Akira Hequan stroked her hair amusedly, and nodded vigorously.

"Very well, then I'm looking forward to your performance! But now Kato's score in my heart is very high, you little idiot will have to work hard to catch up."

...Wait, why do I think this speech is a bit scumbag?

"Don't worry, just relying on the charm of my future great devil——Sir Hutaozawa Satanikia McDowell, I can make him fall under my wings with just a tick of a finger!

Don't fall for it too early, it's too challenging! "

After hearing this confident declaration, He Quanming couldn't help complaining speechlessly: "Well, didn't you bow down under the pomegranate skirt? Why did you become wings?"

"Pomegranate skirt? What is that? A kind of skirt?"

"...Well, pretend I didn't say it."

Familiar confidence.

Familiar fool.

Familiar smile.

The familiar Satania.

Everything so familiar has never changed, and Izumi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"...Fortunately, she didn't hate me because she knew those things."

Although I don't know if the Demon Realm is polygamy, and I don't really want to open a harem, Izumi is really afraid that Satania will be angry, sad, and want to leave him after knowing his relationship with Kato Megumi ... This is the thing that worries him the most since he established a relationship with Kato Megumi.

Although he was aware of this, in fact, he did not have the firm heart to face the consequences calmly——he thought that he would be looked at by Satania with strange eyes and kept away, he felt My heart throbbed and it was hard to breathe.

Although denying his relationship with Megumi Kato might be able to fool the past, but in this way, Izumi is not a scum who likes so many girls, but a trash who likes but dare not admit it.

Compared with trash, He Quanming would rather be a scumbag.

He would conceal and ambiguously describe the matter of having a girlfriend, but he would never deny it, because it would be like denying Kato Megumi's feelings for him, something that would never be allowed to happen.

Therefore, the moment he learned that Satania had returned to normal after he uttered those affectionate and frank words, He Quanming was ready to be questioned and scolded.

As a result, I felt uneasy, and kept searching for words of comfort in my mind.

But I didn't expect that Satania just said a few words coquettishly, returning to the optimistic and silly look before, and didn't pay much attention to the matter that he was dating Megumi Kato.

This reminded him of Gabriel.

...Does heaven and hell really allow polygamy?

When this thought came out, he couldn't help but to think about it, and some hopeful thoughts kept floating up, but he shook his head vigorously, shaking them all away.

"No, no, how can you break the vows you made because you can open the harem openly? What's more, there is Chang Muyao, she is just an ordinary human being with a normal concept..."

He said that he could not force the ending of the harem, that he would only follow their ideas and not take the initiative to attack, then He Quanming would do it.

It would be too immoral to betray one's determination casually.

And even if Heaven and Hell really allow it, he and Sagiri are just mortals after all...

No matter how you think about it, the road to the harem is just a rainbow bridge that is beyond reach.

It would be good if he stayed by their side honestly.

"Familiar? Hey, familiar! What are you in a daze for?"

Satania's slightly dissatisfied cry sounded in his ears, and Quanming came back from deep thinking, and laughed.

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly remembered something...uh..."

At this time, He Quanming suddenly realized a very bad fact——

Now, he and Satania were sitting in a riding position alone in a dark classroom with only two of them.

After constantly adjusting to a comfortable position, Satania's elastic buttocks straddled his important parts impartially, with the heat of a girl and the feeling of oppressive heartbeat, just The barrier of several layers of fabric can't stop the transmission of that feeling at all.

Her warm little hands gently pressed Hequanming's chest, her red hair drooped down, her cute face and slightly silly red eyes were vaguely visible, reminiscent of innocent children, and this innocent impression combined with unconscious The teasing, as well as the gradually becoming ambiguous atmosphere around, gradually combined with a contrasting sense of immorality, which made the blood of Izumi, who was still a virgin, speed up unconsciously again, and gradually converged at the upper and lower ends.

While blushing and ashamed, a certain reaction is getting worse.

Satania didn't seem to feel the bad atmosphere at all, she just blinked suspiciously, and looked at Izumi with her eyes that also had good eyesight at night.

"What's the matter? Why are you blushing suddenly? It's not hot here."

"Not only is it not hot, it's also a bit cold. After all, winter is here."

It's just the body that's hot.

He Quanming tried his best to maintain the calmness of his little friend, while complaining silently in his heart.

"Then why... Huh? What is this?"

Satania suddenly called out strangely.

He Quanming's face turned green.

"Looks like...something hit my ass..."

He Quanming's face turned green.

Satania moved her body in dissatisfaction. Although it might be better to get up straight at this time, she didn't want to leave Izumi's warm body, so after moving her body a little, she stretched her hands down out.

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