Is this the so-called canine woman...

After saying goodbye to the two underage men and women and a giant white dog in the Master Room, and making a report call to the school, He Quanming was brought to the second place by Rafael.

In front of him was a cute knitting store, filled with pink and girly scents, and Izumi took two steps back a little uncomfortable.

Rafael smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Student Ming, I remember that you don't seem to be wearing scarves and gloves, right? It's so cold now, it's not good if you get frozen?"

"Hahaha, what you said makes sense. When I get home, I will turn out the scarf and gloves and put them on. Thank you for your concern."

He Quanming smiled dryly and took steps towards the street, only to find that he was getting closer and closer to the door of the store.

Looking back, Rafael was pulling him into the store calmly, as if he hadn't resisted at all, and his manner of lifting weight seemed extremely chic.

Mom sells batches, so why are the powers of these angels and demons so perverted...

Rolling his eyes, He Quanming, who had no ability to resist, could only be dragged obediently into the girly shop, and endured the smiling eyes of other female customers in the shop.

After Rafael picked out two pairs of scarves and gloves of different colors and the same style, He Quanming couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"That... the black one, you bought it for me, right?"

After paying the bill and walking out of the store, Rafael directly handed the black pair of gloves and scarves that were obviously for men to He Quanming, and smiled slightly with a pretty face.

"Don't ask me what you know, the only man I can send is Ming! Here, here you are."

"Oh, thank you..."

Blindedly taking the two woven fabrics with a nice touch, Hequanming thanked them, but couldn't help complaining in his heart.

(Didn’t you still have daddy to send it to you...)

But at this time, it was too incomprehensible to complain about it, so he shut his mouth and accepted the gift obediently.

Just when he was about to put his things into the bag, he suddenly heard Rafael ask him strangely: "Huh? Isn't classmate Ming wearing it now?"

He Quanming looked up suspiciously, but saw that Rafael had already put her white scarf around her neck, and had just put on her gloves, looking at him expectantly.

He took a look at the style of the scarves of the two of them. It was obviously a couple's style with opposite colors, so if they wore it like this, they would be mistaken for a couple in minutes.

Her plan was obvious, and He Quanming knew it without guessing. After hesitating for a while, he also put on the scarf and gloves.

It was already cold at the end of November, and the piercing wind hit his bare skin from time to time. Akira Izumi, who was only wearing heavy clothes, immediately felt relieved as soon as he put on a very warm scarf and gloves.

Gently exhaling a puff of white smoke, he smiled and nodded to her.

"Thank you, it's very warm."

Raphael returned a sweet smile, looking very satisfied that way.


The two walked side by side towards the last place Rafael wanted to go to. Just as they took a step, Izumi paused and reached out his hand to her.

"bring it on."

Turning his head to look at her, who was slightly shorter, his expression was as relaxed as if he had temporarily let go of something. In his slightly narrowed pupils, there was only her figure.


Rafael stared blankly at the gentle smiling face, suddenly, there was an inexplicable throbbing that stirred his heartstrings.

A warm current flowed from the bottom of my heart to my whole body. After dispelling the winter chill, it turned into two blushes on my face and pinched my nasal cavity with pantothenic acid.

That feeling is completely different from before.

Even if it was only temporarily, he made this decision silently, and Raphael could feel it.

The feeling that the person you love puts complete love on yourself is like magma, like a hot spring, like the rising sun, like the whole body will be ignited with an eternal flame, it is so hot and scary.

——Raphael felt it deeply.

And so sighed.

(Ah, if only time could stay in this moment forever...)

I never thought that I would express such a girlish emotion.

However, maybe this is also a logical development?

After all, I am now a girl in love.

Not an angel, not a young lady, just a happy girl who is dating her boyfriend.

Just recognizing this fact made her feel very satisfied.

That innocent smile without any impurities was also revealed naturally.


She didn't make too many moves, and didn't make provocative words as usual. The white-haired girl just gently handed her hand to the big hand, leaning slightly, and followed him silently.

There are always two blushes floating on her fair and plump cheeks, which are faint, but always smiling.

It seems to be able to convey the temperature of love for the cold winter.

Interwoven black and white scarves, black and white gloves holding each other, and lightly touching black and white figures, walking on the gradually warming street.

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