Going back to the seat and putting down the schoolbag, Izumi turned to look at Megumi Kato who was staring at the phone in the next seat—this time she was watching an animation called "Gamers!" Understood, but seeing her obsessed and relished look, he was really embarrassed to disturb her.

So, looking around quietly, He Quanming smiled and whispered softly in her ear.


After finishing speaking, he gently blew a breath into her ear.


Almost reflexively, Kato Megumi shuddered all over, couldn't help slamming his arm to the side, and slammed the phone on his face vigorously; after a while, she came back to her senses and covered her face with a smile. With a confused face, Izumi said calmly.

"...Ah, Mingjun, good morning."

She blinked, put away her cell phone, and tilted her head in doubt, with such an ignorant look that He Quanming almost believed that it wasn't her who just slapped him across the face with the cell phone.

"...What's wrong? Is your face hurt?"

"...No, even my father never beat me, so how could I get hurt?" He Quanming twitched his cheeks, bearing the consequences of his own death, wanting to cry without tears.

"Really? It's good that you didn't get hurt. A big guy like Ming Jun who likes to die won't get hurt so easily! I believe so?" Looking at him seriously with eyes full of trust, Kato Megumi's The corners of the mouth suddenly curled up, but behind the smug smile, He Quanming seemed to see a silently burning anger, and a trace of frightening black energy rising up.

"By the way, Mingjun... Do you know what kind of reaction you will have when you are concentrating on something and suddenly someone blows a breath into your ear, which makes you startled~ and jumps?"

With an emotionless question in his calm voice, Megumi Kato looked straight at him, and he couldn't help shaking when his eyes stared at him like a real stare.

Facing Megumi Kato, who seemed a little angry, Akira Izumi resolutely gave up.

"Yes! No! Let's go! - I don't know who that person is, but I know that that person must like you very much, so he wants to use this perverted method to attract your attention! Such a bad guy Please forgive him for his affection! He will never dare again!"

This sentence is full of words such as apology, denial, shifting the focus, sweet talk, boasting, and bitter tricks. As for how to coax a girl, Kato Megumi's expression froze for a moment when he opened his mouth, and he was speechless immediately. It can be said that there is no air to come out.

Being annoyed by his appearance, he couldn't continue to be angry, Kato Megumi could only sigh helplessly, put aside the resentment of being suddenly startled, and looked away as if giving up.

"... There was a mental prank early in the morning. It seems that your injury is almost healed."

Hearing that her tone had returned to her usual calmness, He Quanming raised his head that had been bowed in apology, and showed her a bright smile.

"Of course! Izumi Akira, fully revived! May I ask what orders you have from Commander Kato!"

Kato Megumi took out his phone again, then pointed at his seat expressionlessly.

"Now, sit down and don't disturb me watching animation."


"Then, have something to say directly, don't blow my ears... it's itchy."


He Quanming inadvertently looked at her ears, and found that there was still a little red tide on the base of the ears, and then glanced at her pretendingly calm face, and immediately responded with lowered eyebrows, but secretly smiled in his heart.

... Puff puff puff, I didn't expect Kato to have a tsundere side, I really learned a lot~

Kato Megumi pursed his lips, his tone suddenly turned cold.

"Hey... so I still have the tsundere attribute? I don't even know it myself."

He froze, then raised his head.

"...me too, I didn't even know that I had the attribute that I couldn't help but say what was in my heart."

He Quanming smiled casually beyond life and death, accepted Kato Megumi's increasingly sharp eyes without fear, suddenly raised a thumb, and gave her a wink.

"However, tsundere Kato, so cute~"

... Now that the words have been spoken and there is no turning back, what else can he do?

Of course, continue to die!Didn't a famous person say that?

"As long as you don't die, work into death—Mark.twain. 』

——Today, he is either trying to die, or he is on the way to die!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After class time.

He Quanming walked towards the stairwell, planning to buy a bottle of drink from the vending machine to quench his thirst.

Because the vending machine is in the stairwell, and the stairs are next to class A of the second year, and there is a classroom of the first grade between class A of the second year and his class B, so if he wants to go to the place where the vending machine is, he has to go through First grade classrooms will do.

And when he walked over, the classroom door of Class B of the first year was just opened, and then a girl came out, the familiar golden round hair ornament on her head and the small canine teeth protruding from the corner of her mouth were reflected in his eyes. eye.

As if feeling his gaze, the blond girl turned her head suspiciously. The moment she saw Akira Izumi, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she ran towards him while waving.

"Senior, long time no see~"

Standing still in front of him, the little bird You Feiyan blinked her golden eyes, and gave a nondescript salute. The voice of Yuan Qi seemed to be contagious, and He Quanming couldn't help laughing.

He also returned a salute: "Hey! Long time no see, Comrade Xiaoniaoyou!"

Then his face suddenly changed, and he complained: "...What a ghost! I saw it during the sports season, and it's only been a day. Has your timeline been remade by a magical girl or a sophomore? !"

Feiyan sticks out her tongue, and puts down her hand on her forehead: "Hey, exaggeration, exaggeration, don't be so serious~"

Then, as if thinking of something, she cast her curious eyes on He Quanming's body, and stretched out her finger to lightly poke the place where he was wrapped in gauze.

"By the way, I heard that senior was injured in order to protect others while running, right? Is it serious, is there something wrong? Do you need me to treat you with vampire treatment?"

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