Satania gnawed on the pineapple bun inexplicably, and after taking another sip of milk, she patted her chest and breathed loudly.

…and then I was choked by the milk in the trachea until I coughed continuously.

He Quanming patted her on the back helplessly and nodded in praise.

"Yeah, as expected of Satania, what a big-hearted master!"

"Ahem...then, of course!"

"Then let me tell you..." He Quanming straightened his face and lowered his head slightly, "I used to think of you as an ordinary idiot with secondary illness. I'm really sorry! I didn't expect you to be a real devil, so I changed my view of you ..."

Satania blinked in surprise.

"Eh? You know the familiar?"

Then he immediately put the fact that his true identity was discovered behind him, straightened his delicate nose, and let out a deep laugh with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Kukuku... I told you a long time ago——I, Hutaze Satanikia McDowell, is the Chaos Wushuang Great Demon who will eventually rule the Demon Realm! As my number two Familiar, feel honored to have this status! Wahahahaha—"

Then the laughter became louder and louder, and Satania laughed so wildly that the passers-by around gradually cast strange eyes on them and the group.

He Quanming frowned, and clapped his hands weakly to agree with her.

"Oh, Mrs. Satania is awesome~"

It wasn't until Satania was almost smiling, and Quanming and the others got used to the mentally retarded eyes around them, that they returned to the normal rhythm of chatting.

"By the way, you said that you changed your opinion of me... from which aspect did you change it? Is it a cool posture, or a noble character that I always hide?"

Satania's eyes lit up, and she looked at Izumi expectantly.

... With her silly, fresh, refined and unaffected appearance, Akira Hequan doesn't believe that she has a deep and noble character.

He nodded, and answered in a drawn-out voice as if trying to tell a joke.

"Oh, I thought you were just an ordinary chuunibyou idiot..."


He Quanming sighed in admiration, and then patted her on the head: "...It turns out that you are an extraordinary idiot with a second-school illness. It really changed~"

"Huhahahaha!" Satania first smiled proudly, and then came back to her senses: "...What! Isn't there no difference at all?!"

"You also know that there is no difference? Who told you that you are a fool with a second disease, even if your race is a demon, it will not change, okay?"

He Quanming spread his hands helplessly, not caring about her angrily beating his chest with small fists.

Rafael on the side waved his hand with interest.

"What about me? What about me? Classmate Ming, after knowing that I am an angel, do you have a different impression of me?"

Facing her expectant eyes, He Quanming thought deeply.

"A different impression... yes!

"What is it?"

He nodded tragically: "Alas... the heavens are coming to an end!"

Rafael was shocked: "This, isn't this your impression of me?!"

"Well, this is the different impression I had on the heaven that I thought was Utopia after I learned the identities of you and Gabriel!"

"Student Ming is too much~" Rafael pursed her lips, and lightly bumped Quan Ming with her shoulder. The force was not so much a complaint as a subtle coquettish way.

So, enduring the stinging eyes from all around, Hequanming walked happily and painfully on the way to school with people coming and going.

After some squabbling, Satania took out her phone and pulled out a photo of herself with a strange creature that looked like a charmander.

"Familiar, since you already know my identity, let me introduce to you your senior, who is my first familiar, Alexander!"

Full of pride and love, he talked about this little orange fat dragon with a short body and two small wings. He Quanming listened to it with gusto, thinking that one day if he had the opportunity to get in touch with this " Senior", you must take a photo with it, and then show it off to Sagiri, she will definitely be envious if she likes cute things!

"This dragon looks so stupid... so cute! Where did you find it?"

"It's in the Demon Realm..."

The pleasant chatting time always passed very quickly. Before they knew it, they had already walked into the school gate and changed into indoor shoes at the entrance of the teaching building.

At this time, Satania suddenly shouted to the back of a female student who had changed her shoes and was about to walk towards the classroom.

"Eh? Good morning, Vinette!"

Rafael and Izumi turned their heads to look at the same time, and sure enough, the female student with short purple hair was Vinette.

"Mr. Vinette, good morning." Raphael also greeted with a chuckle.

Wei Nette's back trembled slightly, then turned around, and said with a smile pretending to be normal.

"Morning, good morning! Satania, Rafael, and... He, Izumi..."

When she looked at He Quanming, she still couldn't help her cheeks getting hot, and reluctantly greeted him, and the scene of being carried to the bed at that time could not help appearing in her mind.

...Ahhh, my heart is beating so fast!No, I have to hurry up and find a place to calm down without anyone else!

Seeing that the head started to emit steam again, Vinette, who was a little flustered, and Izumi twitched the corners of his mouth and raised his hands, responding with the same attitude as usual.

"Vinette, good morning! Have you had breakfast?"

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