing, Akira Izumi looked at Satania's stubborn eyes and the hand that opened up to ask him again, and scratched his forehead in trouble.

"Hey, okay, don't look at me with that kind of eyes anymore, and I didn't say no to you... I took it back just to deal with it. It's really hard for you to insist on this kind of thing. Do it!"

Muttering with a sigh, He Quanming turned around and took out a can of fragrance and a vacuum packaging bag from his bag—yes, these things were collected by him to meet their loan race, and there were still There are daily necessities such as electric mosquito swatters, call symbols, and master balls.

Then, he sprayed the sock with a large amount of deodorant, stuffed it into a vacuum bag and sealed it carefully. After confirming that there was no smell coming out, he handed the bag back to her superior.

"Take it! Stop putting on that heroic expression, it makes me feel guilty."

After receiving the sock that had been processed not only did not have the stench of salted fish that had been dead for ten days, but also exuded a faint fragrance in a vacuum packaging bag, Satania blinked gratefully and was about to ask When he was thanking, he suddenly seemed to remember something, staring at the still warm socks in the bag, showing a pensive expression.

"...Tell me, if this thing is not sprayed with fragrance, if you wear it for a while and then seal it up, can it be used as a prank prop like that canned fish..."

"Stop it! That's not a prank, it's murder!"

And it must be me who was sentenced!


After dissuading the three of them and asking Satania to promise not to use biochemical weapons for pranks, Akira Izumi wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ha... I didn't expect my socks to smell like that. I almost didn't smell them to death... I don't usually smell it so I don't know..." He Quanming looked at them with a complicated expression. The leaving back stretched, "No~ but, it's really great to have prepared something in advance! Not only can they successfully complete the borrowing race, but also heard some happy words..."

Taking a deep look at Satania who was running happily, He Quanming shrugged his shoulders, and while smiling happily, his face suddenly changed.

"Wait, I just thought of it now... If I followed them to the finish line from the beginning, wouldn't all these shitty things happen?"

After all, the rules only say that you have to run to the finish line with your belongings. If Quanming and the three of them reach the finish line together and show the referees all their clothes, pants and socks, maybe they can become the first place together!

Although I don't know if this method will work, but if it really works, then what was the nonsense just now?Wouldn't it be over if you just run for a while?

"This is really... well, forget it, I had a good time anyway..." After struggling for a while, He Quanming put these thoughts behind him, he looked back, and turned his head to find out who he didn't know. When Megumi Kato disappeared, a voice full of laziness suddenly sounded from behind his head.


Then a pair of white hands rested on his shoulders, and the slender fingers formed claws, grasping his shoulders forcefully.

"I'm dying……"

He Quanming couldn't help shaking his whole body, and smiled ugly.

"Well, what... female, female ghost lady? If you have any grievances, you can go to the right and wrong hall to find Yan Luowang. If you want to eat, you can ask the female ghost in Baiyulou. If you want to reincarnate, please turn right ahead and follow the procedure one by one. After drinking Mengpo soup, finding me, a mortal, is of no use other than to let you suck your energy...?"

"...What nonsense are you talking about?" After hearing what he said, the cold voice seemed to be gradually melted by helpless emotions, the "ghost" put down the hand on his shoulder, and said A sigh followed.


Turning around, Akira Hequan saw the blond girl who she regarded as a female ghost sighing tiredly with her waist in her waist. Her messy golden ponytail and bad complexion showed her current mood and state.

"It's really an expression of being forced to exercise vigorously after cultivating immortals..."

"It's not an expression, it's the truth..." Wiping the sweat off his face with his arm, Gabriel's eyelids drooped and he was on the verge of falling, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment. When I feel distressed, there is also a feeling of wanting to laugh.

"Well, it's really hard work for you! As a dead house that doesn't work hard, we all see your hard work, so be proud of it!" He Quanming patted her cheek lightly, holding back the corners of his mouth. shoulder, praising her solemnly.

"I'm just going to attack you with this attitude. If I wait for my sudden death, I will definitely kill you before I ascend to heaven..." Driven by her tired body, Gabriel raised her eyes of resentment and stared at He Quanming, like It is already ready to die with him.

At this time, a drop of sweat suddenly slipped from the corner of her eyes and entered her eyes, making her frown and rub her eyes.

"Hey, wait! You are covered in sweat and dust, don't rub your eyes before washing your hands!"

When her sight was blocked by her hands, Gabriel heard Izumi's slightly reproachful voice coming from the front, followed by a familiar breath approaching her, a big hand pulled her slender wrist away from her eyes, and replaced it with a The handkerchief was gently rubbing the corners of her eyes to relieve the soreness in her eyes.

After she felt that her eyes were almost wiped, He Quanming used other parts of the handkerchief to help her wipe off the sweat on her face and the dust raised on the playground, and by the way, she took out a comb from the bag that had everything to tidy up Take a look at her messy cat-like hair; after everything was done, I wanted to ask Gabriel to open the eyes that had been closed for a while, but after thinking about it, he knelt down again and helped her put some After carefully tying the loose shoelaces, she nodded in satisfaction and stood up.

Gabriel, who opened her eyes, first touched her clean cheeks, then combed her neat and smooth golden ponytail, and finally looked down at the shoelaces tied with two neat bows.

Then, she looked at He Quanming, who nodded in satisfaction as if she had done something important, and hesitated to speak.


He Quanming spoke out first at this moment: "What? Do you want to thank me?

No need, such a trivial matter is nothing to worry about!Although I am not as obsessed with cleanliness as Mr. Qingshan of the football club, I am very fussy about the details of life, so I organized it for you on my own initiative. Don’t thank me too much...

But if you really want to thank me, I won’t stop you, because I can’t control what you want to say, even if you really don’t want to be seen as thanking me, but I can’t control your mouth I have no choice but to accept this thank you with a respectful, inclusive, friendly and caring heart. I am willing to bear as many words of praise as you want, so you don’t have to hold back..."

"—Okay, be quiet!"

The smug chatter was stopped by Gabriel's shout, He Quanming shut his mouth immediately, put away his mean look, and looked down at her delicate expression.

"Tsk, I really wanted to say thank you... But looking at your performance just now, I threw all the thanks into the trash can... So don't worry! I won't thank you now. "

Wei Wei rolled her eyes at He Quanming, but Gabriel didn't show any signs of anger, she just twisted her hair, lowered her eyes, and looked at the ground uncomfortably, "Well, then... since you like to take care of me so much Man, I have something to ask you..."

Raising her head, she scratched her cheeks in embarrassment, her face flushed slightly, and she gave a hey laugh.

"Then what... can you take me to the finish line?"

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