Oh oh oh... Others clapped their hands in admiration, and they all thought this statement was good.

He Quanming also nodded, but he didn't agree immediately, but after thinking about it, he patted the table heavily.

"I don't think so."

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan stood up in shock.

"Why?! I think you're being unfair!"

The surrounding eyes also looked over strangely, waiting for his explanation.

Naturally, there was nothing wrong with Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan's words, it was the most straightforward explanation of their club's name, and her original intention of establishing this club should be the same, pure and without any greed.

It's just that it was impossible to pass the examination of the student union because he was too simple. The starting point is good, and he will not send precious funds to such associations because of this. After all, funds are limited. Compared with small groups like theirs with a small number of people and superficial reasons for activities, there are many important large-scale associations that need more funding and classrooms.

Clearing his throat, he recalled Li Huazuo's demeanor and appearance when he spoke on the podium, supplemented by the more familiar Rafael's voice, which was similar to her voice, He Quanming squeezed his throat and said softly and ethereally.

"...Although the reason is valid, if you just want to study your own characteristics, why do you want to build a club? Research clubs or clubs are fine, so there is no need to use club classrooms, right? If you want funds and classrooms, I hope you can come up with an application that is more in line with the school's regulations...don't give up, come on."

Hearing him pretending to speak softly, with the innocent smile of the student council president still on his face, everyone trembled and retreated from his side with grim faces.

"Okay, so disgusting...Senior is so disgusting..."

"The image of the student council president has been completely ruined by you..."

"That, that... I think it's a bit visually..."


He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked away as if nothing had happened.

"Well, that's why Fei Yan's proposal doesn't work, next one!"

Seeing his expression of clearly trying to get away with it, the few people didn't have the idea of ​​chasing after him... The main reason was that they didn't want to recall his hot-eyed look just now, so they sat back in their seats one after another.

He Quanming pointed at the little bird Youfei.

"It's you next! Tell me what you think!"

"Hey... Me..." Fei Mo frowned a little troubled, and after thinking very seriously, raised a finger and said, "How about this? By learning from the daily activities of sub-human sauces of different races , understand the current living habits and special needs of the sub-human sauce, and use the most natural way to explore the characteristics and information of the sub-human sauce, and contribute to the development of harmony and co-prosperity between human beings and sub-human sauce... etc. ?”

Oh oh oh oh... This time even Akira Izumi couldn't help clapping his hands.As expected of Xiao Niaoyou's younger sister with excellent grades, she plays a set of official accents, which is different from her stupid older sister!

"No, it's not that powerful..." Xiaoniaoyou Feimao scratched her head shyly, surrounded by everyone's applause and admiring eyes, she felt very strange.

So Akira Hequan made a decision like this.

"Okay! Then I will hand over the application for establishing a club to Fei, is it okay?"

"Well, I'll try my best..." Xiaoniao Youfei just wanted to nod, and immediately found something strange, "No! When did I ask you to call me by name? Do I have a good relationship with you?!"

"Okay little Fei, no problem little Fei."

"You..." Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan gritted his teeth and glared at him angrily, but was calmed down by Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan waving his hands, "Well, this is also to say goodbye to me, who told us to have the last name Xiao What about Niaoyou? And it’s more convenient to call it that way~ Don’t worry about Feima~”

"Hey, for my sister's sake, let's forget it this time..." After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that she was right, and she didn't feel bad about being called by Akira Izumi's name, but she still couldn't help it. She gave him a hard gouged look, then turned her head and snorted and stopped looking at him.

He Quanming shrugged his shoulders, not caring that the boy who looked like a good boy was actually a tsundere junior, and continued.

"Then there is the position... Fei Yan is the minister, everyone agrees?"

Everyone nodded in unison. After all, she is the initiator of the club, and she is also the one who has the best relationship with everyone present. Who should she not be?

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan also accepted the title of minister without hesitation, and nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, I will lead our club to become number one in the country!"

"What kind of competition are you going to participate in, hey..."

"...Tennis? Basketball? Volleyball?"

"Except for the last event, if you don't have super powers, you will be tortured and even your life will be in danger!"

"Then the target is the Budokan!"

"Are you going to participate in the student idol contest?!"

"No, in terms of the number of people, we should be the light music department, not the idol research department..."

"It doesn't matter which one it is to us!"

This time, He Quanming complained about her with all his strength, but Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan shook his head with a little regret, as if saying that his complaints were not strong enough, and his expression was extremely unbearable.

"Then what other positions are there in the club? I want to be a cadre too!"

At this time, Machi Kyoko's body suddenly raised her hands high, and her head resting on her feet also showed a look of enthusiasm.

"Also, and me..." Kusakabe Koyuki also raised her palm timidly, with a subtle smile on her face.

Akira Hequan stroked his chin and thought.

"In this case... the vice-minister will be Xiaofei, and Machi-san will be... the exclusive knight in the department, right? Kusakabe-san can be the mascot, and I... will be the chief of staff who controls everything behind the scenes. Specifically, Danzo from Konoha! Aizen from Shinigami!"

Fei Yan: "Why are they all bad examples! And they all died in the end!"

Fei: "...why are there some strange positions except vice minister?"

Machi Kyoko rolled her eyes in doubt: "The exclusive knight in the department? What kind of cadre is that?"

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