Now this requirement is basically superfluous.

So in the end, Kato Megumi could only sigh helplessly, then held her equally white hand, and said with a soft smile.

"Lafite, we've been friends for a long time, haven't we? It's alright if you don't need to be so begging. After I finish talking about me and Mingjun, let me tell you about the process of your acquaintance! Hurry up and finish talking when Mingjun comes to disturb us." Woolen cloth."

After a pause, Rafael immediately burst into a joyful smile.

"...Okay! That's the deal!"

Nodding happily, shaking her long hair, she sat next to Megumi Kato, took her hand, and listened to her happily telling the story between the two of them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After talking with the younger sisters, He Quanming looked at Rafael and the two of them. They were still chatting happily, and they seemed to be in a good relationship.

But the content of the chat made Izumi a little confused.

"Assuming the universe began with a massive explosion almost 140 billion years ago, the universe at that time would have been confined to a singularity that contained all matter in the universe, the primordial motion of the universe—keep expanding outward. Still In progress……"

"People cannot obtain precise information on the two variables of a particle at the same time, even with the most sophisticated instruments. Specifically, although the position of an electron can be accurately known, its momentum cannot be known at the same time..."

"If you put a cat in a box and release poison..."

"If it was a Note7 that fell on Newton's head..."

Hey, hey, is it really okay for you to discuss such a serious topic with a happy face...

Also, why is the tone of voice so mechanical?Are you guys really chatting?

The corners of his mouth twitched, He Quanming scratched his hair inexplicably, and spoke to the two sitting facing each other.

"Kato, Rafael, you..."


The picture in front of him seemed to be distorted for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, Rafael appeared beside Kato Megumi, talking with a comfortable smile, and the two of them were holding hands friendly.

……what's the situation? !

He Quanming quickly rubbed his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"I'm lying down, have I masturbated too much?"

Eyes wide open, the scene in front of them remained unchanged. The two sat side by side, chatting very happily, and the atmosphere between the two parties was much more harmonious than before.

The topic of conversation was completely out of line with before.

"At that time, classmate Ming said that he would carry me to the shrine. Seeing how persistent he was, I couldn't refuse, so I asked him to carry me for a while... But do you know? He actually recited halfway Say I’m heavy! And I’m really powerless kneeling on the ground, as if I’m crushing him, don’t you know how to think about girls? Hmph!”

Rafael puffed out his mouth angrily, Kato Megumi also nodded sympathetically and sighed.

"Yeah, Ming Jun is really too much sometimes, especially when it comes to being outspoken... One day, he must be taught a lesson and let him know what he can't say to girls. But listening to you, I I also remembered that once he said something very exaggerated to me, I still remember it, every time I think about it, I feel a little angry..."

Listening to them chatting happily, He Quanming was confused.

What the hell is going on?

Why did their topic suddenly change from academic research to black history sharing?

What's going on here?I missed a chapter?Author, come out to me, did you secretly write the story without telling me!

Ask for details in the middle process! Damn!I'm completely confused right now!

The sudden change of the chat topic, and the position of the two people changed in less than a second. After thinking about it for a while, Izumi had a vague guess—it was as if the scenes he saw before were all illusions. It was lifted, what he saw was the scene in the real world, and what he heard was what they were really talking about.

... Ma Dan, am I under an illusion?Which pink eye patient with distorted and separated pupils gave me the illusion?Do you want to be so boring?

It is said that there are already angels and demons in this world, shouldn't there be even ninjas?What if a thousand-year-old old woman suddenly appeared one day and said that she wanted to rule the world...

Woohoo, the earth is so dangerous, I can’t go to the moon, can I immigrate to Mars...

Speechless complaints and unreliable guesses kept rolling in his mind, and Akira Kazumi stared at the two with complicated expressions on his face, and was finally noticed by the girls who were chatting happily.

"Eh? Classmate Ming, what's the matter? Why do you look like Sa Jiang's pineapple buns were robbed?"

Rafael pursed his lips and smiled, and he knew that she was asking the question knowingly.

"Let's not talk about my expression so it's not so miserable... I said, did you use some kind of magic to block my vision just now? In a blink of an eye, you jumped from the third frame to the thirtieth frame like an animation that failed to edit , I don't believe you didn't play tricks!"

Frowning, Izumi glared at her.

Rafael stuck out his tongue playfully all of a sudden, as if showing off to him, shaking the hand that was holding Megumi Kato in the air.

"Hehe, I can't help it~ I don't want others to hear the girl's conversation, so I used a barrier to block the sound! You see, now the relationship between Megumi and I has become super good~"


Dumbfoundingly twitching the corners of her mouth, Kato Megumi sighed helplessly, letting her fiddle with her hands, looked at Akira Izumi and nodded slightly at him, seemingly agreeing with Rafael's statement.

After getting an explanation from them, He Quanming was not angry, but heaved a sigh of relief, inexplicably, as if a heavy burden had been let go in his heart, he smiled unconsciously, and said gently.

"That's right... That's good! If everyone can get along well, that would be great."

As soon as these words came out, the air seemed to freeze for a moment.

The two sisters turned their heads to look at him at the same time, their eyes were as cold as looking at scum.

"...Brother, why do I feel that your sentence seems to have appeared many times in some harem novels?"

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