Izumi, who didn't know that he was being targeted, shuddered, thinking that someone was using a super useless double to write pictures of himself.

After returning home, he pushed Zongya into a corner first, and used the "Loving Sister Correction Fist" to let her experience what love from a brother is.

If one dies, one will die, and he made Zong Ya deeply understand this truth.

Then I went to report to Sagiri for safety, and was not surprised to be kicked out of the room by this arrogant loli who was obviously worried about him but acted indifferent, saying, "Brother, you don't need to explain so much to me! I'm not worried about you!" Let Hequanming return to the room with a happy smirk.

...My little sister is so cute~

Then, he called Kato Megumi to report on the originally scheduled itinerary.

"So-and-so, so-and-so...that's how it happened."

"Uh... how do I know what happened from those eight characters..."

Kato Megumi was very speechless. As soon as she received the call, she heard such annoyed and funny content. If the number she called hadn't mentioned who it was, she would have hung up the phone without saying a word.

"I believe that with our tacit understanding, you will definitely understand the deep meaning between the lines!" He Quanming said proudly, puffing out his chest.

"Sorry, I don't understand it at all. 』 Kato Megumi replied coldly.

He Quanming nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, this is the end of the daily jokes..."

"This kind of daily life is too unpleasant..."

"It can improve the number of words and increase the fun of our chat. Don't you think this is a great habit?"

"Finish!Complete!do not think so. 』Megumi Kato accentuated her tone, and her gentle tone was accompanied by a weak sigh.

"It's okay, I think it's okay." He smiled indifferently, and before Kato Megumi hung up the phone in anger, He Quanming hurriedly continued, "Let's get down to business! Isn't it raining this afternoon..."

In order not to be criticized for the number of words, He Quanming only picked the key points, and he didn't say some embarrassing things. He just said that he went to Rafael's house to avoid the rain, borrowed her bathroom to take a bath, and then Reading and playing gwent in her living room.

"Reading books and playing cards...you did all that when you went to her house? 』Megumi Kato's voice suddenly rose, and it seemed unbelievable.

"Otherwise what else can I do? 』Surprised by Megumi Kato's little gaffe, Akira Izumi said puzzled, and murmured in his heart.

To be honest, if it wasn't because you are my real girlfriend, all the first times should belong to you, so I tried my best to control my reason... Otherwise, who can bear the atmosphere...

He Quanming is not Liu Xiahui. On the contrary, those cute girls who have a crush on him surround him every day. He can hold back his hands and even develop a closer relationship, mostly because Kato Megumin is in his heart. He has already occupied a large area of ​​land, and his status as a genuine girlfriend has always made him consider Kato Megumi's feelings in everything, and dare not exceed half a point.

Whenever there are evil thoughts, He Quanming's mind will always show that ordinary and pretty face.Megumi Kato, with a gentle twinkle in his eyes, turned around gently with downcast eyes and a concealed smile.

"Well, that's fine... Mingjun doesn't need to care about me, I support you..."

Not angry, not jealous, but the faint smile that seemed to disappear in the next moment, and the side face that didn't want to reveal the real emotion, made He Quanming's heart throbbing slightly, no matter how big the desire will go out instantly.

What's more, he hasn't made any intimate moves to Megumi Kato, if he bypasses her and does something outrageous with other girls first, wouldn't it be like giving her a cuckold directly?

There is a difference in love, and Quanming's love for Kato Megumi has always been a distance ahead of others.

That's why he wondered why Kato Megumi asked him why he didn't do more things... Please, do you want to forgive me that much?

"No, it's not... well, it's nothing. ” Kato Huika paused, and Akira Hequan could hear her take a small deep breath on the other end of the phone, as if she was trying to stabilize her emotions, and then said calmly and calmly as usual, “So that’s it… I see ,Thank you. 』

"Thank you? Didn't we agree a long time ago that this kind of thing can't be kept from the other party?" He Quanming shook his head a little funny. Although he concealed some details, Kato Megumi also kept some small things from him. The tacit understanding between them is like this. They keep their own little privacy, but they don't ignore each other in major matters. It's a bit superfluous to say thank you.

Even the author of a single dog knows that such a relationship can last for a long time.

"No, I'm not thanking that...forget it, let's leave it at that. 』Megumi Kato hesitated for a while, but finally didn’t say the words “Thank you for caring about me”. She let go of her cranky thoughts after listening to Akira Izumi’s narration, and she showed a slight smile like a little girl tasted honey. .

Not knowing Kato Megumi's mood change, although Akira Izumi felt puzzled, he didn't inquire further.

"That's it?"

"that is it. 』

"Is this really all right?"

"that's it……"

"Is that really true?"

"...Otherwise, what do you think? 』Megumi Kato's voice was helpless.

Akira Izumi paused, and decided to speak directly.

"Didn't I just say that she asked me to go shopping and asked me to give her advice?"

"It's true...you want to ask me if I agree with you?" Kato Megumi seemed to have guessed his thoughts, sighed and said frankly, "I'm not that stingy, as long as you don't go to some strange place, I won't object to you going out to play..."

"Wait, wait, did you misunderstand something?" He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, and quickly stopped her from continuing, "I know that you are the most tolerant girlfriend in the world, and you want to help me open the harem How could you still object to Rafael and I going out shopping!"

"It's true to say so, but when you say it, I feel inexplicably unpleasant..." Kato Megumi's mood was a bit complicated.

"Don't worry about such trivial things, I just want to say..."

He Quanming took a deep breath, and seriously made the first request in his life to the girl who was far away in the empty air in front of him.

"Before that, I want to make a date with you!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Autumn leaves fell to the ground rustlingly, sank into the soil and turned into spring mud after several months; the branches had long lost their splendor, leaving only a piece of desolate chic.

He Quanming looked up at the cold sky, exhaled a puff of white smoke, tightened the collar of his coat, and headed towards the school against the biting cold wind.

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