"No! I don't want to play that!" He shook his head in disgust.

"Three hundred males?"

"What's that? A game I've never heard of... If it's the same as the League of Legends, I don't want to play it either!"

"Then... the dark soul?"

"That's right, I won't spread the word!" Sagiri patted the bed angrily, and Sagiri gave Hequanming a stare.

"Broken O[-]?"

"This can't be hacked, right?" It's a mobile game after all.

"Young King?"

"You can't play without a deck!"


Sagiri finally nodded: "Ah, I can do this!"

"I don't think so...no, when did you know how to play mahjong?!"

The corner of He Quanming's mouth twitched, feeling astonished that his younger sister had failed at learning - the twelve-year-old little loli sitting on the card table and flicking cards with a serious face pushed the cards forward and said coldly "Self. Touch!"The dealer kills! 』This kind of words - thinking of this scene, especially when the little loli in it is still his sister, his liver hurts inexplicably!

But Sagiri looked down at him with contempt: "You'll be able to learn it once you learn it on the Internet... What a fuss!"

At this moment, he deeply understood the mentality of his parents always forbidding him to go online in his previous life.

For the sake of my sister's mental health and growth, should I cut off the internet...

"Oh, well... just find some board games to play at that time."

He Quanming shook his head, but in the end he still didn't agree with the proposal of the four of them playing cards in Sagiri's room. He planned to buy some Monopoly, Jenga, playing cards and the like to play with.

Huh?Wait... You shouldn't need to buy these things, someone seems to have a backpack for these things...

"Yeah, it's settled!" Sagiri shook her little white feet excitedly, as if she was looking forward to the arrival of that day, her whole body was brimming with cheerful emotions.

He Quanming smiled gratifiedly, and then seemed to think of something.suggested to her.

"If possible, would you like to find other people to come together? Just the few you just mentioned."

The jumping body stopped, Sagiri's face became a little stiff, and a drop of cold sweat slid down her forehead.

"Uh... This, this... Let's talk about it later... I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry..."

Guiltyly shifting her gaze, she didn't dare to look at He Quanming's encouraging eyes.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't continue to force her, so he could only scratch his head helplessly.

"You bastard... Forget it, then I'll go first? Go and call Kato and tell Kato about coming to the house..."

Standing up, He Quanming walked towards the door as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, brother, goodbye~" With a smile again, Sagiri waved his hand to say goodbye to Izumi, and then his face suddenly changed: "——No! Don't change the subject, idiot brother! I haven't finished asking you about girls today What about playing at home!"

Puckering her mouth, Sagiri stared at Izumi angrily.

"I didn't change the subject, Quanming and I have a clear conscience! Today I just went to her house to play games for a day, nothing happened, nothing happened! I swear on my grandfather's name!" He patted his chest for assurance.

"I like Conan more than Jin Oichi! ... I'm wrong! Who would believe you swear by such a strange thing!" Sagiri shouted.

Akira Hequan was shocked: "You actually said that grandpa is a strange thing... he will cry? He will cry miserably in the sky?"

"Who cares about that! Look at your guilty look, is there any welfare plot happening!? Come on honestly!"

He Quanming gritted his teeth: "Gu... and, there are no benefits! There is no physical contact or anything! I swear by my card draw rate!"

"...which game?" Sagiri asked hesitantly.

"...help his dog."

"Okay... Barely has a little credibility..." Nodded reluctantly, although there was still a little doubt in her eyes, Sagiri reluctantly accepted the promise.

He Quanming breathed a sigh of relief: "Phew...thanks to the organization for trusting..."

... Goodbye, Futagou, in order not to draw nine Darius out of ten, I'm going to play the blue O line!

After finally getting rid of Sagiri's wicked questioning, He Quanming dragged his tired steps back to his room.

As for why he was tired... because Sagiri asked him to pose in several poses for illustration reference after finishing his question.

He has always been puzzled-what kind of novel illustrations require so many men to pose in various poses? JOJO?

With a bang, he fell down on the bed in large characters. He Quanming took out the mobile phone from his trouser pocket. After thinking for a while, he found the name of "Megumi Kato" from the phone book, and pressed the call button.


The busy tone didn't last long, and soon the phone was connected, and Kato Megumi's reassuringly familiar voice came from the other end.

"Hey? 』

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ahem... hello? Is this Ms. Kato Megumi?" At first I wanted to say hello to her, but a bad idea suddenly came to my mind, and Izumi couldn't help a smirk, and said in a rough voice .

"……it's me.Are you...? 』Hesitating for a while, Kato Megumi's voice sounded hesitant.

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