"Well, if you always care about such trivial things, you won't grow up?" Rafael looked at Qingshan's slightly stable chest, and also straightened out his own plumpness by the way.

Qing Shan took two steps back as if he was being oppressed, his hands crossed his chest and his face was blushing slightly annoyed.

"Really, Miss Raphael, don't make fun of me..."

After chatting for a few words like friends they haven't seen for a long time, they got to the point.

"Miss Raphael, is there anything I need help with this time? Something went wrong with the product last time?"

Rafael shook his head, with a strange expression on his face, and he wandered his eyes somewhat unspeakably.

"Um... not a problem... just..."

Qing Shan tilted his head in doubt: "Just?"

Rafael smiled awkwardly.

"Well, I want to change to a new size..."

As if being struck by lightning, Qing Shan fell backwards in disbelief, holding on to the counter beside him so as not to fall down.

"Could it be that it's getting bigger...?"

Rafael nodded with difficulty.

"Yes...about a SIZE..."

Aoyama stared at Raphael's chest as if he was looking at some kind of rapidly growing monster, his eyes were full of horror, his face turned pale.

"How is it possible, it's only been two weeks... They are all about the same age, why is there such a growth rate..."

A thought flashed in her heart, but she shook her head and put it aside—she had seen her figure when she was trying on clothes for Rafael, it was a very perfect and beautiful shape, big but not sagging, straight and tall Not to mention, it can be called the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. There is really no need to encourage it. It would be better to say that no artificial method can achieve her natural shape.

What's more, Rafael himself said that she is still worrying about being too big.

What a beauty like that needs is no longer appearance and figure, but connotation... So, that terrible growth rate is a natural development?

oh my god...

Having figured this out, Qing Shan couldn't help asking in astonishment, with a hint of envy on his face.

"Miss Rafael, what do you usually eat?"

Why did you become so respectful all of a sudden...

Rafael smiled helplessly.

"It's nothing special. I guess it's a natural relationship that grows so fast..."

Hearing this, Qing Shan suddenly dropped his shoulders in disappointment, and sighed.

"Sure enough... this is a world that pays attention to talents..."

She sighed for a while, but she didn't care much about her figure, she immediately cheered up, raised her smiling face and resumed her professional status at work.

"In that case, I'll show you underwear that's one size bigger! Do you want the same style as last time? Or do you want to try the new brand name of our company?"

Rafael, who is a local tyrant, wanted to wave his hand and say to get me all the sets first, and I would try it slowly, but suddenly recalling the purpose of bringing Izumi Akira, he couldn't help showing a smirk, and turned to Izumi who was beside him. Ming said hello.

"Student Ming...Student Ming?"

Hearing Rafael calling him, while she was chatting with the waiter, He Quanming, who also found someone to chat with, immediately interrupted the topic, said goodbye to the other party, and walked to Rafael's side.

"What's wrong? What's the matter with me?"

Rafael didn't answer first, but looked at the blue long-haired girl who had a pleasant chat with Izumi just now with doubts.

"That girl is..."

Akira Izumi shrugged, with a slightly gloating smile on his face.

"He? He's just a poor bastard who picks out clothes for some ulterior purpose. His current name is Shiori, and he's the same age as us."

"Him?" Rafael was stunned for a moment, then nodded clearly—it turned out to be another big guy in women's clothing!

But with an ulterior motive, could it be...

He couldn't help looking awe-inspiringly at the blue-haired girl who was frowning and looking at her underwear in distress, and after a little test with the holy light, she turned her head as if nothing had happened.

He's not a bad boy, so don't worry about it~

In other words, it shows that the classmate can ask so much information in such a short period of time, it is really amazing...

With a useless exclamation in his heart, Rafael brought Izumi Akira in front of Aoyama, and said to her with a smile.

"Miss Qingshan, can you help me choose a few models that match different styles? I want to try them on."

Seeing the bespectacled boy staring at Rafael with wide eyes, Aoyama was shocked as if he understood something, nodded suddenly, and shrank back into the counter with a flushed face.

"Yes, yes! Please wait a moment, both of you, I will deliver the clothes right away."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head timidly and looked at the two of them with embarrassment.

"...However, the locker room in this store can only be used for changing clothes, please...restrain a little..."

He Quanming twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Wait, I think you seem to have misunderstood something..."

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