"Ah, Xiao Fei is going to kill a vampire~"

"Wow, Xiaofei is going to kill someone~"

...How dare you continue to provoke!

As if something broke in his mind, a cross-shaped vein appeared on Xiaoniao Youfei's forehead, revealing an elegant, dignified, but terrifying smile.

Then, baring his teeth and claws, he rushed towards them.

"Stop! This time I must teach you a good lesson—!"

So in the corridor, the scene of chickens flying and dogs jumping was staged again. The passers-by and students who were used to it shrugged their shoulders, but after being surprised that there was one more person making a mess this time, they turned their eyes away and walked their own way. .

And from this kind of reaction, it can be seen that not only Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan, but also He Quanming has become a well-known figure in the school... Really gratifying, gratifying and congratulating.

"...It's just a reputation in a negative direction, 'the public face that will be dismembered sooner or later'...Which damn single dog gave me such a nickname..."

"Huh? Senior, what are you muttering about?"

"It's nothing, stop talking nonsense, let's just focus on escaping Fei's pursuit!"

"OK!...Senior, turn right ahead!"

"No problem! I won't step on the brakes for this corner!"

"Wow~ The old driver of Qiu Mingshan really lives up to his reputation!"

"Hey, I've won the prize~"

"He's talking inexplicable words again! Hurry up and stop!"

"I'm chasing you, I'm chasing you, the angry Feimao is so scary..."

"Terrible is scary, but she was already so angry that she turned on the berserk mode, and she didn't give up using honorifics... She is really a good and polite child."

"Hehehe, she is my proud sister after all!"

"...It's the complete opposite of you."

"Hey~ Senior is too much~"


There is really nothing to say about ordinary class, and soon, it is time to end another get out of class.

Originally, the end of get out of class passed quietly while fleeing for life, but Fei Mo finally gave up chasing and killing them, and went back to her classroom in a huff after the class bell rang; Ming will go to the atrium when the next get out of class is over, and there is something important to tell him.

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, He Quanming came to a small pavilion somewhere in the atrium as promised, and saw the figure of Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan in it, and was about to lift his feet to walk, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan turned his head as if feeling something Come, meet his eyes.

...Are all vampires so sensitive?I always feel that she is very sensitive to sight...

When he sighed in his heart, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan ran towards him in three steps at a time, and before he could say hello to Quanming, he suddenly grabbed his hand, full of vitality. call.

"—Senior, let's build a club!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


He Quanming tilted his head strangely, but didn't answer her immediately, stretched his neck and glanced into the gazebo, and found that there were three young girls sitting in it.

"Senior Izumi, hello!"

"You, hello..."

"I haven't forgotten about the end of get out of class just now, senior..."

It was Machi Kyoko and Kusakabe Koyuki who met at the sports festival, and Kotori Yuhime who was glaring at him unkindly.

After saying hello to the two who were smiling helplessly, He Quanming completely ignored the oppressive gaze cast by Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan, and turned his head back to Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan as if nothing had happened, and rubbed his chin for a while to think.

"You mean...you want to start a club?"

"That's right, that's right!" Fei Yan nodded excitedly.

"Is it a special club?" Glancing at Machi Kyoko's neck in flames and her head in her hands, Izumi had a vague guess in his heart.

Fei Yan suddenly widened her eyes in amazement: "Senior, you are too amazing! You guessed it before I said anything!"

"It's not that I'm too good, it's that your ideas are too obvious!" Old-fashionedly poked her forehead with his index finger, He Quanming looked like an elder, "Specially asked me to meet here, and I said that I would create a club when I came here. I also brought Machi-san and Kusakabe-san over here, combining the characteristics of the three of you, I can think of what kind of club you want to create on my knees!"

"Really? Your tone is really loud, you!" Fei Yan pretended not to believe it, folded her hands and squinted at him suspiciously, "Then tell me, what club do I want to create?"

"Just say it, who is afraid of whom!" He Quanming cleared his throat, and under her inexplicably expectant gaze, he spoke solemnly.

"...It's the [Haruhi Suzumiya group that makes the world more lively], right?"

"That's not right! This is not the County North High School!" Slapping the table with both hands, Fei Yan violently complained.

"Is that the 'School Idol Research Club'?"

"In order to save the school, senior, do you want to become an idol?!"

"Or "Neighbors"?"

"It's not like we don't have friends!"

"Then it should be that the "Serving Society" has not run away?"

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